The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1345: For a while, you can tap

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The slap was clear and abrupt, the heavy strength of Chilian Demon King, the blood from the corner of the pumped Chilie's mouth was bleeding, and the eyes were Venus.

"Huh! Waste, do you still have a face to question this king?" Chilian Demon King stared at him with a fierce sneer, "If it weren't for your arrogance and ignorance, would things be so big?"

"The juniors who can be easily erased are known to you all over the city. Now you can tell Ben Wang how Ben Ben should kill him? Do you want Ben to cause a fool because of you idiot? War ?! "

The Chilian Demon King scolded more and more, staring at the three sons in front of him fiercely, and wished he could die hard.

Hell is a world full of crises, aside from the harsh natural environment, and countless ferocious species, let alone the three major demon forces are in a state of hostility to each other. Ruthless killing, or as a slave trader for fun.

Not to mention ordinary residents, it is a heir to a devil prince. It is normal to die outside.

The premise is that as long as the gods are not aware of ghosts, who knows if you died in the mouth of the monster, or entered the enemy's territory by mistake and were slaughtered by the enemy forces?

Originally, in the eyes of Chilian Demon King, Moyan was just an alien young man who didn't have long eyes. What if he had noble blood? As long as you do n’t know what to do, you will kill it quietly.

But these three sons who don't have the means to make things so big, the people in the whole city of Liuhuo know that there is a stranger, Moyan.

Now that he is the master of this Demon King's field, if he is forced to solve him, then a large-scale war is inevitable.

Lord Chilie was already injured. This time, he was slapped by a slap, and it was even more meaty and visceral.

But where did he dare to be tough with his father? He quickly got up and fell to his knees again, repeatedly lowering his head to admit his mistake: "My father's atonement is the child's enemy."

He looks very humble on the surface, but the cold light in his eyes makes him feel dissatisfied.

Right now he is counting on opening the remains of the starry **** of the sky, and he will take advantage of it first. In time, he will not only become a generation overlord, but even his father Chilian Demon King!

The two brothers, Red Bone and Red Rock, are also inseparable from this matter. At this time, under the pressure of the Red Refining Demon King, they were terrified and trembling. When Chi Lie admits his mistake, he quickly followed him. Good words.

Speaking, the sly red-eyed eyeballs grunted, complimenting and agreeing: "My father is right, let's let that **** magic flame go for a few more days, as long as we are within the scope of our demon king's collar, we want to get rid of it. He, there are opportunities. Now the child has an idea ... "

Chi Gu said his tricks. Chi Lie and Chi Yan both agree with this retreatable approach.

The Chilian Demon King still doesn't keep his voice, because he is so wise, he already had such an idea, now it is just to train his own son, and give them a little more chance to show.

"Alas ... It's just a pity that our ignorant sister cheapened that magic flame tonight." Chi Yan said suddenly and dying, and the face of Chilian Demon suddenly turned green.

Who's baby girl is cheaper than the wild boy outside, who's psychologically good?

So Chi Yan suddenly said, although reasonable, but such reckless words and deeds scared both Chi Lie and Chi Gu. Is n’t this the one that does n’t open and which one is the one that you want to kill?

Fortunately, Chilian Demon face was gloomy, but there was no attack, but he snorted coldly, forcedly said indifferently: "Well, don't care about her, that girl is just too playful, woke up for a while, these young people who have been slaughtered by her all these years Are there still fewer Junjie? "

"Yes, our sister is really playful, and will get tired after a while." Chigu and Chiyan quickly nodded and agreed, but in fact, where is just playful now? Obviously, I was hooked on that magic flame.

In the past, with their sister's cruelty and high-spirited look, where would a man give such a downside?

Even those youths who had been abused by her before were only driven by the instinct of the succubus lineage. She deliberately lured the target to hook, and then brutally killed for fun, but it was definitely not as obsessed as it is now.

Those of them who are brothers are very clear. Although their sister looks frivolous, it is because she was indulged in lawlessness from childhood. Until now, a man who can really enter her eyes and have a substantial relationship with her, but a nothing.

Now that their sister is of the age of marriage, and that Mo Yan is going to live in her county palace tonight, it is clear that their sister, surely is going to cheap that Mo Yan.

At the thought of this, their three brothers called a hate in their hearts. They lost a female slave and said they were beaten by the other party. Finally, their own sister ran away with the other party.

The key to this unlucky thing is that the three of them dare not mention it at the moment.

It is humiliating to say such things, annoying their father Chilian Demon King, and it is them who are in the end.

Ugh! The three of them couldn't help but sigh for a long time. When they encountered this Demon Flame Broom Star, they considered it as a plant.


"His Royal Highness, please walk slowly. Welcome next time ... woo woo ... come ..."

The top club in Liuhuocheng, the boss of the mysterious nest, the boss of the nest, Coles, farewell to Wang Yan and the cruel and other people who took the mount, saying "Welcome to come again next time", it is said that he is sad, especially It was the last word "come", and he had already burst into tears before exporting.

However, it was not easy for him to survive for a lifetime, only to save such a top entertainment building, and he was struck down by three or four floors.

Coupled with other losses, as well as the subsequent maintenance and suspension of business, it is simply a sky-high price, not to mention the entire year of income, it is a total loss.

His distressed feeling was like blood dripping. Although it is possible to find the effect of the Red Demon Demon King, the person in charge of the Devil's Palace promised compensation, but he dares to be a little old bustard who runs the entertainment industry?

However, he was able to survive and grow in this huge city of fire through his entire family of Demon Refining Demon King. Now, with this loss, he can only break his teeth and swallow into his stomach.


Wang Yan and the brutal master of the county, through the battle tonight, were considered famous in the city of Liuhuo. Various rumors and legends quickly spread throughout the streets and even three-year-old children can shout a few sentences. Lord of the Flame Flame.

Those who didn't see the duel swarmed in the streets around the arena, and for a long time did not want to leave, they saw the heroic posture of Lord Mo Yan.

However, as the Red Demon Demon King left, the four Demon Kings' guards returned to the side of the Abusive County Master. They led the guards from the Palace of the County Lord and escorted them all the way. The idlers did not dare to move forward, only far away View from far away.

Halfway through the itinerary, the sky was just above the moon, looking at the tall and handsome Wang Yan next to him, thinking about the next thing to do, the brutal county master could not help but warm his cheeks and shyly lowered his head: "Devil, Lord Moyan, happiness Come too suddenly, slave, slave family is a little nervous ... "

Wang Yan was slightly surprised, but the brutal master of the next words almost didn't let him fall off the mount.

"Master Demon Flame, one, for a while, you can tap ..."


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