The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1251: Wang Yan

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The strong applause, with a hot wave, immediately stirred in front of everyone.

The deluded lord and the barbarian soldiers behind him were all stunned by the scene in front of them. The boss who stared at each eye was stunned.

"Hey, what the **** is this? How could it be so scary?"

Muddy, his muscles tightened, as strong as him, and he also felt instinctively that the huge creature that fell from the plane channel in front of him was full of deterrence.


The ground beneath his feet began to vibrate violently, and as the giant fire hand pressed against the rock began to exert force, soon a giant lava monster slowly stood up from the boiling magma.

This is really a fierce monster that even **** creatures are incomparable.

Its body is as high as seven or eighty meters, like a hill, standing majesticly in front of everyone. The whole body was burning with a blazing flame. The limbs of the body were completely composed of dark red, semi-solidified lava. Raising his hand and throwing it in his feet, they were filled with a strong and arrogant breath that could destroy everything.

Even at this moment, it just stood in front of everyone, just like a small sun that landed on the ground, and the original wilderness that spread out with it, swept the audience almost instantly!

All **** creatures around were immediately shocked.

Chiku and the barbarian soldiers brought by him have seen this kind of ancient giant. At this time, under the powerful strength of the other party, his heart jumped uncontrollably.

Especially the barbarian soldiers who are not very powerful, under this kind of overwhelming pressure, they are all terrified, trembling, and even dare not raise their heads, for fear of being careless, annoying this ancient monster , The next moment will be a big hit.

The elemental monsters gathered around it are even more exaggerated, and all of them lowered their heads one by one. If they were like slaves, they would obey at the foot of the flaming giant.

These wild monsters are all native elemental creatures. In the face of this high-level flame giant, they almost felt instinctive awe.

"Boss, this and this ... this is ..."

The confusing lord was sweating and stammered nervously.

Originally, as a young purgatory demon, he has grown very fast, and he also belongs to an outstanding **** lord, and his heart is still somewhat arrogant and arrogant.

However, after meeting Wang Yan, his heart, which he believed to be strong, was broken again and again, especially after seeing this flame giant, he even shattered the ground.

After all, this monster of the flame system is too great, right? Although the strength seems to have not reached the demigod, this violent and fierce momentum is not the demigod, but it is better than the demigod!

"Xiaochi, let me tell you, this is my other powerful general, the ancient Flame Devil Bella Roca!"

Wang Yan smiled softly, and his strength was revealed. The surging energy immediately overflowed his body, and the pure Yang real fire that just reached the sun came out vigorously. The blazing fire immediately made the air around the original heat wave warmer.

At the same time, a spirit of the king who seemed to be able to swallow the world was revealed from him. It was a bit more powerful than the ancient flame demon in front of you.

Numerous elemental monsters around, all startled agitatedly.

Almost all of them turned their heads out of instinct and bowed to Wang Yan's feet. Even the raging lava lake in front, the burning flames in the upper layer, seemed to be dominated by some kind of power, and they all bent down to Wang Yan to shake the flames.

The whole scene was so shocking that all the flame elements around it, as if thousands of people in the kingdom, were worshipping their king.

And this monarch is Wang Yan, who is covered in fire!

"Yuan, element worship ?!"

The confusing lord in the back, his eyes straightened. Compared with an ancient flame demon, Wang Yan's momentum undoubtedly made him more shocked.

It should be understood that elemental pilgrimage is a general statement, not only on the earth, but also on the plane of hell, and even the world of other planes.

But this is the absolute coercion that the Devil God has. However, his own boss now has the powerful power that makes the element of fire linger, so it is impossible for the boss to be inseparable from the Devil God.

Just when he was horrified, a whisper as if from the ancient times came from above his head.

"Little Lord!"

The huge ancient flame demon, with a rough voice, but a very respectful bending of one knee, fell down in front of Wang Yan.

That's right, it has recognized Wang Yan's identity. Although Wang Yan's appearance has changed, the bloodline of Zhu Rong in the body, as well as this powerful pure Yang true fire, are the best proof of his identity.

"Master, master!"

A series of messy shouts came from behind Wang Yan.

It turned out that the barbarian army was completely subdued by Wang Yan at this time, all learning to look like the ancient flame demon, kneeling on one knee.

joke! Those terrible ancient monsters all recognize him as the master. How dare they these little babies? In addition, **** has been respected by the strong for thousands of years, so in the eyes of these barbarian soldiers, Wang Yan is definitely a well-deserved master.

Confused with sweat in his head, horrified, it was too horrifying, and even now the boss is the son of Lord Demon, he believes!

Looking back now, why was he so stupid? Dare to hit his idea, and even try to smash his succubus? At that time, he was not beaten to death, but was also taken as a younger brother.

Look at the imposingness of this ancient flame demon. Without the shot of this flame demon, even the three-legged golden black dragon, or the ultimate succubus, is enough for him to drink a large pot.

Afterwards, really afraid, even if he borrowed a hundred guts in the future, he would not dare to die.

"The boss is the boss, hehe, look at this big demon brother, it's so courageous!"

The deluded lord immediately displayed his racial talents, and ran quickly to Wang Yan and the ancient Yan Demon, begging and begging.

"Ahaha, is this awesome?" The three-legged Jinwu who had been staying by the side, fluttered his wings and flew into the air. "Ahem, when the original **** regained his former divine power, how could it be this silly big man?

The ancient Yanmo straightened up slowly, learning the appearance of human beings, hummed slightly, and responded lightly: "Green hat bird ..."

The three-legged Jinwu was hit hard and immediately flew to the top of the ancient Flame Demon. "Ah! You, you ... Do you want to fight?"

"Just hit it."

"Ah ... The **** is already S-class, will you still be empty?"

"Come and come."

A flaming beast and a flamingo immediately disregarded other people and huddled together in a side, so it was hilarious.

Lord Chew was ashamed, but he didn't dare to express his opinion when the big brothers fought, and he quickly waited beside Wang Yan.

"Xiao Chi, follow me well in the future, your father's seat will be yours sooner or later." Wang Yan put away the power of the outside and patted Chi Chi's shoulder, quite a boss style.

"Yes, yes, everything is a blessing to the boss." Chidu quickly nodded and bowed, serving.

Wang Yan nodded, no longer responding, and then walked to the communicator, ready to connect with Yunzhi again.

But at this moment, the sudden change!


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