The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1276: Demigod Flame

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"Master Lord, everything is ready."

In the center hall of the lair, Goblin leader Guer Hatch quickly nodded and bowed his waist, flattering and reporting next to Wang Yan. Behind him, five metal carts were parked side by side.

Four of the carts are loaded with materials such as fire resources and purgatory steel, and the remaining one is loaded with the complete body dominated by Yanhu.

There is no way. The body dominated by Yanhu is too large and strong and abnormal. It takes a lot of time to dismember. Wang Yan has no time to spend here. So he asked these Goblins to build a metal trailer larger than a container truck and install it fully.

Wang Yan found that the trailers created by these red Goblin are very unique. Said to be a trailer, in fact, it is more like a tug that can travel in lava.

These Red Goblin, using their architectural and elemental talents, inscribed a variety of fire runes on these trailers. These enchanted runes can allow the trailer to resist the high temperature while also using the effect of element fusion to be suspended on the lava. This point is so close to the maglev train on the earth.

Of course, magnetic levitation uses the principle of mutual repulsion between magnetic poles, and this Yanhu trailer uses the fire elements of nature to lift heavy objects.

Afterwards, this frame was dragged on the lava by a lava lizard covered with black patterns and thick thorns. It can be said that this frame can come and go freely in this Yan Lake, or as long as there is a fire element, which is very convenient.

"Very good." Wang Yan nodded and expressed satisfaction. Then he turned his gaze and looked casually at Guerhatch, "I will know what to do in the future for what I have explained?"

"I know, I know." The remnant Hatch, who was swept by Wang Yan's eyes, suddenly felt a huge pressure and replied quickly, "After the Lord Lord left, we immediately proceeded to the development of purgatory steel and resources of various departments Search and collect. "

"Please Lord Lord, rest assured that my family and I will follow you to death, and will definitely not have any second heart, including selfishness."

Gu Erhatch's sentence was true, he didn't say it himself. He had witnessed the battle between Wang Yan and Yanhu, and he was appalled by the appalled clothing. And his clan, after seeing the corpse dominated by Yanhu, was scared and frightened.

They are just some tribes of low-level Goblin. How dare they defy the will of Wang Yan, a regional lord? Unless Wang Yan is also killed by others, they absolutely dare not slack off.

In addition to this, Wang Yan also asked the Lord of Deception to leave a team of barbarian soldiers here to supervise and guard the nest. At the same time, it will also send a supervisor from the city and more labor to come and jointly develop this Yanhu.

It can be said that with such an arrangement, as long as there is no invasion of foreign enemies, there will be absolutely no chaos here. Moreover, the mining construction here will become larger and larger, and it is very likely that a large-scale city will be formed in the future.

But that was a long time ago, and Wang Yan couldn't think about it for so long now.

Soon, with Wang Yan's order, the mighty brigade began to leave the Yanhu lair and pull away toward the plane base station.

On the way, the three-legged Jin Wusu woke up. This guy deserves to be an uncle who can eat and sleep, and loves to play.

After it was released by Wang Yan, it immediately jumped into the sky to show its glory.

Like the succubus, after absorbing a lot of fire resources, the power contained in the body has risen to a solid level.

Full of flame feathers, solid and faithful, exudes a burning high temperature. As it spread its wings, the vast air that seemed to come from the primordial wildness was like an invisible giant pressure that enveloped the whole land.

Below the sky, the red goblin and barbarian soldiers who led the way by car all scared it and shook their heads.

This is a low-level person, facing the instinctive fear of powerful creatures, there is no control at all, even if they know that they will not hurt themselves, they will also be in awe and awe.

The three-legged Jinwu did not tire of it. It turned around in the sky for three full laps. After finding enough confidence from this group of little babies, it gathered its coercion and slowly landed on the top of the car, just like an uncle Yes, command the vehicle.

Facing the self-entertainment of the three-legged Jinwu, Wang Yan did not care about it. He was always under the service of the succubus, leaning on a comfortable car, pondering the battle with the master of the Yanhu Lake, and trying to precipitate the starting point. .

In this way, both day and night, two days later, Wang Yan and his party came to the place where the ancient Yan Mo recovered himself.

The vortex on the Yan Lake still rotates slowly, but it seems that Wang Yan's arrival is felt. As he approaches the distance, the calmly rotating surface of the magma lake is suddenly broken.

Just listen, a loud bang.

Hundreds and thousands of tons of magma, with a surging flame, was instantly shocked into the sky.

The dense magma that broke apart, like a storm, fell down one after another, and the barbarian soldiers and Goblin smashed down, all of them stalking their heads, fearing that they would not avoid it in time, they were burned and fleshed.

However, the dangerous magma, like having long eyes, all changed its course and fell to the surroundings when it reached Wang Yan.

Such a miraculous scene is precisely because the master who manipulates the surrounding fire elements has reached the point of being meticulous and even fascinating.

"Lao Bei, you didn't let me down."

Wang Yan looked up and saw that in the original position of the vortex, the awakened ancient flame devil Bella Roca was like a giant pillar of Optimus, standing in the center of the big pit.

It radiates a scorching wave all over its body, and the flame heart part also flashes a layer of scorching white light. Its body is no longer the same as before, as if it were a lava body made of semi-solidified magma. But on this flaming lava body, it was covered with a layer of glass-like flame armor.

This layer of flame war armor is crystal-heavy and heavy, with a brilliant surface flowing through it, revealing the terrifying panic of Tianwei. It is exactly the same as Uncle Cannon's original embodiment of the law and the production of a pull-out war armor.

At this moment, the ancient Flame Demon is also embodied by the law, and the armor is added. Undoubtedly, its strength has been restored as before, and now it has become a god!

The lava fire rained down, and the barbarian soldiers and Goblin around them all subconsciously lowered their heads. They were in awe of the demigod-level flame demon in front of them, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

Because the ancient Yanmo was there, it was not a promotion this time to restore strength, so it did not cause a large-scale vision. And at this time, Wang Yan, the young master, was in front of it, and it stood in a respectful position without exerting any coercion.

But even so, the tyrannical gas field that has reached the demigod makes it seem to be integrated into the entire Yanhu Lake. The majestic and majestic atmosphere is like a mountain, hanging in people's hearts.


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