The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1317: Even Primary Three also maintains

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"Cheesy maid! Where are you going?"

The fat and ugly boss, Coles, was furiously blocked in front of Lydia who wanted to escape.

As soon as he saw the human slave girl, the boss Coles was out of breath, his teeth tickled.

"Humble humble slave! Do you know that it's all because of you, and several adults have fought against me here! It's also because of you, my proud top class room, which has completely turned into a ruin!"

Boss Coles stared at Lydia fiercely, scolding his teeth, "Now, you mean a slave, you still want to run? I think you are eating bear heart leopard gallbladder, it's really a lifeless thing!"

Coles said more and more angry, raising his hand and trying to teach this disobedient slave girl.

Faced with the palm-sized slap, Lydia suddenly shuddered and shivered.

If in the past, with her excellent talents and magical abilities, you are not afraid of this Coles. However, after she was put on a metal collar now, she couldn't use any magic. She could only protect herself by controlling her magic power.

She understands that the collar around her neck must have been enchanted to some extent, so now she ca n’t resist Coles ’big slap at all. It ’s really a slap in her hand. Absolutely choking!

at this time.

"Boo" sounded softly, and a long red whip with barbs suddenly hit Coles' face.


There was a **** scar on Coles' face.

The pain made him even more angry, and when he turned around and looked back, the smart long whip took a roll and dragged Lydia in front of him.

"Succubus? How brave you are!"

When Coles saw the succubus beside Moyan, he pulled the human slave girl away in front of him, and his eyes were about to burst into flames.

How can such things happen among their purgatory demons? Such a fascinating pet, too brave?

"Oh, the noisy dead fat pig, this is the slave girl of my demon flame master, which is a lowly guy like you, you can touch?" The succubus squinted slightly, sneered coldly. Life and death, be careful, grandma, I'll peel your skin alive! "

"It's earthshaking! A little succubus dare to talk to me like this, is it really like I can't control you?"

The fat on Coles' face was shivering with anger, although his status was not as good as the devil prince present and the general lord, but in the end, he had been in this great city of fire and fire for many years.

As far as this club is concerned, there are thousands of female slaves trained by him. When did they be abused in front of a charmed pet by a charming pet? He will still be peeled? Did he really grow up with dry rice?

At the moment, he took a fierce bite on the ground, leaped a scolding step, and flew towards the succubus of Wang Yan.

However, he hadn't rushed far, and was brutally slapped by the master of the county halfway through, slumped to the ground.

"Fuck things! Didn't you hear that? This is Lord Moyan's slave girl, that is, the slave girl of this county. Do you even control the slave girl of this county?"

The brutal master shrieked coldly and scared Coles with cold sweats, lying on the ground and repeatedly compensating for it.

Coles wanted to cry without tears in his heart, cursing and forgetting that there was still such a cruel ruler.

The cruel county master said to the demon lord Lord, that one was always passionate, and he was dead, and she was there, lending him a hundred guts, and he did not dare to make times.

"Humph! Go away, there is no room for you to speak here!"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

The brutal lord gave a squinting look, and Coles quickly lost money and shrank away.

The surroundings were fiery and messy, and the cruel county chief was also in a hurry and a mess.

She felt that she had really seen a ghost. Her own Master Moyan, fancy this female slave, Xiaosan, she even helped to maintain it. What is happening to her now?

On the other side, the succubus slightly raised his mouth and said coldly: "Miss slave girl, if you don't want to die, just stay with me, otherwise there are tens of millions of ugly **** creatures in this city, waiting Will enjoy you. "

She smiled deeply, and her words really scared Lydia.

Lydia did not recognize that Mo Yan was Wang Yan, nor did she recognize this succubus, the pet favorite beside Wang Yan.

Now that Wang Yan has used bloodline evolution to evolve into the purgatory demon clan, no one can recognize him as Wang Yan without saying anything.

With the help of Wang Yan's bloodline evolution, the succubus has used the purgatory red lotus, and a variety of fire materials to evolve towards the fire creature, plus she has broken through to the legendary S level . Appearance and temperament have been very different from the past. Not to mention Lydia, even friends who have had more contact with Wang Yan before are probably unrecognizable, not to mention Lydia who doesn't know too much about the succubus itself.

However, Lydia felt that the mysterious and cold succubus in front of her did not seem to have any malicious intentions, and she had realized deeply that her own strength, in the world of hell, a dangerous world full of dangerous creatures, really It's not enough to look at.

If she acted rashly again, I am afraid there was really only one way to go.

"Alas ..." Lydia sighed in despair, "Son of Flame, where are you ..."

Now I blame myself for being too rash, not finding the child of flames, nor entering the remains of the starry sky god, but letting myself fall into crisis. What should she do in this way?

The succubus glanced at Lydia without saying anything.

Now that she has reached the legendary level and added the affinity of flame, she easily uses magic power to separate a layer around to isolate the fire-free space of **** fire.

She still leaned elegantly on the sofa, holding a glass of crystal clear liquor in her hand, and quietly stared at the host Wang Yan who was fighting above.

Today, she and her master Wang Yan are different now. As long as they follow the master, no matter what opponent they meet, she will not be afraid.

"Third brother!"


"When are you going to lie down? Hurry up to me!"

"Come with us and kill this **** magic flame!"

Chilie and Chigu were above the top floor, calling out in anger.

Despite the fierce fighting between you and me from the beginning of the war to the present, in fact, the time has only passed a dozen breathing efforts. It's just because they are so strong that their movements are already fast enough to dazzle ordinary people.


Buried in the rubble of rubble and rubble, he stood up suddenly. He shook his head angrily, and Wang Yan struck his cheek with all his strength. The clear fist marks left began to recover quickly with the naked eye As always.

"Fuck things ..."

Angry Red Rock is like a furious beast, staring closely at Wang Yan above, "Dare to hurt me, I want your life!"


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