The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1331: Jackal Heart

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"Look, that slave girl is indeed a superb human being."

"Let's talk about the great city of Liuhuo, in the past two or three decades, no humans have come over?"

"Yeah, now those humans don't know what wind is blowing. In recent years, we have fewer and fewer people exploring hell."

"Bai 嘁嘁, it seems that those humans have fallen, and no strong man has appeared in recent years."

"I remember that in our city earlier, there was a human magician known as the **** of the sky. The old guy was really powerful, but then suddenly disappeared, and 80% died somewhere."


Since the prize is Lydia as a slave girl, the audience around you will naturally shift the chat topic to the human explorer.

Hell is a vast, multi-ethnic world, many of which are demon warlocks who study space magic and plane magic.

In addition, there are three supreme demon gods here. In order to increase the power and even the colony, these demon gods are actively exploring the new world as early as they established their power, and vigorously develop their own men and forces.

Those human beings from the earth are a kind of intelligent race with beautiful appearance, high perception, and very fast learning ability. These humans are not only liked by the devil, but some devils are also happy to find some human servants from the earth, and take a batch of rare resources on the earth by the way.

And this kind of belief from the devil has spread to the earth long before, long before.

Today, users such as the Dark Council, the North American Dark Union, and a large portion of the black magic in the League of Thorns Banshee all believe in the devil, and develop and use the power of the dark power through the skills taught by the devil. Organization.

These dark organizations, like the light church on earth, are subordinate units established by foreign gods on earth. Since these gods cannot pass through the plane space themselves, they have to indirectly colonize through religious actions.

So occasionally, there will be selected outstanding representatives, taken to another world, and become a servant of a devil or devil.

These outstanding representatives will surely gain extremely strong power, but if they can come back, then there will be very few.

Of course, there are also some adventurers like the starry sky **** who, in order to pursue a higher level of power, through their own research, broke through the void, reached a new world like hell, and started exploring and practicing.

Generally speaking, there are not many humans who come to Hell World, but they are not uncommon, so residents of Hell World have heard of it even if they have n’t seen it before.

Now that you have heard it, so many people come together, and the topic of discussion is naturally chattering.

In the noisy sound of the audience, the entire circular grandstand soon filled with people, even the stairs, steps, even the dome, the windows, all over the viewer.

At this time, the crowd's attention also began to shift from the human female slave Lydia to the two sides of the ring, preparing for both Chilie and Wang Yan.

"Chilie, my son, do you know how much face you and your brother have lost to this king today?"

The Chilian Demon King glanced at Chilie, and the two brothers, Chigu and Chiyan.

They are now standing on one of the two channels leading to the ring.

Both of these channels lead to the inside of the arena. After the duel begins, the channel will be retracted, the entrance will be closed, and even the empty dome will be lifted with a steel fence inscribed with runes, which will completely seal the last entrance.

By that time, this ring will become an endless island, and only the final winner will have the opportunity to come out alive.

Such a cruel and **** competition rule is also one of the most popular places for daily residents to enjoy in this great city of fire.

There will be brutal gladiatorial competitions here, and the participating gladiators are mostly slaves bought by major families or rich men. Of course, if there are personal grudges, they will come to this ring to resolve.

But it was not the average person who came to solve the problem tonight, so it had not started yet, and the scene was already hot.

"Yes, the child understands ..." Lord Chilie bowed his head respectfully, but his face was full of unwillingness and determination. "Please also be assured that my father, the child is confident of killing that magic flame!"

After listening to the Chilian Demon King, a pair of gleaming eyes began to narrow slightly, and then whispered: "Are you going to use the thing that this king gave you?"

"Please also ask your father for permission ..." Lord Chilie buried his head lower.

But he seemed to be respectfully requesting, but in fact he had already made his attitude very clear.

Obviously, the magic flame of Wang Yan's incarnation has completely annoyed him, and then regardless of whether the Red Demon Demon King agrees, he will use that weapon to deal with him.

"Do you know, that is the king's hand to you, in the **** meeting, the turn card used for the turnaround?" Chilian Demon King's face was gloomy, and he slowly spoke at the half sound. , Do n’t you think there is something violent? ”

Chilian Demon King's tone became more and more severe, Chilie quickly said: "It is indeed a bit overkill to use that weapon to deal with Moyan, but my father, that Moyan ignores our brother, even if he ignores you. ! If you do n’t give him some lessons today, would n’t it ruin your reputation if it was passed on? ”

Hearing Chi Lie's words, the look of Chilian Demon King was slightly moved.

The world of **** is somewhat similar to the world of the earth. The higher the nobility here, the more they will pay attention to their prestige outside.

Take the Red Refining Demon King, although he has not been famous for a long time, but with his cunning and fierce personality, from a small lord to the current Purgatory Demon King, he has been climbing fast all the way.

But the purgatory demon who ruled on one side was not his ultimate goal. When he followed the starry sky **** and wandered around, he had made up his mind that he would enter the core power layer of the Satan Parliament and even step into the supreme demon **** realm!

He wants to become the only ruler of this **** realm, and even this world, he wants to be immortal!

For this reason, before climbing to the highest apex, it is naturally necessary to be able to help him go further.

Chi Lie saw that his father's expression was a little loose, and his eyes flashed, and he quickly assured: "With the strength of a child, it is only half a catty with that magic flame. If you use that weapon, you can definitely solve the thing that does not have long eyes . "

"Between the fights, misses are inevitable, and the family behind him will not dare to trouble us easily." Chi Lie's eyes are fierce, and his lips are stern, "As for the **** meeting, the children have their own ways. . "

The Chilian Demon King has already been astute, and he heard the words, and he looked like he was happy: "The old fellow of the starry sky god, the ban imposed under that year, have you found any clues to open?"


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