The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1328: Father, listen to my explanation

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"Your son's hands first, and his skills are not as good as others. It is purely self-intriguing. All the residents of the Great Fire City around this point can be seen."

Wang Yan single-handedly pointed to the crowd below the crowd, watching the crowd densely, and said coldly and proudly, "Why? Now my son is not my opponent. Is Laozi coming here to bully and weak? Well, just come here! The skill is mainly afraid of you , It's not a great purgatory demon! "

The Purgatory Demon Race is the native race of the Hell World. Originally, before the other two Devil Gods stayed in Hell, the Purgatory Demon Race had always been a dominance, occupying a dominant position in the entire Hell World.

Later, because of the plane war, and the other two demon gods entered the **** plane because of the war, this led to the situation of the three major devil gods in hell, and the world is divided into three points.

However, the purgatory demon race, which has always been called by the ruler, still maintains its sturdy and belligerent nature. Regardless of the strength of the young and old in the purgatory devil family, they are proud of being brave and warlike.

At the same time, Wang Yan, while exposing his strength, took the opportunity to provoke the **** emotions of all the onlookers on the scene, and suddenly attracted thousands of onlookers below, raising their heads in response. It seems that as long as the Red Demon Lord asks whoever, the ordinary residents below have the courage to answer truthfully.

Seeing this scene, Chilian Demon King's face was green, and he cursed himself that these three sons, what did he cause himself?

The demon lord in front of him, despite his young age, no matter the temperament or blood power, he is not the same. At least he is not in any ordinary legendary junior. I have seen anyone who can have the same as this demon flame. High-grade momentum.

From this point, it is enough to see that the life history of this Lord Lord of Demon Flames is definitely not trivial. At least it is also the direct council of the Devil God Satan, who acts as the deity of the Devil God, and those big nobles in the Satan Parliament!

That is the highest council that represents the power of the Demon God. All the forces in it are all the great nobles who have followed the Devil God until ten thousand years ago.

No matter who it is, he is not easily provoked by the Red Demon King.

Although he is expensive as a demon king, it is also a matter of hundreds of years. With such a little accumulation of seniority and power, how can it be comparable to those nobles?

Based on this alone, he can't easily deal with this magic flame.

But let's put it aside for now, this cunning magic flame actually used the surrounding people to observe the masses, which caused him great pressure on public opinion.

He is a demigod-level demon king, the ruler of the devil's field, can't be bullied by his son because he is beaten up, right? If this kind of thing is done in the eyes of everyone, his reputation as a demon king is stinky, and it will be difficult to climb to a higher level in the future. Then his accumulation for so many years also means that he has failed.

And the thing that annoys him the most is that his three sons beat him with a magic flame, but he still lost. Especially in front of so many people, his great red refining demon king, this face was completely lost to them!

Seeing his father a little hesitated, the tyrant master quickly turned to the ground and climbed up, panickingly said: "Master Father, it is true, that is, Brother Chilie, their first move!"

"My three elder brothers will grab their daughter's private room as soon as they come, and it will be okay afterwards, and Lord Mo Yan and I will not care about them, but ... they are too bad!"

With a sigh of cruelty, he deliberately made a gesture of hating the iron and steel, saying, "I and Mo Yan just want to buy him a human slave girl, and they both say they are willing to pay a big price, but they just don't agree, they have to be here Plant a place and enjoy the slave girl ... Alas ... Father, where do you say this is a devil prince, and the future successor of the Great Fire City? "

"The three elder brothers not only did not agree, but also displayed a high-posted stance. All my demon flame masters proposed to use our tradition of **** to solve this matter with them. But, but ... alas ... they not only Not daring, they even attacked Mo Yan with three-on-one. "

Cruel abuse was another sigh, and a face that embarrassed his father said, "You know the next thing, father. The waste is deluded and helped Mo Yan. It is said to be two-to-one. But lost. I just lost. In front of so many people, I will lose two to one. Even my daughter, I ca n’t see my father. "

The fighting race of Purgatory Demon has always advocated bravery and is the holder of the traditional rules of the **** world. If you encounter unsolvable disputes, you usually resolve the problem in a one-to-one duel. Even the devil respects this traditional rule of survival.

But Chi Lie and others are bad, and both lose one to two. This is a very shameful thing in the entire Purgatory Demon Race. One to one, as long as you try your best, even if you lose, as long as you are brave enough, you will still be respected by others. But if two to one and still lose, it is really only a shameful share.

In the cruel county, the clever description of the tilt, the large number of onlookers around, almost understood the course of things.

They sighed softly, "It turns out that way."

"Prince Chi Lie and his brother actually fought with their sister-in-law for an insignificant slave girl."

"Hey, you see, the slave girl is over there, it looks really good."


People's curiosity is always very heavy. Even if there is a Red Refining Demon King here, they dare not make orders, but they lowered their voices and used some small means to communicate and communicate, and they are still watching.

But what level of existence does the Red Refining Demon King exist? The invisible elements of **** fire all around represent his perception.

At this moment, the entire city of Liuhuo was almost upset because of this incident. At least tens of thousands of people were talking about the downstairs of the single club.

These whispers whispered into his ears, which was really embarrassing, and almost exploded his lungs.

He glanced at the confusing lord who was tight all over. The confusing lord trembles instinctively because of the tension, but the confusing man always stood honestly on the side of the lord Demon Flame. This illegitimate child has already ran away with Mo Yan.

Looking at his baby daughter's cruelty, it looks like Xiaojia Jasper at the moment, and is also posted next to Lord Mo Yan.

Obviously, two of his five children were abducted by this flame, and the remaining three were beaten by him.

This magic flame is really a personal talent!

Chilian Demon King's face is getting more and more gloomy, even though he has a powerful power in this great city of fire, but at this moment he has this foreign Lord of Flame Flame, there is no way!

"Father, Master Father! No, it's not like that, you listen to me explain!" Chi Lie's eyes widened when he saw it, secretly saying bad things.

My sister's elder brutally sovereign, the elbows are not generally turned outwards, obviously the demon flame provoked the first, but the result is that the problem was pushed to the three of them, and then it's still worth it?


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