The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1339: Finished, I'm dying again

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Almost in the blink of an eye, the dragon's poisonous mist filled the entire ring.

This kind of poisonous mist from the two-headed poisonous jellyfish is really terrible. Even the invisible elements of hellfire can be easily dissolved in the air.

Above the ring, the wave of **** fire originally controlled by Lord Chilie was immediately extinguished by the poisonous mist. Then in the magma pool surrounding the ring, the fiery tumbling underground magma, also under the erosion of the Jiaolong poisonous mist, changed the flames to be trivial and dull. After just a few breaths, even the tumbling magma became thick and solid, and it was grayish green.

"It's over, grandpa ... granddaughter again, dying again ..."

Delia, who was hanging above the magma pool, was crying again without tears, and her nerves were tight.

The poisonous mist that had just been turned, but a little rubbing, she dropped the robe skirt from the cage. As a result, "Bala", the skirt tainted with poisonous fog, was instantly corrupted into powder.

And this poisonous mist full of corrosiveness didn't stop there, but it eroded all the way up the skirt of her skirt. She was so scared that she ripped off the skirt and came out with tears.

The toxicity of this toxin is so strong, she looked desperately at the bottom of a turbulent green, and her heart was melancholy.

What is wrong with her young and beautiful girl magician in the future? Why do you always encounter such an unfortunate thing, and it is more terrible than one!


Suddenly, a scream of sorrow passed into her ears.

She looked around, and it turned out that on the edge of the stand, a nervous guardian demon guard was very unluckily caught by the churning poisonous mist.

The strong violent poison instantly invaded his skin, blood vessels, and even flesh and nerves. He almost only had time to make a painful hissing, and then became a corroding body from the inside out, falling from the high stands.


"Woo, uh!"

There is more than one demon guarded by poisonous mist. Several guards successively, all carelessly, touched the poisonous fog and died in front of people instantly.

Everyone on the scene can clearly see that the body of these poisoned and deadly guards was still decomposing and decomposing when they fell from the stands.

They were all covered with earthworms, terrible purple and purple blood vessels, and visceral muscles, all decayed and broken under the skin. Although this process, from their poisoning to falling, only a few breathing efforts, but the horrible and terrible appearance, but deeply shocked everyone's mind.

"No, no ... I, I don't want to die yet!"

"Poison mist! Poison, poison mist is coming!"

"Quickly, who controls the poison mist? Please!"

After hearing the description of the brutal master, and the terrible scene in front of him, all the audience at the scene boiled.

These originally just wanted to join a lively audience, all scared to death, and even the demon guards around the guards shook.

Just kidding, what if the powerful and venomous dare not even dare to touch the demigod, what should they do? Whoever hits this terrible toxin does not sigh?

Fortunately, this kind of poisonous fog is powerful, but the attack is not directional. As long as it can be controlled early, it can still minimize the damage.

The twelve demon kings guarding the stands around the stands, although the heart was straight and tight at this time, but at this time they could only harden their scalps, and arranged a transparent energy enchantment around them, wrapping the entire ring below Inside, to avoid the spread of poisonous mist, causing inestimable harm.

"Poison Mist is coming, hurry up, hurry back!"

The Lord of Confusion quickly pulled the Sovereign Lord and the succubus on the other side back from the position of the fence.

At the juncture of crisis, the tyranny and the succubus also reacted, and quickly joined hands with the lord of the confusing, using their own ability to arrange a layer of translucent shield at the exit position.

This energy shield, which looks invisible, is actually composed of fine element particles. Like the poison mist of the dragon, it is composed of different elements. As long as it is dense enough, the entire entrance and exit can be sealed to resist The invasion of poisonous mist.

However, this can only stop for a while. If the dragon's poisonous fog has not dispersed when the power is exhausted, then they can only see the situation and escape.

"Ji Jie, the waste is confusing, your boss seems to be unable to save."

In the rest area opposite, Red Bone and Red Rock also had to install energy shields to block the venomous dragon poison mist. However, they are in a very good mood. It can make them feel happy and happy to see the nasty Demon Lord, who has no place to die.

Hearing the shouting from the opposite side, the confusion, the cruelty, and the succubus' faces are very ugly. Now that they have no other choice, they can only watch the ring of poisonous fog rolling, looking forward to their boss Wang Yan Bring them a miracle at a time.

"The duel is over."

The Chilian Demon King is still indifferent, but he is majestic.

The crowd watched around and peeped at them, and after seeing it, they groaned in secret.

At this moment, Chilian Demon King is so gesture, it is obvious to cover up his son who used a trick. This is the case with the devil kings who are above, what can they say about this group of ordinary audiences with little status? Dare to have any opinions?

The audience, who was afraid of causing trouble to the upper body, immediately closed their mouths and stopped talking about the matter.

The reaction of the audience in these streaming cities, the Red Demon King was very satisfied, so he raised his hand casually, and the guard standing below immediately opened the mechanism, and the almost dry magma in the trench around the ring began to flow again.

This mechanism is connected to the underground lava, and once opened, it will draw the lava deep underground and form a circulation around the ring.

Now this organ is turned on, just to use the flames of underground magma to constantly consume the dragon mist, in order to achieve the purpose of expelling toxins.

Of course, these magma alone cannot achieve the effect of quickly consuming poison mist. Therefore, Chilie above the ring, and the twelve demon guards around him, began to call the elements of **** fire, and burned the poisonous mist that filled the ring with flames.

A large number of elements of hellfire were anxiously approached from all directions, like a red-red flowing cloud, continuously injected into the center of the venue, and then in the center of the ring, turned into a wave of flames, constantly burning the rising dragon poisonous mist.

The Chilian Demon King sat on the rostrum and looked down at the ring below. His previous anger was finally relieved.

The Mo Yan who didn't know where it made him dare to anger the Red Refining Demon King. He really didn't know what to do. Now that he got such a fate, it's really deserved!

As long as he died in the duel ring, he was not afraid that anyone would be held accountable.

Because once stepped on the ring, it is equivalent to stepping on the battlefield of fighting, the victory and defeat depend on the ability, and the life and death depend on the destiny, but this is the tradition that even the devil God recognizes and respects.

Now that Mo Yan died in the ring, it is entirely his responsibility to take it himself, no one can blame anyone!


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