The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1237: Bloodline Evolution

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"Beat it, the bike becomes a motorcycle!"

Wang Yan looked at the evil spirit crystal nucleus of his hands and feet and gritted his teeth, determined to fight him.

Some things, if you only stay on the assumptions and do not practice, you will never get an answer.

He raised his right hand and cut a hole in the palm of his left hand with his fingertips. The hot blood immediately ran out of the wound.

Now that he has achieved S-class, he has extremely strong qualities, and he also has the blood lineage of Vulcan Zhurong. In a sense, his genetic blood line is already the top-level existence in humans.

This point is exactly what he dare to try blood fusion, the greatest confidence.

Before the wound healed, Wang Yan took a deep breath and pressed the palm of his left hand over the devil's crystal nucleus.


The tender flesh of the left hand wound, as soon as he touched the devil's crystal nucleus, immediately seemed to be roasted by a soldering iron, and the muscles of the entire palm spasmed with it.

"Uh!" The severe pain immediately made Wang Yan growl.

"Master?" The succubus standing by the door was immediately tense. He just wanted to help him, but was blocked by Wang Yan's voice.

"Don't let me come without my order!" Wang Yan gritted his teeth and whispered a cry. With a little bit of pain, he could hold it. In order to sing the song, in order to become stronger, he must complete this evolution!

The succubus looked at Wang Yan's determined face, retreated to the door very obediently, bowed his head, and knelt quietly on the ground, waiting for the master's call.

She understands that the current owner must not be disturbed in any way.

The pages of the dragon's book placed in front of Wang Yan began to turn on their own, lines of mantras began to glow, and a large number of operating methods after high-density calculations began to be read and absorbed by him until they quickly ran in the body.

Although his expression at this time is still determined and as usual, his heart has already started to drum suddenly.

The demon avatar is not an ordinary purgatory demon clan, how powerful is the demon **** blood? How serious is the anti-bite feature? Even the original starry sky **** Marcus Harvey has no record. God knows what uncontrollable conditions will occur when the blood of the demon **** is merged.

This is where Wang Yan is most worried.

If according to the research of the star Marcus Harvey and the understanding of Wang Yan's modern knowledge, the bloodline evolution involved in this mystery is precisely the excellent genetic inheritance of certain organisms.

Genes, also known as genetic factors, are pieces of DNA that produce a genetic message.

The sequence formed by the gene chain not only supports the basic structure and performance of life, but also stores all the information of the life's race, blood type, pregnancy, growth, apoptosis and other processes.

If this gene chain can be broken down, fused, and recombined, then this gene sequence can be used flexibly, and the genetic information stored in it can also be broken down by the broken person and absorbed and passed on!

This is the bold idea put forward by Marcus Harvey, the star **** of the sky, thousands of years ago, and he has put into countless experiments for this, and has achieved tremendous results.

It must be said that the wisdom of some magicians at that time was no worse than that of current scientists.

This idea is not only feasible, it is even great.

There are actually only two traditional ways of inheriting the power of blood, one is traditional reproduction, which is the most widespread method. The other is a high-level living body, which passes its own bloodline to the heir through a unique boarding method, and then gradually penetrates, gradually replacing the ordinary bloodline of the heir, so that the heir becomes a true heir to the bloodline.

This approach can only be achieved by advanced life forms above the level of gods. Wang Yan obtained the blood lineage of Vulcan in this way. But so far, this process has not ended.

These two orthodox ways of inheriting, will make most of the inheritor's genetic characteristics are hidden and sleeping, usually only after experiencing some kind of stimulation, or acquired cultivation can be inspired.

Of course, these two processes are usually more orthodox and safe, but Marcus Harvey has broken this traditional law.

His method is to forcibly break a mature bloodline gene chain, and then merge and recombine with its own genes, so that the strong characteristics of the two organisms will eventually be reflected in a person, and its strength is definitely far beyond people's imagination. .

Similarly, benefits often coexist with risks. Two completely different genes merge with each other. Either one side completely wipes out the other, or both of them die in the process of engulfing each other.

To achieve a delicate balance between the two, the odds can be said to be minimal. Even Marcus Harvey himself, after thirty years of using bloodline evolution, has completely become a purgatory demon.

However, he also nearly broke through the demigod. As for why he fell midway, there are no more records in the dragon skin cheats.

"I have the inheritance of the Vulcan bloodline, and it should be no problem to integrate the genes of the Devil God."

At the last moment of the operation, Wang Yan couldn't help but stop and thought quietly, "What if it fails? It will become a **** demon clan."

He thought that when Marcus Harvey could insist on being assimilated for thirty years, his bloodline strength would never be less than thirty years. At that time, at the speed of the development of earth science and technology, it might help him solve the problem of assimilation. Besides, if it can really break through the demigod within thirty years, and even reach the supreme deity level, it is worth it.

Once you reach the level of the gods and become the supreme high-level living body, what kind of race is no longer a problem. In the long life of the gods, Wang Yan has a way to solve this problem.

Make up your mind, and your heart will be firm.

He began to read the last paragraph, a mantra that represents the basic laws of the universe, and at the same time, the power in his body began to move rapidly according to the method recorded in the cheats.

At this time, the demon crystal nucleus in his hand is the essence of a demon god's avatar. The powerful power contained in it is absolutely beyond people's imagination. This makes him eager to try and faintly excited.

Similarly, this Demon God Nucleus is equivalent to the complete genetic map of a Demon God's avatar, but this map is locked, and Bloodline Evolution is the key to unlock this genetic lock.


A slight cracking sound.

As Wang Yan completed the first stage of bloodline evolution, the demon crystal nucleus that was close to the wound on his palm began to appear a little bit of cracks.

These tiny cracks quickly spread all over the crystal nucleus, and soon the whole crystal nucleus "wowed" and then shattered.

To be exact, the entire demon crystal nucleus shattered countless fine particles, like a mist of evil spirits, suspended above Wang Yan's palm.

Wang Yan glanced up at his eyes, and hadn't had time to respond. The strange mist instantly penetrated into the wound in his palm.


A violent violent pain, like the tide, followed his arm and struck his body. He felt that starting from his arm, every muscle and every cell seemed to swell and burst, the kind of tearing pain, straight into the bone marrow, straight into the soul!

"The old guy Marcus Harvey, wouldn't it be pitting me?" Wang Yan clenched his teeth, but he secretly scolded, "This feeling ... how could it be so violent!"



Wang Yan's heart jumped sharply, and the violent pain in his heart made his eyes dark and almost lost his mind.

In his trance, he saw his arm doubled in an instant! And the muscles under the skin began to surge like a wave towards his body, and the blood inside the arm seemed to become heavy and thick many times. At this moment, all the brain rushed towards his heart.

Suddenly, his breathing almost stopped, his head dizzy, and his heart was horrified and secretly said: No, this time things are getting worse!


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