The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1254: Flame Demon Creation

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The ancient Flame Demon stepping on the Yanhu Lake shouted, and the elemental monsters gathered around him all began to line up in groups, then grabbed the semi-solidified magma and wiped it on their bodies.

It didn't take long for the magma to solidify and wrap it around the monsters like an armor. Some humanoid monsters, wrapped in magma armor, look somewhat similar to the ancient Flame Demon.

These elemental monsters are in themselves the elemental life forms of the hellfire elements condensed in this lava lake. Therefore, not only will magma not harm them, but to give them not very strong body, increase a certain defense.

The changes brought about by the ancient flame demons are much more than that.

After commanding and strengthening the life of a large number of elements around, the ancient Flame Demon extended his big hand, took out a magma from the lava lake, held it in both hands, and after a period of flames rose, then thrown it out, it was a brand new element life- Magma monster!

This kind of magma has C-level strength. It is about one person tall. His muscles are composed of semi-solidified lava. It seems that his IQ is not high, but fortunately, Kong Wu is powerful and very strong.

"Awesome! Lao Bei, can you actually create something?" Wang Yan couldn't help but exclaim.

Ancient Yan Demon can control fire elemental creatures, Wang Yan is not strange at all, but watching it create an elemental life with his own eyes, it will be different. No wonder that many indigenous peoples on the earth used it as a **** in mythology to worship. This anti-sky skill is so amazing to display.

"Hehe, hehe." The ancient Yanmo was praised and smiled rudely.

Then grabbed another handful of magma, after a round of transformation, after throwing it out again, this time it was four magma monsters.

However, these four magma monsters are obviously one size smaller, only have D-level strength, and their overall anger is much lower.

"Lao Bei, besides the low-level magma monsters, what else can you do?" Wang Yan asked aloud.

At present, it can be seen that under normal circumstances, the Ancient Flame Demon can create a C-level element monster at a time. If you want to create more than one element monster at a time, the strength of the element monster will decrease accordingly.

"Lao Bei, you can make a lot." The ancient Yan Mo replied roughly, then pointed to Wang Yan's mount, leaned over and took another handful of magma, and began to transform again.

This time the ancient Yanmo was significantly more involved, and the production time was extended several times.

After a while, the ancient flame demon palms opened, and a **** war wolf composed entirely of lava appeared in front of people.

This **** war wolf, except that its body is composed of lava, is no different from Wang Yan's mount. Even the saddle and chain on the back of the war wolf are exactly the same, and even the strength has reached level B!

"Lao Bei, why haven't you found out before that you are full of artistic cells!"

Wang Yan has opened his eyes. This lava war wolf is like 3D printing and it is copied in all directions. The flaming lava body is obviously more powerful and domineering.

With interest, he simply changed his mount and rode on the lava wolf created by the flame demon for him.

The discovery of the lava warwolf may be because it is composed of flame elements, and it still communicates with his mind, and there are almost no obstacles to manipulation. This brings the advantage of control far beyond ordinary **** warwolves.

Wang Yan was very satisfied with this. He manipulated the lava war wolf on the spot, jumped around, and checked it carefully.

Wang Yan played over there, but the surrounding confusion and the barbarian soldiers were stunned.

Their eyes widened, their jaws wide open, and they were horrified.

Summoning elemental spirits is a skill that almost most purgatory demon clan can perform, even human magicians can easily complete it. But that kind of elemental spirit is just a puppet tool where elements temporarily condense.

These are all fake, but this ancient flame demon created a low-level elemental life!

This is a god, at least it must be close to the most elemental life of the god, only to have the talent ability!

At present, this ancient flame demon can possess this kind of talent and magic power, which is enough to illustrate that the evolutionary starting point of this ancient flame devil is very high, even higher than his **** lord!

If this continues to create an army of elements, will it still be?

Thinking of this, the Lord of Confusion and his barbarian soldiers could not help but sigh in horror. The boss is the boss. Look at this confidence, no wonder that even the semi-god monsters dominated by Yanhu dare to dare.

Growing up like this, I am afraid that the Demigod Demon King cannot stop it.

"Lao Bei, you have done very well, but can you create elemental creatures above level B?" Wang Yan played enough, riding the lava wolf back to the crowd.

He probably already understood the difference between the life created by the ancient Flame Devil and the elemental creatures that grew naturally.

Everyone knows the life that was born in nature, but the life created by the ancient Yanmo is just like the bioman created by using biotechnology in some science fiction works.

Can you say that the created or cloned bioman is not a life? The lava monster created by the ancient Flame Devil is this kind of low-level life created by using elements. If you want to talk about flaws, perhaps this elemental life is not as good as natural creatures, but it is stronger than absolute loyalty. As a soldier for combat, it is better.

"Well ... Yes." The ancient Yanmo heard Wang Yan's inquiry and groaned a little, then nodded and pointed at a subordinate A-class monster who said, "But it needs crystal core."

After listening to it, Wang Yan stretched out the core of the A-level fire element with one hand, and threw it to the ancient Yanmo: "Take it and try it."

With this A-level crystal nucleus, the ancient Yanmo concentrated his energy, and a pair of big hands began to surround the crystal nucleus, condensing a strong elemental force.

It didn't take long for the body of the fire element to begin to grow at a rate visible to the naked eye. After a period of time, the fire element that Wang Yan took out of the crystal nucleus and was killed was resurrected!

The A-level fire element that had died once was scared to death when he opened his eyes. He reached out and touched his body, so he was sure he was alive again.

However, after the ancient flame demon reshaped the body, this A-level fire element body is equivalent to being permanently imprinted, and can never violate the ancient flame demon's order.

"It turns out that I understand."

Wang Yan nodded thoughtfully. Class A creatures, who are masters of the master class on Earth, have already touched the edges of the law. This cannot really be easily created.

However, the inner dan, which is condensed out of the elemental magic object, also known as the crystal nucleus, is the core of the monster, not only the storage of their power, but also the carrier of bloodline genetic information.

The ancient Yanmo took advantage of this and cloned their bodies again. The cloned elemental monsters are the original elemental monsters, but they are not entirely their own.

Because of the manufacture of the ancient flame demon, they have become invisible and become an attachment of the ancient flame demon, a loyal and fearless member of the elemental army under Wang Yan.


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