The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1342: That slave girl is yours

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In addition, Wang Yan's sharp eyes, while he was protected by Ba Jinjing, he also found the source of the poison mist, the dragon dragon strain.

At that time, he collected the Goblin youngsters in the Chilian Lake, and gave them to his Goblin storage box, which played a big role.

Although the defense power of Bajinjing is against the sky, if it has been eroded by Jiaolong Poison Fog, the exhaustion of power is only a matter of time. In addition, Wang Yan does not expose his bottom line too much. .

Jiaolong Toxin Strain is a one-time use item, once opened, it cannot be closed again. Therefore, after trying to close it, Wang Yan picked up a Goblin storage box and installed the Jiaolong Toxin strain in it.

The Goblin storage box is the product of Goblin, a slave race with strong hands-on ability and alchemy enchantment. It has the simple and practical characteristics of Goblin. The models are large and small, and they are diverse. Technology, invented storage rings, and storage bracelets have similarities.

Wang Yan thought that there were too many good things in the world of hell. Naturally, it was better to bring some tools that can be stored. When he left Chiliehuze, he brought a few more Goblin storage boxes on his body.

This small box is not as big as a slap and can usually be worn on the belt, but it has nearly two cubic meters of storage space.

Of course, this area is really not worth mentioning compared with the storage tools that Wang Yan currently has, but it is already a very large volume for the small races of Goblin's inferior status.

Wang Yan used a small box to easily put this dragon dragon strain into it. Although the toxin will gradually corrode the storage box, it is still no problem to store it in a short time.

Adding this dragon dragon virus strain, only a small part of the poisonous mist inside dissipated. Wang Yan took it away, which is equivalent to picking up this big killer.

In the future, as long as this small box is thrown, it is equivalent to throwing an unsealed biological and chemical weapon. This wave of shady people is really not a loss!

Of course, all this is in the depths of the poisonous fog that can't be touched, and Chilie and other outsiders can't understand it.

In addition, Wang Yan didn't want to expose his depth too early, so he waited until Chilie happily cleaned up the poisonous fog at the scene before launching a counterattack.

"The game is over!"

Leaping into the air, Wang Yan suddenly fell. He clenched the fiery childlike warhammer with both hands, slashing Huashan's momentum, and smashed it toward Chilie's head.

Chi Lie was previously scolded by Wang Yan as a fool, and his heart was already trembling. At this time, when Wang Yan was attacked, his momentum was so powerful, and it was a tense chaos.

In addition, he has been completely locked in by Wang Yan's momentum, and in a short moment he has nowhere to escape, so he hastily lifted his sword to block it.


With a loud noise, the tsunami-like waves spread across the ring immediately.

In the center of Yanlang, Chilie, who was hit by Wang Yan in the front, immediately spit out a bit of blood and fell back to the ground.

Before he fell, the sword in his hand shattered in midair, and the surface of the ring below his feet also made a loud bang with a "click", and the whole sag inward.


Chi Lie fell heavily in the center of the big pit, and a miserable spit of blood blew out, and he broke out between the serious injuries: "Strange, monster!"

It is no wonder that Chi Lie would call Wang Yan a monster. Wang Yan itself is a descendant of Vulcan Zhurong, and now he has absorbed the god-level genes of the Devil God's avatar, so how could his power be comparable to a **** lord?

Even with bare hands and bare hands, the same confusion as the **** lord, he was beaten to death by Wang Yan, not to mention Wang Yan also had a childish warhammer in his hands, this powerful and powerful weapon.

There is a childish warhammer in hand, not to mention Chi Lie, the **** lord, even if he is as strong as the lord of the demigod Warcraft Yanhu, he will be shaken a few times by the hammer of Wang Yan. With his long sword only, how could Chi Lie resist Wang Yan's full blow?

In the rest area, the two brothers of Red Bone and Red Rock were ashes, like a mourning test. Confusion, cruelty, and succubus are in high spirits, and the spring breeze is all over.

The audience at the scene was even more enthusiastic. This simple and crude gorgeous blow had an illusion of earth-shaking. How could such a powerful Lord of Demon Flames make them worship?

Wang Yan broke the defense and still did not stop.

Between the electric light and the flint, the magic wings behind him rose, jumped high again, and then suddenly fell, kicking on Chilie's chest.

The sound of bones crackling came out immediately.

Chi Lie's trampled eyes suddenly opened, howling painful, but Wang Yan didn't pay attention, raised the war hammer and smashed it.

"Lie'er!" Chilian Demon King was frightened and stood up from the seat, his back was cold sweat.

According to traditional rules, if one side fails to declare defeat in the duel, the other side can continue to attack until the other side is dead, and no outsiders can intervene.

But Chi Lie is his most beloved son of the Red Demon King. If there are three shorts and two shorts, what will happen? Isn't his throne succeeded? Although Chigu and Chiyan are also very good, they can't be compared to his eldest son Chilie.

The angry expression of Chilian Demon King is cruel, if Chi Lie really died under that Demon Flame Hammer, he would not care what the origin of this Demon Flame is, he will definitely rush to kill Mo Yan in order to vent his heart hate.

Fortunately, the smoke dispersed, and a scene on the ring made the Chilian Demon King breathe a long sigh of relief.

It turned out that although Wang Yan kicked Chi Lie's foot in pain, his warhammer fell on Chi Lie's head. Chi Lie was so scared that he almost peeed out.

Even if he survived, the kind of life-threatening experience made him afraid.

"It's still that sentence. For your father's sake, the Red Demon King, spare your life, and admit defeat." Wang Yan raised his arm with one arm, and the fierce warhammer returned to his hand. And he bowed down and looked like a newly-developed demon, who could kill his fierce life at any time.

Chi Lie had hatred in his heart, but he had to admit that Wang Yan's overwhelming strength, but in desperation, had to give up all resistance and gritted his teeth: "I, I lost."

The audience was instantly boiling, and the audience cheered enthusiastically, all dedicated their warmest admiration to the winner Wang Yan.

These cheers given to Wang Yan spread to Chilie's ears, like the most harsh contempt. At this time he was lying miserably under the eyes of the public, it was the greatest shame of his life.

This time he lost so badly, even if he didn't dare, he could only swallow it in his belly.

From the stand, Chilian Demon King sighed slightly. The underworld Mo Yan was really shrewd and knew he could not kill Chi Lie. So he deliberately used Chi Lie to sell him a favor to him. There is no reason to shoot this magic flame again.

"Mo Yan, take away that human slave girl."

Although the Chilian Demon King is also unwilling, but the rules are the rules. In desperation, he has to wave his big hand and announce, "You are the winner. From now on, your previous grudges with the brothers of Chilie will be cancelled!"


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