The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1249: Wang Yan's wasteland development plan

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The effect of bloodline evolution on humans and demon superpowers surprised the director Yun Zhi.

The advantages brought by the bloodline are inherent. It often determines the talent and potential of a creature. This is reflected in the growth rate of this creature and its future achievements.

Otherwise, many human and demon superpowers will stagnate for a long time after reaching a certain peak. Unless they encounter an opportunity or breakthrough, it is difficult to go further.

But bloodline evolution is equivalent to adding an extra chance to yourself, which is undoubtedly a huge boost for the superpowers on earth.

And according to Wang Yan, this bloodline evolution technique was a mysterious technique of the starry sky, and it was almost useless to the creatures on other planes than the earth, but it was almost useless to the humans and demons on the earth. Clan, but can achieve a transformation from man to God!

Whether it can be promoted to a **** is too far away now, but there is a hunch that is far away from the plane of the earth. If the earth-shaking transformation from man to **** can be realized in the future, then that person must be Wang Yan. !

"Wang Yan is really a man full of miracles." Yun Zhi secretly analyzed, and it seemed that it was an urgent task to get his seeds.

Especially after seeing Wang Yan's powerful strength and various feats, she has already determined that there are no more males on the planet, and she is worthy of her wisdom and beauty.

If Wang Yan's seeds are not available in the future, wouldn't she want to be a Dingke family all her life?

With such a simple and pure mind, Wang Yan, who is far from the plane of hell, naturally cannot understand. In addition, her dialogue with Wang Yan is in the Mandarin Chinese language of the earth. The surrounding **** creatures, including the confusion, will not understand in a moment and a half, so she is not worried about what important information will be delivered.

This side.

After reporting the bloodline evolution technique, Wang Yan still did not forget the modest sigh and said, "If you really want to thank you, then you have to thank them. The star **** of the sky, Marcus Harvey, was not him. In hell, it took hundreds of years of hard work to study such a set of precious results, and I couldn't find such a baby. "

"Why, what? Did you find the secret book?" Yun Zhi was taken aback, and even the communicator heard the exclamation of the other assistants.

What a joke? Such cheating cheats can be picked up casually? Are these treasures really rotten cabbage in the vegetable market? Why don't they have such good luck?

"Yes, I picked up a younger brother in vain." After all, Wang Yan also used the language of **** to make Lord Chidu greet Yunzhi and others.

Chi Dao is honest now. He thinks that the opposite of the communicator is the younger brother that the boss has conquered on the plane of the earth, so according to Wang Yan's request, he said a lame "Hello" to the communicator.

Then he spoke a **** language roughly and said hello to the younger brother.

Yun Zhi and his assistants naturally couldn't understand what the lord Lord said, but they scared them.

That's a real **** lord, how can I say that he has S-level strength, plus city enclosures, and a bunch of **** army? This became Wang Yanbai's younger brother?

This son of flames, this is going against the sky!

For a time, Yunzhi's four-week assistants' discussion voices lay in a state of horror. Undoubtedly, after the end of this newsletter, the entire SAARC, as well as superpower organizations all over the world, will be shocked.

Wang Yan, the first person in modern **** exploration, is well deserved.

"Son of flames, you are really powerful. I thought you only went to explore around once. I didn't expect it to be so huge."

At the end of the communicator, Yun Zhi rubbed his forehead, and his voice was amazed. "With your current contribution to mankind, it is comparable to the discovery of Columbus in the New World that year! If you knew that you had such a scourge, you should let the Secretary take it early You are sent to **** to help our National African Bureau take off as soon as possible. "

Wang Yan listened for a moment of shame, what was the scourge, he clearly only had a stronger strength, a little better luck, and a little routine.

"It's all luck. Dean Yun said it back. I asked you to strengthen the teleportation circle and strengthen the impact of the space nodes. How are you doing now? If you can, just send me both my master and the maid. If you can With them there, it is a breeze to clear the Chilian Lake Ze!

Wang Yan eagerly asked the communicator, and at the same time outlined his wasteland development plan.

The red flame lake where he is now is a very primitive wild land on the edge of purgatory.

As for why the confusion is assigned to be the lord here? Wang Yan speculated that the Eight Achievements were due to Chidu's unwillingness to see him. He was sent here by his father Chilian Demon King, and he ate and died.

But because of this, this lava lake, which has a very large area and almost no one cares about, is cheaper for Wang Yan.

He planned that if this area could be occupied, it would not only consolidate the security of the plane site, but also take advantage of the rugged terrain here, this natural barrier, to create the first outpost for humanity to enter the world of **** in the future. In addition, the rich mineral resources here can bring huge wealth and energy to the earth. The harsh surroundings can also become a special training base for humans and demon superpowers, and so on.

Calculated in this way, occupying this area can be said to serve multiple purposes and have many benefits.

Of course, in this wild land, the reason why no one has opened up wasteland yet is that, in addition to its remote location and harsh environment, there is also a demigod-level demon monster living in the center of the place.

In addition, it also has many legendary beasts and a large number of elemental life bodies, making it almost a paradise for the flame monsters.

Not to mention that the Lord of the Confusing Lord was not able to clear this area, that is, the Lord of the Confusing Lord, his old man, the Red Demon King, came and faced such a wild land, he was still at a loss. Especially in the depths there is a demon-level monster, which is hot and tight.

After all, the **** demon who can break through the shackles and reach the demigod level, all cherish their lives, no one will be stupid in the lava lake, and fight the old life with a flaming monster of the same demigod level.

So over time, this area has become an uninterested, tasteless area.

However, Wang Yan is confident that if the Uncle Cannon and his wife can come and sit down, it is absolutely a breeze to clear the lake. As for the half-god-level monster, to any of Uncle Gun's couples, it's food delivery!

The two of them, but the top masters in the demigod level, even the avatar of the devil Satan can be cleaned up, and they are afraid of a wild monster in the Yanhu?

Wang Yan is full of confidence, but reality and assumptions are always different.

After he had just finished talking eagerly, Dean Yun Zhi opposite the communicator poured a pot of cold water on him.


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