The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1297: My dad never beat me

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A clear, crisp sound cut through the sky, and the brutal brutal master who fell stumbled to the ground.

"Woo, you ... oooo ..."

The brutal county master fell to the ground, only half-sounding to cover his cheeks and climbed up from the ground. At this time, half of her cheeks, a clear palm print swollen, hot pain, almost excited her tears.

She looked at Wang Yan with resentment and scolded angrily, "Mo Yan you, you bastard, you, you dare to beat me? I, my dad never beat me!"

"Oh, so uncultivated, are you still proud?" Wang Yan snorted and stepped forward again. "The lord will help your dad today and teach you what rules are!

"You, how dare you!" Seeing this terrible man, the Brutal Lord had to come over and pump her, and she panicked. I just wanted to act like I was in the past, pretending to be pretentious, but the voice did not fall, and the other party slapped on her face again.

The man who claimed to be Lord of the Flame Flame in front of him didn't eat this set at all!



"Woo, you beat me, oops ..."

"You, don't come over, woo ..."

Born by nature, the lawless cruel master of the county was stunned by Wang Yan's big ear scraper.

The four demon generals, as well as a group of barbarians, looked cold and sweaty on the side, and their eyes were almost staring out. But because of Wang Yan's powerful strength and mysterious identity, none of them dared to come forward and stop.

What can they do? What if they were really the heirs of a great aristocrat and now teach their unreasonable young lady? How to say it is the opponent they provoke first, the opponent did not use the killer, it is really just a lesson, although they are very distressed, what qualifications can they stop?

The side of the brutal master of the brutal force was completely bitter, and all of them were bitter and opened their faces, as if they were fed a fly. On the contrary, on the side of the confusing lord, it is called an exhilaration and surprise.

They saw with their own eyes that their boss was free from the poison whip, and even raised their hands and slapped the lord of the cruel tyrant. The lord of the cruel tyrant hadn't recovered yet.

This overbearing way of teaching was almost in their hearts.

He and the deceived lords, and the barbarian soldiers who followed the deceived lord, who has not been bullied by the heirs of the demon king of Chilian for decades? In particular, this cruel and cruel master who has a distorted nature always enjoys bullying and bullying them every time he meets. The key is that they are weak and weak, unable to resist at all, and can only hold their bad breath all the time.

Unexpectedly, the slap of their boss at the moment, really drawn into their hearts. The bad breath made for them almost made them feel comfortable and happy.

At this time, in their eyes, his boss is simply an omnipotent big man! Even the deluded person who is your lord is trembling with excitement, secretly lamenting that she really has a vision. Such a boss is definitely worth his death.

"Alas, the boss is doing a good job! Such a **** should pump her hard!" The three-legged Jinwu was equally excited, even dancing with her hairy crabs, spitting bubbles, as if to say, "Yes, To deal with such inferior females, you should open your mouth! "

However, the three-legged Jinwu remembered his tragic past that was once green. At this time, he took the opportunity to vent. As for the hairy crab, it is totally following the trend.

"Giggle, the master is really powerful, and the master can work harder." On the mount, the succubus smiled again and again, and a pair of charming eyes became warm and watery after seeing Wang Yan's majestic posture.

Especially when I see the master teaching other demon girls, this sense of emotion and comfort is even stronger.

"Ooooooo, it hurts, it hurts! It turned out that this was the feeling of pain ..." The abducted governor's tears were like an angry little daughter-in-law, she was covering her cheeks, and she was pitying and miserable.

"Huh, do you still know the pain? Do you enjoy sadism, have you considered the feelings of the person being abused by you?" Wang Yan said more and more annoyed, and waved her hand again.

Fan Yan scolded and fanned down her crimes and problems one by one, and really learned a good lesson.

In fact, he had no other purpose, and he did not want to kill her. He just wanted to make this misbehaving, ignorant of the tyrannical brutal master know what is heaven, what is earth, and bad things have done a lot. Someone will come and clean her up sooner or later.

Such a disrespectful lord, even he dares to provoke, absolutely not do anything.

To know that this cruel county is cruel and relies on strong and weak, he had deliberately found faults in the past, attempting to arbitrarily bully Chi and Wang Yan, and even wanted to turn his Wang Yan into her personal male favorite.

This way of doing arrogance and ignorance made Wang Yan uncomfortable for a long time. At this time, he didn't kill her and killed her. It was already merciless.

Coupled with the fact that the brutal master is a woman, and the red refining demon king to face next, if the conflict with the brutal master is too much, it will inevitably affect his next plan.

Otherwise, instead of being a devil prince, dare to find fault with him like this, he would have wiped out this group of eyeless guys.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good but it was so shameless ... Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice to me, it's painful, it's embarrassing ... Ooooo, I was beaten by someone, so hurt, so embarrassing ..."

The brutal master was obviously slapped for the first time. At this moment, his beaten face turned red, and tears fell on his face crying. That looked like a pitiful, without seeing the arrogance of the previous lady of the county.

Wang Yan looked at the cruel tyrant who was crying at his feet. He could n’t help it any longer. He had to borrow Yu Wei and sneered: “This time I will give you a lesson. If you do n’t understand the rules next time, do n’t blame me. Relentless men! "

"Woo, I got it wrong, I won't dare next time ..." The Brutal Lord was beaten to death, the physical pain, and the strong sense of shame under the eyes of everyone, broke her previous worldview and Self-esteem.

Until now, she has to be convinced if she is dissatisfied.

The four demon generals were all around at this moment, stunned, trying to help but dare not act rashly, they had to widen their eyes and stared blankly at Wang Yan, not knowing what to do.

"And you, this time for the sake of the Red Demon King, this lord will not care about you, if you dare to be so eyeless next time, hehe ..." Wang Yan looked coldly, especially the last sneer, It simply put that irrefutable awesome power directly into the hearts of all of them.


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