The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1367: Flash in case of danger

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The IQ of the ogre is quite low compared to other intelligent races.

They are a well-known barbaric race with simple minds and well-developed limbs. Normally, if you punch them and annoy them, they will definitely punch you in seven or eight punches in return, and you may even screw your head down and eat it as food.

Therefore, this violent and brutal character also made him very difficult to control. In addition, they are very powerful, so as long as they do not make trouble, other intelligent races can usually not provoke or provoke.

After all, who is going to provoke a madman who is so angry that he doesn't even want to die? Even a fierce beast from the wild can be scared. But once the ogre kills its red eyes, it really hits itself.

Except for some mercenary regiments that are not afraid of death, they hire some ogres as fighting power. Normally, normal organizations rarely hire ogres as thugs or soldiers.

Right now the ogren Ablon Giantmaul was attacked and injured by Lydia, which caused him pain and an anger in his heart.

He wouldn't pity Xiangxixiyu, and now he raised the mallet and rushed to Lydia, which was a terrifying thunder.

In the stands, Wang Yan looked like a torch, tightly locking the ogres, and his hands were tightly holding the guardrails of the stands.

Although his expression was calm and calm as usual, his heart was experiencing mood swings no less than that of Lydia himself.

If he is worried about Lydia's safety and helps him, then Lydia will never be able to make a breakthrough and advance to the legendary S-Class, even if he does not know the Year of the Monkey.

But if he does n’t give assistance, if Lydia below is going to have an accident, he will be to blame, and his heart will not pass.

Although he believes that Lydia has great potential, as long as she learns to use her power reasonably and is good at using all kinds of tactics, she will be able to overcome the strong enemy, and there will inevitably be no accidents.

Once an accident occurred, Wang Yan would be too late to save.

Just when the situation reached a point of utter despair, the ogre lifted his mallet into the air and was about to hit Delia, Wang Yan's contradictory heart.

The scene suddenly flashed a white light that surprised everyone.

The white light seemed to be a terrifying light, lit up out of thin air. At the same time, the steel bar mallet full of thorns slammed into the ogre Abulon Giantmaul, hitting Lydia where it was.


There was a loud bang.

In this corner of the arena, the gravel fell and the dust burst like a bomb exploded. Above the stands, the onlookers immediately felt a sway under their feet.

These onlookers immediately exclaimed a series of exclamations, one by one, in such terrible power, even if the female slave below was a steel bar, would it be smashed into a pile of mud?


A bystander took a breath, his two eyes wide open, staring straight at the ogre's side, said in horror: "Look, hurry ... look!"

"That human slave girl is still alive!"

Soon, hundreds of onlookers turned their eyes to the ogre's side, and a new round of wonder and discussion began to burst out in the crowd.

"She, how did she do it?"

"That human female magician is amazing!"

"How suddenly did she appear, where did she suddenly appear? Is it ..."

"Space magic ?!"

Magic has always been regarded as a supernatural power in the eyes of modern people. Even among superpowers, only a small part can master it. This small part of people is usually called a magician.

But in the world of **** with plenty of elemental energy, magic is actually a very common way of manipulating power. For example, warlocks, sorcerers, shamans, etc., even warriors such as Scarlet Lord can use some magical powers. For example, the **** fire wave proud of the Chidu family is a use of the power of fire magic.

However, once it has moved from elemental magic to space magic, it is not a force that ordinary people can control.

Space magic needs to involve more advanced space laws, so whether it is on earth or hell, it is a very deep skill. In the world of hell, apart from a few talented races, only some strong individuals with very high levels of their own strength can initially be involved in the power of the law of space.

So when these onlookers saw Lydia suddenly disappearing from the spot after a bright flash of light, and then appeared out of thin air on the side of the ogre, they couldn't help but be surprised.

"No, isn't it? Boss, this little Nizi can actually control the laws of space ?!"

Above the stands, the stunned Lord stunned and said in horror, "Boss, you must not feed her this time. The female slave with the gift of space is extremely rare!"

"Xiao Chi, you have to use your brain first when you encounter something."

Wang Yan looked blank and puzzled. After he let out a sigh of relief in his heart, he said indifferently, "She is now suppressed to the domain level. How can she exert her developmental strength? This is a magic from the earth, flash. "

After listening to Wang Yan's explanation, not only is the confusion, cruelty, and even the appraiser Zoe not only unconscious, but even if it is not a law of space, it must be a very powerful spell.

This is indeed a very powerful technique, and Wang Yan is very good at this skill.

Unlike the law of space, once the law of space is involved, it is bound to involve the use of space and time, and even multi-dimensional space. This law requires extremely high qualification and understanding of the caster. Even if you can get in touch, but you can reach the top level of masters There are only people of this level.

The flash technique used by Lydia actually belongs to a magic faction in the arcane magic-the change system.

Speaking of space magic, it is also a principle that uses the change of space and time.

This flashing technique from the change system does not break the space like space magic, but uses elemental power to form a concave twist in the surrounding space.

This is like using your finger to press a dent on a piece of white paper. The person who performed the flash technique followed the indentation on this white paper and moved instantaneously, thereby reaching from one position to another.

Therefore, some magic factions call this magic teleportation.

The disadvantage may be that the distance of the teleport is not far away, and the energy and magic power are very large. In addition, if the other party is a master of the space department, it can still capture the trajectory of the teleport through the space fluctuation.

But even so, Blink is still a life-saving card for the magicians in danger.

Moreover, this technique is not only exclusive to the Western magic of the earth. Like Wang Tao ’s familiar Eastern Taoist spells, there are similar instantaneous techniques, hiding techniques, a bigger method of stealing beams and columns, hiding the sky and the sea, etc., which are similar techniques. Later, these Taoist techniques were learned by Dongying people, and they became instant masters in Yin Yang Master and Ninjutsu.

However, no matter how this technique develops and evolves, there is no doubt that the flash spell is very sophisticated, and the magician who can perform this technique is definitely a master in the magic world.


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