The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1247: Do not! I'm going to hell

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Emmons was dumbfounded, his face as ugly as stepping on shit.

The Starry Sky Tower, as the core area of ​​the academy, has an entrance seal with Emmons, and no outsiders can enter at all. But at this time, under the altar shrouded by stars, it was originally a sparkling normal space, and a big hole was burned out!

The blazing flame, burning fiercely in the space tunnel, a giant monster that seems to be composed of lava from the earth's core, is half of the body protruding from the tunnel.

It is the ancient Flame Devil Bella Roca!

Above the altar, Lydia was holding the tears of the starry sky, bathing herself in the majestic magic of starlight.

Now Emmons can understand that even a fool, Lydia arrived at the Starry Sky Tower through the flame forbidden place where the Flame Demon is located.

Below the original Starry Sky Tower is the boundary between the ancient flame demon and its subspace on the seal. It can be said that the two spaces are close together.

However, after the last disaster, this enclave built by the Star God of the Year was completely destroyed. Fortunately, this ancient flame demon, who recognized the son of flame as the main, for this reason Emmons also paid a lot of money, for this flame forbidden land, built a two-way channel to the China Superpower Academy.

So far, both sides have been in peace.

Although it is a little scary to be a neighbor with this ancient Flame Demon, but it is quite safe. At least no one in this world dares to sneak into the Starry Sky Tower from the Flame Forbidden Ground where the Flame Demon is located.

But he never dreamed of Emmons. Among the limited acquaintances of this terrifying ancient flame demon, his granddaughter was one.

With the help of this ancient flame demon, the space barrier and seal beneath the starry sky tower are as if they are paper paste, and they cannot be stopped!

Emmons wants to cry without tears, is this child of flame too bad for people? People are not here, and they can leave a hidden danger and disgust him.

"Mr. Yanmo, thank you for sending me over."

Lydia waved politely towards the Flame Demon, then seemed to see Emmons, and began to accelerate the teleportation magic.

"Oh ~"

The ancient Yanmo responded with a gentle snarl, listening to the voice as if to say, "Everything is trivial, not enough."

Then he turned his head to look at Emmons specially, as if the old neighbor met and greeted each other, nodded slightly to Emmons, then slowly backed into the passageway and returned to the flame forbidden area.

The scene was restored as before, and Emmons, who was still in place, faced this scene and almost died without spitting out old blood.

He really wanted to scold, "Who wants to say hello to you, did you come to the college with the permission of the dean?"

Of course, at this moment, he could not control the others. Seeing Lydia ’s teleportation magic was about to start, he was frightened and persuaded to persuade: "My good granddaughter, if you have something to say, put the tears of the starry sky first, that **** world is really Can't go anywhere! "

Emmons wanted to step forward to stop, but worried that forcibly interrupting the magic would hurt Lydia.

Just kidding, this is a plane teleportation magic. If you forcibly destroy the laws of space, it will cause a terrible counterattack effect. And the stronger the individual's strength, the more obvious the effect of being excluded from space.

"No! I'm going to hell!"

Lydia stood in the center of the magic circle, holding the tears of the starry sky, humming without looking back, "I am not a little kid anymore, I have the ability to take care of myself, and the remains of the starry sky god, to us The college is very important. "

"Grandpa Emmons, you are waiting for my good news!"

The voice did not fall, a ray of silver-white starlight fell from the night sky.

"Boom!" Under the shining of the power of the stars, the whole altar shook rumblingly.

Soon, the rune coordinates on the ground began to get brighter and brighter. With the guidance of Lydia ’s magic, the starlight seemed to form a channel like a substance, with Lydia disappearing in an instant with a powerful unstoppable power. not see.

The place left only a little starlight, and a subtle ripple in space, slowly spreading like a water ripple.

"Just, just leave?"

Emmons was about to cry without tears, and he sat on the ground angrily, "Ah! This disobedient child ..."

Do you have to count on the Son of Flame this time?


Far from the plane of hell.

Wang Yan, the incarnation of the purgatory demon clan, is leading the barbaric army with more than two thousand people and leading the barbarian army with more than two thousand people.

Both Wang Yan and Chidu ride a **** warrior with the size of a bison, a fierce look, and a gray and hard skin.

This is a native species of the **** world, and is a close relative to the famous **** three-headed dog. This gregarious beast has a strong physique and a ferocious nature. It can reach C level after adulthood, strong can reach B level, and individual can reach higher. Coupled with this beast, after being tamed, it is very loyal, so it has been tamed by the purgatory demon clan for a long time, used as a mount and a war beast.

Walking and walking, Wang Yan and others saw a large lake of lava turning.

The last time Wang Yan and the Succubus explored along the way, it took about ten days. However, this time there were mounts and guides. They came along and walked through the road, and it only took about three and a half days to reach the edge of purpose.

There is Wang Yan and the Earth's plane, the first base station he established, and the coordinate point where he returned to the Earth's plane, so there must be emphasis on protection, otherwise the trouble will be great.


A flaming crow with three feet in the lava lake was bathed in magma, shouting incomparably: "Oh! Ooh! The boss is not here, the **** is free!"

Obviously, this noisy flame crow was the three-legged golden crow that was instructed by Wang Yan to stay behind the shore base station.


The three-legged Jinwu saw a large group of strong and savage barbarian soldiers, and was heading towards it, drawing a mighty man. Especially seeing from afar, the headed general is still two legendary **** lords!

Immediately, the feathers were erected, and the scream burst out: "Ah! Isn't the boss killed?"

The three-legged Jinwu, whose strength has been restored to the S level, suddenly jumped out of the lake of fire. After suspending to the air, the body began to grow rapidly, just like a phoenix flying in the fire, a pair of wings composed entirely of flames , Covering the sky and covering the sun, very powerful.

"Ah ... the boss was killed! The young, together with the god, avenge the boss! Ao!"

In mid-air, with its flame wings waving, a large group of elemental monsters subdued by it began to resemble bandits, jumping out of Chilian Lake Ze one after another, and rushed towards the barbarian army together with the three-legged Jinwu.

The scene of brutality and fearlessness, and even some head-on charge, immediately scared the barbaric army headed by Chidu.

"Why, how could there be so many elemental creatures? It, are they all crazy?"

Confused immediately, a drop of cold sweat fell off, "especially the big bird, how could it be so fierce?"


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