The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1242: Dying like a dog

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Where will Wang Yan give Chi Confusion a chance to die? Inferno Demon's powerful magic rebirth technique is very resistant.

Now a trick, the rich element of hellfire, once again dragged the red puzzle strong. Wang Yan followed the demon wing, and the whole person immediately flew on to greet the bewildered, and naturally it was another beating.

"Um! Oh ..."




Along with the moaning of utter confusion, Wang Yan swayed the power he had just gained.

Apart from the Demon God's body, the pair of Devil Wings behind him are also very satisfying to him.

These flame lines are the embodiment of the fire law. Now these two wings that integrate the Demon God's genes, on the basis of the original attributes, have added powerful defense and attack attributes, and the flame affinity has reached an exaggerated point.

Especially in the environment of hell, this pair of magic wings can almost allow Wang Yan to continuously learn the abundant flame elements around him. It can be said that the increase brought by this pair of magic wings alone can almost make Wang Yan become the existence of the same level, almost hang on the skin, not to mention him with a body of a demon god.



With Wang Yan's last punch, the entire chamber in the castle hall began to collapse suddenly, even with the roof of the castle hall, a big hole collapsed.

"Ouch ..."

But Ling's scared lord, with a swollen nose and blue face, resembled a dying dog, lying on the ground with his face up, sending out a series of endless wails.

At the same time, the powerful magic rebirth technique of the Infernal Demon Clan began to work, and the broken bones and damaged muscles began to recover quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Of course, this kind of resilience depends on one's own strength level and blood vessel strength, and it also consumes a lot of energy, otherwise it can only linger on the pant and hold your breath.

"Guru ..."

A burst of empty bellows sounded in the abdomen.

After Wang Yan moved down, the energy after rhythm brought by the demon crystal nucleus was finally vented. At this time, a strong sense of hunger began to crazily impact his body and consciousness.

He felt like he was hungry for days and nights. The kind of hungry hunger that made him panicked, as if every cell in his body was so restless, he constantly issued a strong demand for food.

"Xiaochi, take out all your best food and resources!"

Wang Yan called out casually, turned and began to walk out. His size also began to shrink until he was about the same size as the original human body before he stopped.

Purgatory Demon Race is already a high-level battle race. At this level, he can easily control his body and cell activity. For example, Demon Rebirth is an example.

In addition, Wang Yan is a human being, so he is still used to a normal body shape. With the power unchanged, there is no need to make his body bigger, and the meaningless consumption will also increase a lot.

Wang Yan was familiar with the car, just like the owner here, straight to the seat of the lord, he took out a handful of fire pulp, and stuffed it into his mouth. When it was like jelly beans, he chewed.

These flames were used as energy supplements. As early as in the previous gene fusion, they were almost consumed. Now the remaining ones are estimated to be consumed in a few bites.

He understands that this phenomenon is the same as when he was hit by a liquid meteorite and first awakened. This is a manifestation of excessive consumption by the body and the body's cells in need of energy.

This is the case for many superpowers. If there is no good material supplement at this time, it is likely to die due to excessive consumption and weakness.

"Good, boss, wait a minute, good things will come immediately."

Chitu naturally understands that his boss consumes a lot, and immediately gets up from the ground and runs fart.

joke? After succubating the succubus and ravaging him, now the castle has been stabbed in a hole, this consumption is not large?

But even after being beaten, Chitu was still very happy.

Look at this terrible power, look at this pure blood, his boss is definitely a high-level demons related to the ruling class, and with such a boss, the future benefits are absolutely needless to say.

He confuses the lord, but he is very witty.

Soon, the maid of the harem began to serve a plate of fine wine and food, and the Lord's Hall once again opened a banquet for Wang Yan.

In the meantime, the sorrowful lord also did not be stingy, and put out all the resources he had cherished for a long time, and dedicated them to his boss.

Anyway, he was determined to be a dog-legged man, so he made an unreserved contribution, plus he was beaten up, and also needed some resources to recover, so it is better to enjoy it with the boss, and it is also loyal.

Time passed a little bit, until the night, the banquet finally ended.

Wang Yan leaned on the seat of the lord with plenty of wine, enjoying a succubus massage and relaxing.

Leaning on the steps below the seat, she rested in situ. The maids around the harem, as well as some barbarian guards, have long been seen as strange, as if they had regarded Wang Yan as their new lord.

After all, the grandfather started to feel confused, just like pumping grandson, plus an unmatched absolute coercion, the status between the two, whichever is higher, is naturally clear.

The fire and rain outside had long been extinguished. Although the local residents suffered a little loss, they could hardly hear any complaints.

It can be seen that in the plane of hell, with respect for the strong, the formed class system has long been deeply ingrained in the hearts of these low-level residents.

Wang Yan was a little tired. With the help of the succubus, he closed his eyes and nourished himself, and at the same time began to reminisce about the wonderful experience he had just inherited from the blood.

Excellent blood lineage inheritance indeed contains powerful power, but not all blood lines can be used and fused.

For example, some bloodlines are strong in the early days, just like the barbarians in hell. Once they reach adulthood, they can have good fighting power, but their potential is very limited.

This situation is almost everywhere in the universe. In order to survive, many seemingly powerful races are eventually restricted by their own blood, so that it is difficult to break through again.

But humans are different. Ordinary humans on the earth seem ordinary, and some have even five combat powers, but their potential is unlimited, and they have extremely high adaptability and learning ability, and their fertility is unexpectedly fast.

They are like a piece of blank paper, which can add countless possibilities.

Therefore, some outstanding humans are usually selected by various powerful gods, or ancient wild beasts, as their spokespersons, and their powerful officers. This is almost everywhere among the superpowers on Earth.

At that time, the starry sky **** Marcus Harvey, as a human being, had to be full of wisdom.

He just discovered that humans possess many valuable characteristics, and thus invented the blood vein evolution, this great anti-sky secret technique.

Of course, in addition to the extremely high risk of this mystery, there is another kind of creature, it is difficult to fuse multiple genes, otherwise the gene chain will be like a building block that is too high, and it will collapse completely if you do n’t pay attention.

Such a result is a complete collapse and extinction of a creature.

Usually one blood vein is used as the main gene, and another blood vein is used as the auxiliary gene. This is a relatively easy way to achieve balance.

Wang Yan's luck has always been good. After inheriting the blood of the **** of fire, he just got the crystal core of the demon avatar. Otherwise, if the blood of an ordinary purgatory demon race is integrated, then he will suffer a great loss, which will not only be of no benefit to the future, but will even greatly reduce his own potential.

After all, one kind of advanced bloodline naturally needs another kind of advanced bloodline as an auxiliary.


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