The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1322: Turn your elbows outward

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"No, isn't it?"

"What did I hear?"

The streets around Wang Yan and others are the center. I am afraid that at this moment, tens of thousands of crowds will gather together. At the moment, when the ruthless county chief said the rippling words, the whole crowd set off an uproar.

Although the folk customs of the Hell World are more enthusiastic, under the oppression of the harsh environment, survival and reproduction are the top priority for almost all races. Therefore, under a long history of inheritance, boys and girls love and thrive and live in all races. Very important and normal things.

But this kind of bold and naked confession is spoken by the brutal master, and it will be different.

Like the upper nobles of the earth, especially in ancient times, in order to ensure the purity of the lineage and the noble birth, the heirs of the nobles were not able to choose objects lower than themselves, the most spouse of their own future, this is called a door-to-door pair.

Of course, this is only one point, and there is another point, that is, the more honourable Miss Qian Jin, the more often it will become the family's political bargaining chip. No matter how spoiled, when she got married, the married husband could not choose by herself.

Now the brutal master of the county directly broke this point, so how can ordinary residents who love gossip not make wild guesses and talk indiscriminately?

Someone at the scene immediately said that the brutal master of the county had already made a private life with the demon lord, and now this fight is because of this incident!

Some people also said that looking at the strength and momentum of Lord Moyan, it was obvious that he was born at a higher level, and it was obviously this brutal lord who became obsessed with this Lord Lord Moyan, so he chased back and forth, struggling. However, it seems that the Lord of the Demon Flames looks like nothing at all.

"Huh, it's too shameful, our devil's third son is too shameful."

"Look at them, their performance has lost our face in the Great Fire City too."

Rumors naturally spread more and more, more and more bizarre, and soon went from gossip to personal strength and dignity.

Hell creatures are not as civilized and polite as the inhabitants of the earth. The residents of these large cities of fire are usually subject to the rule of the devil because of fear. At this time, they see the three sons of the power, all Disadvantages, the daughter has to elope with others, and everyone is a little dissatisfied and questioned.

Although these onlookers, when talking about sensitive topics, they all whispered and used a very small voice. Lord Chilie, as well as the other two devil prince heirs, are top lords of the legendary level, and naturally heard them in the ears.

The three devil princes became more and more ugly as they listened, and Chi Lie finally couldn't hold back.

He snarled and shoved the brutal master who was standing in front of him rudely: "Get out of here! You stupid woman, look at what you did, look at your second brother. What does it hurt! "

"There is this magic flame, what is he? You, you still have to have children with him? Is your brain broken?"

Lord Chilie has always been proud and proud. He thinks that he does not lose this Lord Lord of Demon Flame, and even if he is unlucky, he can draw a tie with Demon Flame.

If you add two more brothers, you can definitely win this magic flame in a few rounds, so that he can understand that if you dare to be arrogant in the city of Liuhuo, you have to pay some price!

Unexpectedly, his third brother Chi Yan was entangled by the traitor's confusion, and he himself, an unknown sister, was cruelly abused and hindered.

This led to a slightly inferior red bone, which was successfully hit by the opponent and seriously injured.

Such an unlucky encounter left him with a brutal force, an inner suffocation, full of annoying irritability.

Especially the magic flame in front of him, with a high-spirited look, from the beginning to the end, they did not put their devil three sons in their eyes, which undoubtedly greatly deepened this suffocation and irritability.

But now, the cruel culprit who caused them to fall into disadvantage at the same time, and the appearance of being obsessed with the spring, even under the general public, he said aloud the shameless words of "I want to give birth to you". The faces of their three brothers and their father Chilian Demon King are completely lost!

"You, you dare to do it to me! Even my father, I haven't done anything to me!"

The cruelly shattered one stumbled, flew out a dozen meters away, and almost fell to the ground. Just stabilizing his body, he faced grievances and yelled with outcry. "The lord of the county just took a fancy to Master Moyan, just to give him a baby. What's wrong? The chief husband married in the county must be Moyan. Adults such a great man! "

The brutal county governor's righteous words made the crowd around the crowd exclaim.

However, she did n’t seem to be addicted. She turned around and continued to scold: “It ’s you and my two elder brothers. Look at yourself, which is comparable to my demon flame master? You are just hanging out with my father. The title, all day long, is actually an empty rack! I ca n’t beat my demon flame master now, and it turns out that it ’s not my fault, do n’t you feel ashamed ?! ”

The crowd was screaming again, but apart from the screaming, they began to think that the tyrannical county master was right. The Lord of the Demon Flames chose one by two, and was able to take advantage of it, but it was red and red. The three devil princes, Chi Yan, behaved anxiously and irritably, and even women shoved, which was really awkward.

The rumors surrounding the talk spread into Chilie's ears, making his face green.

He raised his hand unbearably and pointedly pointed at the brutal master: "What do you say? Have the ability to say it again!"

The look of anger and corruption is as if it is going to eat the brutal master of the county.

He grows so big, always standing at the apex of the entire city of Liuhuo, where has he received so much gaze and gossip?

It was all because of this magic flame, and the two traitors who turned their elbows outward, that made him so embarrassing!

The brutal master was threatened and his face was pale.

On weekdays, she is the one most loved by Chilian Demon King. These brothers dare not compete with her. After all, **** society is not comparable to the harmonious and civilized earth world. The competition between brothers and sisters is also common. .

But now, in full view, she was threatened by this brother so shoved, where can her proud self-esteem endure?

Just when she was about to quarrel with her elder brother, and had a good argument, Wang Yan shone and came to her, and took her charming body and bent her arms down.

"I suddenly found that you are pretty good. Let me follow you in the future. Don't worry about your scumbag brothers who can even handle women." Saying that, Wang Yan also deliberately raised his eyes and looked at Chilie .

Chi Lie's heart gave Qi immediately, and he was about to faint: "Mo Yan, you, you're so deceiving!"


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