The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1288: Cruel Master

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In front of this group of barbarian soldiers, Wang Yan and others have never seen it. The number is more than double that of the man brought by the Lord of Red Confusion.

There are many half-step S-level senior commanders, and even S-level demon generals, Wang Yan has discovered several.

Moreover, the rough armor worn by these barbarian soldiers is a little different from the soldiers under the command of the Red Confused Lord. The color of the armor connected with red and black is also mixed with a yellowish pattern.

Obviously, this army that has surrounded Wang Yan and others, together with their prey, is not a confusing lord.

Lord Chew's complexion changed greatly, and he stood in front of Wang Yan and others with a complex expression.

In contrast, Wang Yan still has the same expression as before, but instead looks at the confusing lord and the barbarian soldiers who have come over with some interest.

Depending on the situation, this group of people confuse the lord.

Since the three-legged Jinwu continued to recover, his confidence has grown. At this time, it seemed as if he hadn't seen it. He still stopped on the head of a **** dog behind Wang Yan, combing his flame feathers, and did not mean to take these barbarian soldiers seriously.

The succubus is sitting on the mount, smiling and charming, full of enchanting and charming.

On the contrary, the Frost Hairy Crab Intestine, quietly protruded his head from the back of the boss Wang Yan's butt, his two cute eyes, blinking and blinking, did not know what to think.

After the other party gradually approached, the face of the lord of the Red Confusion finally couldn't hold. Now he screamed angrily: "The fourth son of the Red Demon Lord is here, the lord of the Red Confusion.

In the **** plane, the stratums are distinct in rank, especially in terms of hunting, as a tradition of the **** plane. In the case of the same stratum, if one party finds the other, it has already locked a certain step by itself. Prey, so even if this side is starved to death, they will not intervene to snatch.

This is about the other party and their own dignity, otherwise they will be rejected by the clan.

However, if there is a large difference between the two classes, it is natural to not obey this traditional etiquette. Of course, the weaker side will voluntarily quit the competition without saying much, and the strong will also give a big belly, as long as the prey, and let them live a path.

At present, a group of lowly barbarian soldiers, due to the large number of people, will come to **** the prey of the Scarlet Lord, and the Scarlet Lord naturally cannot bear it.

Even if he is a desolate lord, anyway, he is a lord of the purgatory demon clan. How could he be bullied by these slave-like barbarian soldiers?

This matter not only confuses the lord, he can't stand it, but even his two thousand men can't stand it. At this time, they turned their targets and gathered behind the confusing lord.

They were armed with arms and filled with indignation. Although the number was nearly double that of the other party, they were victorious. You know there are some of them, but even the Yan Lake Lord has fought, and they are afraid of these barbarian soldiers of the same level as themselves?

However, the facts did not, as the Lord of Confusion predicted, the surrounding strange barbarian army not only did not get out of it, but approached step by step, which caused the surrounding atmosphere to instantly drop to the freezing point.

The group of gravel rats caught in the middle of the two is considered to have fallen down.

They are themselves low-level beasts, with relatively low perception, and when they react, the water that has been surrounded by the black-pressed Demon army is impassable.

The dignified pressure is like mountains and rivers. These low-level beasts are squeezing and pissing, and the atmosphere does not dare to breathe. Not to mention running away at this time, they don't even have the strength to move. He simply turned his belly, lying on the ground one by one and pretending to be dead.

This scene made Wang Yan surprised and surprised. How did this stupid little beast survive in the cruel world of hell?

As Wang Yan looked at the gravel rat at his feet, the opposing army finally approached a few tens of meters away.

The two armies confronted each other, and the atmosphere was extremely dignified. The confusing lord, on the other hand, was struggling, and looked like he was standing by.

However, the soldiers of the opponent not only did not have the slightest vigilance, but instead sneered, their eyes full of playfulness.

Finally, after a little stalemate, some of the other soldiers laughed out loud.

Then this laughter spread more and more, and soon all the soldiers made a harsh laugh.

"Pooh ... hahaha!"

"Yes, yes, he is the Lord of Confusion, he is just fierce, is he afraid? Haha!"

"Look at his downcast, I heard ..."

All kinds of gossip and rumors continue to be heard in the ears of the Red Confused Lord and others, and even Wang Yan and others feel a bit unbearable.

It turned out that the lord of Chidu was the illegitimate child of Chilian, who didn't know who was born. Chidu's birth mother died weakly after dystocia, and he was not recognized by Chilian Demon King at all, even thinking that he was a wild species left by his mother outside.

Later, due to rumors, the devil's heirs always had a certain status. So Chidu was entrusted to be raised by a servant, and then he was thrown by Chilian Demon King into the wild land like Chilian Huze, and he became a little lord.

In fact, it is equivalent to allocating the frontier wasteland, allowing Chidu to live and die, slowly waiting to die, and never want to see you again.

It is estimated that no one can bear this kind of abandoned past.

It was also because of the big confusion of the guy. Even if he was abandoned, he could develop alone in the bad area like Yanhu, and he could be mixed. If it is replaced by some people with poor mental capacity on the earth, it is estimated that even the heart of death is gone.

But his heart turned to his heart and was laughed at by a group of servants and barbarians. Chi Dao suddenly turned red and his eyes were flushed.

"Cheesy things, look for death!" Chi Confusion held his battle axe, his body burst into flames, staring at the other's barbarians, and he was about to move.

The opponent's barbarian was frightened by the situation and shrank their necks one by one, trying to retreat, and the whole scene became silent.

Just kidding, what level are they? No matter how low the opponent's status is, he is a legendary **** lord anyway. They are just relying on the master's momentum. If they really want to fight, they dare not take it.

At this moment, a delicate voice suddenly passed from behind the other soldier.

"Yo, I thought that the beast that didn't know life and death was barking. It turned out to be a shame for your family. I can remember that my father did not invite you?"

During the speech, a female demon with a very hot appearance and figure, taking a voluptuous pace, came out slowly.

Her appearance is not as rugged as that of the male demons, but her head is moist and charming, and her figure is as tempting as a succubus.

A set of short, narrow and delicate red soft armor set her extremely hot figure, and set off her exquisitely. Especially above the slender thighs, it was just an ultra-short mini skirt, which raised her fierceness to a deadly state.

"Disability, cruel master!"

With the appearance of this mysterious female purgatory demon clan, the confusing lord gritted his teeth and pronounced a name. The already gloomy face became even more ugly.


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