The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1382: How is Shenkeng made

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In fact, things did not end so simply.

Lydia had little experience using weapons to fight. For the first time, she raised her three-pointed harpoon, but failed to stab the gray-fin murloc, then pulled it out and stabbed again.

So again and again, it took all his energy to nail the gray fin murloc to the ground.

The unlucky gray-fin murloc may not even have dreamed that he, who has always been good at the Yin people, will be turned back by the human slave girl in the end of the crossbow, and it is so sad and tragic, and it is a bit of a pity.

"Aw! Earn it, earn it!"

"This human slave girl is so great that I made so much money!"

A large number of people on the scene cheered loudly after the announcement of the result of the game. They made a desperate bet and took a risk on Lydia, making a lot of money.

Of course, there are also many people, because Lydia loses so much, who made her unexpected again and again, is simply unpredictable. So these people who lost money couldn't even make the cry of mourning.

"Hahaha, beautiful and beautiful, this human female magician's wrestling is unexpectedly beautiful!"

"Yeah yeah, especially the scene where she stabbed the stinky fishman with a harpoon, it was really wonderful!"

"I think she used gold coins to kill a barbarian warrior, that's called classic!"

Around the scene, after the cheers of winning money, there was a lot of discussion and aftertaste.

Lydia played six games in a row, one game after another.

In addition to the ogres at the beginning, they also faced Goblin, Gnomes, Hellhounds, Barbarian Gladiators, and the Grayfin Murloc.

The moves used by Lydia, from the beginning of the orthodox magician moves, have become more and more strange.

Starting with the use of the surrounding environment, analyzing the gap between the enemy and the enemy, and borrowing all available resources around him, afterwards, this Lydia became more and more proficient in combat, and the moves she used became more and more varied.

Especially in the fifth game, without any weapons, she actually used the gold coins scattered on the field and shot through the throat of the barbarian gladiator.

In this sixth game, she even reversed her desperation. She secretly hid a magic spell and turned the gray-fin murloc to the crowd, making the scene crowding.

Originally, fighting is fighting, how can there be so many rules? The most practical routine is to defeat the opponent by any means.

This is very in line with the appetite of the surrounding **** residents. The surrounding crowds, whether they lose or win, are very optimistic about this human slave girl.

At this time, Lydia is a rising star in this arena. Some courageous onlookers are still pleading with Wang Yan with a low eyebrow and charming, hoping that Wang Yan will let Lydia take it. I would like to see Lydia's gladiator in the future.

Naturally, Wang Yan was arrogant and flicked his fingers at will. These crowds of onlookers naturally dared not talk any more, and then retreated obediently.

However, it is undeniable that Lydia's stubborn and tenacious performance has indeed won her the recognition of the aggressive and vigorous **** residents on the scene.

"Giggle, master, I didn't expect you to have such a great training method. In just a few games, that little Nizi has become like a decent, and the progress is really amazing." On the stand, the succubus succumbed to the king. Beside Yan, looked at Lydia's eyes, full of stunning colors.

Just kidding, Wang Yan's combat experience may not even be comparable to some **** creatures.

Before Lydia's war, or after the war, he would secretly use Lydia's sarcasm, or seemingly talking and laughing, to disguise Lydia's various defects and the following combat skills in disguise.

Lydia is quite intelligent. Although angry at Wang Yan ’s mocking, she thinks about it. These mockings have turned into an enemy-controlling technique and a way to change progress.

In this way, under the guidance and guidance of Wang Yan, Lydia made rapid progress and became more enlightened and enlightened in her heart. Only then did she gradually realize the skills she should possess in actual combat and the precise control of magic power.

In addition, Lydia has a very solid foundation, and her combat ability is not bad. What she lacks is all kinds of skills and psychological qualities. With Wang Yan ’s guidance, this is one after another, and she won by thrills. .

Of course, Wang Yan is also not stingy. At the end of each game, he will give a certain amount of pharmacy according to the situation, otherwise Lydia will not be able to support so many fierce battles even if it is iron.

"Giggle, the master is so blessed. I believe that it won't take long for her to become a better magician than her grandfather." The succubus whispered meaningfully beside Wang Yan.

She was a succubus but had seen Lydia ’s grandfather. The current dean of the Star Academy, the president of the Super League Association, the legendary magician Emmons, said to be a big person on Earth, the same generation as Master Wang Yan. , A pure and sophisticated magic cultivation, very good.

Even now, the succubus has already advanced to the legendary level, but she is still shallow, she still thinks that she is not the opponent of the old legendary strong.

However, she believes that the talented Lydia will certainly be able to surpass the grandfather who is quite accomplished on the earth in the future. At that time, her master will inevitably have one more talented helper.

The succubus' emotion naturally hung on her face without concealing it. Wang Yan stared at her helplessly and shifted the topic: "That Lydia has a strong heart and good qualifications. She can survive. Her own ability. "

"Yes, yes, she really did it on her own."

Lord Chew quickly hurried over, and the thief laughed and said, "Boss, you have also seen, this human slave girl is really hard to come by, with such a good qualification, as long as you take a good time to cultivate and fine-tune, you will be able to crack Papa, again hehehe ... "

The man who confuses the lord laughs is called a bright sun, frivolous. How could he not understand the look of the succubus? This is not in front of the boss, the vivid image is shown.


Just when the confusing Lord laughed and enjoyed himself, Wang Yan slapped it on the back of his head: "Slap your head, hey you soul, go and get me back the gold coins."

"Pick up, pick up, I'll pick up here." The confusing lord stumbled, almost didn't give a slap, and scratched his head, then quickly walked to the edge of the guardrail, reached out a hand, and began to take the gold coins all over the ground. Picked it up.

"Boss, you may have misunderstood me. I mean this kind of human slave girl is a personal talent. Such a qualification is rare even in our hell. Looking back and nurturing it well, you can take it as a guard."

After the confessed Lord was beaten, he still encouraged with a hippy smile, "Of course, in private, you can still ... Hehehe ... Boss, you know, we men, of course, should conform to our nature and establish a big Harem. "

Wang Yan immediately dropped a big drop of cold sweat, he just wanted to help Lydia grow up quickly, but what happened to these people around?

Do some successful men who succeed, help the little girl have something else?


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