The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1335: Did he hang up?

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Layers of flames surged, causing the hot magma surrounding the ring to boil over.

The crowd at the scene was silent, and the time seemed to freeze at this moment.

All the audience and the guards at the scene were all at this moment, their mouths widened, their eyes widened, and they were nervously watching the tumbling fire on the ring.

Even the Chilian Demon King standing high above him began to look a little focused. In a pair of majestic eyes, two sharp pupils continued to rotate slightly with the surging fire.

Obviously, his eldest son, Lord Chilie, has gone out of his way. He is stronger and weaker than Lord Lord Mo Yan, and the result will soon come out.

"Hoo! Boom!"

The flames caused the sound of the wind, like a beast, making a big noise.

It was almost full of the entire ring, layer upon layer, just like the giant wave and tsunami, the raging flames, towards the moment when Wang Yan fell down.

A bit cold, suddenly flashed in the flame behind Wang Yan.

It is the son of the devil, Chilie!

He confidently hid himself in the fire of hell. No one in the legendary lord of the same level could find his whereabouts. Even some demigod demon kings who do not have deep contact with the Yan system's abilities may not be able to discover the mystery. As for his enemy, the magic flame lord, he does not believe that magic flame at all, and can capture his movements!

Of course, Lord Lord Moflame is powerful, and he knew it well when he played against him earlier.

So he specifically used the **** fire tide as a feint, and he hides behind Mo Yan, waiting for an opportunity to give him a fatal blow, vowing to pierce him!

Although this way of winning is a bit unethical, but in order to win, he can completely avoid this kind of skin!

"Ji Jie, Mo Yan, die!"

Lord Chilie didn't dare to fight the grass and startle the snake. He forcibly laughed with triumph in his heart, and the long sword clasped in his hand went straight to the back of Wang Yan.

All around the scene, whether it was the audience, the Red Refining Demon King system, or the Red Confusion, Red Abuse, Succubus, and Lydia, all stared at the Red Marty Lord accompanied by the flames, and the sharp long handle in his hand. sword.

For a time, almost the same thought rose in everyone's mind, that is: Mo Yan is going to suffer a big loss!


Just when everyone thought that Lord Chilie was bound to get the moment, the scene in front of him suddenly shocked everyone's eye!

As Lord Chilie approached, the target person Wang Yan suddenly raised his mouth.

He seemed to have been waiting for a long time, just when the sword was about to stab him, and suddenly turned around. At the same time, he also had a heavy and powerful warhammer surrounded by flames in his hands.


Wang Yan's arms swelled and his waist turned sharply. That handle had already been used by him for ten thousand times. The childish warhammer seemed to tear the space, carrying the earth-shattering power of the world, and headed towards the head of Chilie Lord. Go up!

Lord Chilie, the soul of the party was almost scared, and his face was distorted, and he exclaimed in silence.

In front of him, Wang Yan was too ruthless, either he didn't take the shot, and the shot was a shocking blow, if he was hit, let alone his head, he would have to smash half of his body!

The scared face of Lord Chilie had no face, and when he was in a thousand years, he had a blank mind, and he had no time to think about it. He immediately changed the long sword in his hand from the thorn, and supported the sword with his hands. Hammer.


The tremendous impact suddenly turned the tide of **** fire around, turning into a shocking giant fire pillar, erupting directly towards the sky and the surrounding stands.


The onlookers in the stands all around were so scared that they were crying and howling, panicking.

They are just ordinary residents. Where can they withstand such terrible force collisions with Wang Yan and Chi Lie? Even if it is just the after rhythm of the battle, they will fall on them, and they will have to peel off without dying!

Although the audience in the stands was unlucky, the most unlucky person was Lydia trapped in a steel cage.

She was the closest to Wang Yan and Chi Lie. When the violent flame burst, she was the first to be among them.

At this moment, the lingering girl magician was shocked out of a cold sweat, his hands tightly covering his eyes, a small heart that had already shivered, and even thumped.

She desperately urged the magic power, trying to strengthen the body magic to resist the flames of **** that would swallow her.

It's just that her power is sealed. Where can such a little magic of body protection be stopped? Wang Yan and Chi Lie, the two lords, are fighting each other with all their strength, and a fierce blow erupts?

"It's over ... Grandpa, son of flames, me, I'm going to die!"

Lydia was about to cry without tears, her heart was weak, and her unlucky self was about to be killed by the magic flame below.

At this very moment, the twelve demon guards around the guards all moved.

They are not paper tigers. Although they are ordinary demons with no back power, they have successfully advanced to the legendary demons by their own efforts. And they have followed the Red Refining Demon King for many years, and their fighting skills are the top leaders in the Great Fire.

At this time the crisis broke out, and the twelve demon guards shot together. An invisible energy wave immediately spread to the audience. Soon, the shock column that erupted, so under Lydia's feet, was completely suppressed.

She was about to die, and finally took a breath. She saw below, and Lord Chilie was struck by Wang Yan, just like a ball that was forcibly shot and flew all the way. , Tumbled and fell out.

"Bang! Bang!"

The giant rock brick on the ring is stronger than the city wall. It is stunned by Chilie's repeated blows. Lord Chilie himself, after falling out a dozen or so, was lying on the ground like a dead dog.


Before Chi Lie spoke, he spit out a lot of blood and used his sword to resist the frontal bombardment of the Warhammer, which was too reluctant.

However, fortunately, he was superior in strength and quick in response. Even in the electric light and flint, Wang Yan put a full blow in the front crotch, otherwise even the highly resilient Hellbane Demon Clan was bombarded by a hammer and still had to die .

"No, it's impossible ... you, how could you ... know my position?"

At this time, Chi Lie's face was covered with blood, and his entire body was rubbing against the ground, resulting in miserable wounds. Even his love sword and the sword had several cracks on his body.

But he couldn't swallow this breath all the time. He was already hiding in the fire wave of his stunt hell. How could this magic flame be in front of him, would he know his position and specific actions?

This magic flame is not a demigod demon king of the Yan Department. How can he suppress him in all aspects?

Above them, Lydia also rounded her mouth at this moment, and looked into Wang Yan's eyes full of incredible.

She was secretly in her heart, this Lord of Flame Flame, I am afraid it is not open?

The previous Chilie was almost integrated with Hellfire. Even her magician couldn't perceive Chilie's movement in the elements of Hellfire. How did that Devil Flame do?


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