The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1371: Fierce battle

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"Boss, this ogre's bloodthirsty technique is indeed a very powerful skill. Even our shaman shamans in the purgatory demon clan have learned to use bloodthirsty technique, but the effect after being cast is not used in ogre. Good body. "

Seeing the boss Wang Yan as the boss, the confusing lord seemed to be interested in the race of ogre, so he talked about his opinion on the side, "The race of ogre is born with natural affinity, full of strength and wildness. I ca n’t compare. ”

Any race has its own racial characteristics and talents, and ogres with such strength and talent are the fundamentals of their survival and reproduction in the wild.

However, everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Ogres rely too much on their strong talents, so that they do not like to use their brains. IQ has been relatively low since evolution. And because of its superior strength and full of wildness, it is relatively convenient to obtain food in the wild, which also cultivates them into a lazy and indifferent lattice without organization and discipline.

Otherwise, this race is really likely to become a powerful and cohesive colonial race in the world of hell, just like the Infernal Demon Race.

"Right, boss, some of the barbarians under my hand will also have some talent skills."

Lord Chew seemed to think of something, and quickly reported to Wang Yan, "That ability is called madness. In the words of some warlocks, it's called raging."

After the Lord of Red Confusion said, Wang Yan can already understand that some elite warriors of the barbarians can stimulate the effect of ogre bloodthirsty in the state of killing the enemy in anger, thus reaching a violent state.

If some barbarian warriors with poor qualifications cannot go crazy on their own, they can be stimulated by the magician ’s spells or potions to achieve this violent state.

Once the barbarian warriors have reached this violent state, they will be temporarily distracted and enter a state of irrationality, and their hearts will be replaced by bloodthirsty and killing.

At this time, their power and speed will explode, and the whole person will be transformed into a fighting machine that only knows about killing in a moment, and it will no longer be affected by pain and fear, and its combat power will skyrocket.

Outsiders usually call the barbarian warriors in this state called violent warriors, or mad warriors. There are even rumors that the wild barbarian warriors can even tear the enemy without weapons, or even in the case of serious injuries, they can still crush the enemy's throat alive, and eventually die with the other party.

The barbarian warriors after the madness are terrible, and even increase the intensity, which is greater than the bloodthirsty of the ogre. However, its shortcomings are that it will temporarily lose its mind, and the state of madness will overdraw its body and energy. Once the madness is over, the side effects of overdraft and various injuries will make a strong barbarian warrior weak and difficult to move. .

But the terrible fighting power brought about by the madness is enough to make the barbarian race known to all major planes, and to occupy a place among the many weak and strong food races.

"These two are very good races, and if used, they will definitely play an unexpected role."

Wang Yan has already seen the excellent combat ability of the barbarian. It can be said that when he was the master of the battle against the Yanhu Lake, the elite barbarian brought to him by the Lord of Confusion played a very crucial role for him.

Wang Yan also saw the advantage of ogres. Obviously, the single combat capability is stronger, that is, the lack of organization and discipline, otherwise it can also play a powerful role.

Of course, Wang Yan had no time to think about others at this time.

The battle between Lydia and the ogres in the current arena finally reached a heated stage after a few rounds of competition.


The ogre Ablon Giantmaul, running in the arena, is like a bulldozer rushing into the field, the posture of rushing to Lydia alone, as if Taishan is pressing the top, this horrifying momentum alone is enough to hold any timid People, their hearts are crumbling. .

Lydia is also under this great pressure, her nerves are tense, and her potential is constantly being stimulated. In such a crisis situation, she has no time to pay attention to others, and the popular technique of helping to move is applied to the extreme all the time.


The Ogre Ablon Giantmaul grabbed the first move in one step, waved the steel stick mallet full of spikes in his hand, and waved diagonally towards Lydia, who was running.

"Boom! Wow!"

The distance between the two is about several tens of meters, but the power of the ogres swinging out with a mallet under the inspiration of bloodthirsty is simply appalling. The air wave lifted by the light mallet formed a powerful shock wave that cut the rocky ground all the way, with a billow of smoke and dust all the way, like a rough and ferocious blade, rushing towards Lydia.


At this critical moment, Lydia felt that her scalp was numb, almost entirely based on the survival instinct inspired by epinephrine, the critical moment rushed forward and rolled on the spot, which was a dangerous escape. .

And the shock wave lifted by the mallet almost wiped the dress behind Lydia, and suddenly hit the wall next to it.

There was a huge roar, the whole wall trembled, and a shocking big mouth suddenly appeared in front of people. At this time, the observers around have learned to be good. No one dared to be paralyzed. They all hugged the guardrail at the edge of the grandstand, fearing that they would fall down and be killed by accident.

The blow just fell, and the emotions of the viewers all around increased without increasing.

Because Lydia has been knocked to the ground at this time, once this human female magician loses her mobility, just a little slower, is it not a dead end to greet her?

Indeed, as long as Lydia is overtaken by the ogres, she will surely die. However, Lydia below, once again brought unexpected changes to the viewers around.

Although she fell to the ground at this moment, the magic missile that she secretly brewed while running was completed.

I saw her taking advantage of the new power of the ogres, and when the old power was not alive, her hands were three magic missiles.


The magic missile with a broken sound made a gorgeous track in the air and blasted towards the ogre.

Magic missiles, also known as arcane missiles, are explosive bombs formed of pure magic energy. This explosion situation is due to the different attributes of the elements controlled by each magician, resulting in the effects of different attributes.

But don't look at this as a basic attack magic. It is a low-level magic that almost every magician must learn when getting started, but its practicality is definitely more extensive than some middle-level and high-level magic.

If used properly, the power of arcane missiles can be continuously added. Once it reaches a certain level, an arcane missile can even exert the lethality of a nuclear bomb!

The principle is actually similar to that of nuclear fusion. Even if it is a piece of A4 paper, it will exceed the diameter of the Milky Way as long as it is folded in 84 times. If it is folded in 104 times, it will even exceed the diameter of the observed universe.

This is the powerful power hidden in tiny things!


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