The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1299: Or the old convention

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Little, miss! You, you, what's wrong with you? !

The four demon generals were very depressed and almost wanted to vomit blood, but it was not clear, so they had to cry in pain in their hearts.

Where is the lady in front of you, the cruel and terrible brutal master? Is it clearly a female slave who begs and pleads?

God! How did their young lady become like this? If this matter is introduced into the ears of the demon king of Chilian, do these four personal guards want to thank the dead with death?

"Uh ..." On the other side, Wang Yan was also stunned for a while, and his heart was secret, right? Is there such an operation for the little daughter of Chilian Demon King? After he was drawn, would he continue to beg? Is this certainly not tricking him?

Or does it mean that the women of the purgatory demon clan, because they worship the strong, have some special obedience attributes? In short, this sudden change really caught him off guard.

Seeing Wang Yan froze, she was like a slender kitten, and she fell on Wang Yan ’s leg, and smiled: "My lord, when you just hit the slave house, good Majestic, so masculine. The slave family hurts so badly if you beat it, slave, slave family ... and want to be beaten by you ... "

What, what!

The four demon generals immediately petrified on the spot. The huge grief broke through their almost broken heart almost instantly.

Among them, the older general, like a sculpture, widened his eyes and froze in place. Another commander, named Polk, had fallen to his knees in despair, and the other two generals burst into tears, looking up into the sky.

Heartache is really heartache! They looked at the big and cruel young lady from an early age, and even like a slave girl, they knelt down and fell on the feet of others. This painful blow really made them unacceptable.

The four demon generals were indeed shocked, and Wang Yan was equally shocked.

He took a breath, and secretly said what the **** is going on? After being taken by him, it becomes this kind of weirdness. Is this kind of hobby of the brutal master of the county too strange?

Wang Yan was speechless for a while, and turned to look at his companions.

Among the crowd, the succubus couldn't help but "chuck" and laughed secretly: "Giggle ... Master, it seems that this brutal master is really a superb slave girl! Not only has the S attribute, but also the specific M system. For such a rare seedling, the master needs to be well tuned. "

"Boom!" The succubus' laughter was like a hammer, hitting heavily on the hearts of the four demon generals.

This seemingly casual laugh, to the four demon generals, was like spreading salt on the wound, and instantly made the four of them cry.

"Ahahaha, it's awesome, it's still the old convention. The gods know it, ahaha ..." The three-legged Jinwu heard it, and the one who laughed was called a fluttering wing.

This is simply God's operation, a woman can be so obedient with a draw, how could it be used to this kind of skill?

Beneath the three-legged Jinwu, the bubble in the hairless crab's intestinal mouth also made it smile "poo poo", look at it full of yearning look, as if to say that the boss is the boss, the future life of this crab can be like this The boss is the target, and all the little female crabs of the **** are included in the harem!

The great ambition of the hairy crab, the confusing lord naturally cannot understand, but he saw the scene in front of him, his mouth twitching straight, and secretly said: "So ... is n’t it?"

Speaking of cruelty is his nominal sister. Like other compatriots for many years, he has humiliated him arbitrarily and has never regarded him as a family member. But now seeing the other party's temperament changes, it is still a bit weird.

The most important thing is that he feels that he is standing here, and he is also embarrassing, and so embarrassing, so embarrassing.

However, he was nervous, and thought about it, the object of his sister's begging, how to say his own boss. Regardless of his appearance, he is born, and he has the most crucial strength, which is not worthy of his own brutal sister?

On the contrary, he felt that his sister, who was a slave to her boss, clearly made her cheaper.

When he thinks of cruelty and his father and his compatriots, all kinds of humiliation before him, he also can't wait to use big ears to squeeze them.

"Yes, the slave girl, the cruelty is the slave girl of Lord Moyan." The Lord of Brutality's face was flushed and flamboyantly rubbed on Wang Yan's leg, like a girl with a spring, ashamed. Continue to teach slaves ... "

"His!" Wang Yan sucked back in a sigh of relief, secretly this brutal master, how was he educated from an early age? How is the psychology twisted like this? Is her father Chilian Demon King a pervert? I often play some kind of indescribable games with the harem. I was stupidly teaching the abuse of child abuse since childhood.

In short, he took a few slaps, criticized and educated a few times, and then inspired the other party's deep heart, some special preferences, this terrible thing really made Wang Yan caught by surprise.

"Master Demon Flames, you are really so great, so charming, slave ... The slave family likes to be taught by you ..." The eyes of the brutal master are obsessed, with a faint excitement in his expression, and he can't help but follow Wang Yan. Climbed up the thigh.

Wang Yan was terrified by her. With all eyes on him, where did he accept such a shameful game?

Seeing the blurred expression under his eyes and the cruelty of longing, he was very big.

There was no way to deal with such brutality now, so I waved her away and hurriedly drove away: "The lord has no time to waste with you now, just leave me aside, do you hear? Hurry and give me the way Step aside!"

"Bao." The cruel county master fell to the ground, and after being drunk by Wang Yan, he suddenly sighed, and tears immediately poured into his eyes, as if he was an aggrieved little daughter-in-law.

"Woo ... slave, the slave family knows the wrong, and the slave family will get away." After the cruelty was murdered, he instead aggrieved and apologized to admit his mistake.

This scene really made Wang Yan feel embarrassed for a while, thinking that this lady, the master of the county, was afraid that she hadn't had too many good days before. Just like being scolded?

But even if she likes to be scolded, she just likes to be scolded by Wang Yan alone.

After apologizing to Wang Yan, the cruel county master slowly turned his gaze and looked at the four generals beside him. His squinted eyes were instantly cold, and the cruel momentum exploded in vain: "A group of unsightly scumbags, what to see Look? Do n’t hurry to make way for Miss Ben! "

No, isn't it?

The four demon generals, as well as a barbarian, all widened their eyes in despair, their expressions as if swallowing shit.

Why did their Miss Sovereign who would be so charming and charming towards the Lord of the Flame Flames, but they were coldly eyed to them? This, this also suffocated!


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