The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1235: Open mouth is just a father

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"Why, what?"

Hearing this, my eyes gleamed brightly, and I said incredulously: "Boss, Boss, you, are you telling the truth?"

"Why? Do you look like I'm kidding?" Wang Yan glanced at him. The expression was calm, like a demigod-level **** demon, but in his eyes it was nothing but a bag of things.

I was shocked at the moment. How could this human being have such great courage? His dad is a real demon king of demi-god level, and it is not a paper. Instead of a **** demon, how can he become so light and light in his mouth, sure he is not just talking about him?

Of course, he didn't dare to say these words, just think about it in his heart.

At this time, he felt the glance from Wang Yan, and quickly patted flattery flattery: "No, no, the younger brother does not dare, the boss is definitely not kidding. Just ..."

"Just what?" Wang Yan casually said.

"Alas, the younger brother is not a blow. With my qualifications, it is a leader in the field of the devil. But in the future, it is not so easy to become a true demi-level devil. It is estimated that there are only one or two. The grasp of success. "

With a sad expression on his face, he sighed, "Even if the younger brother has the boss to take care of you, it's a lucky chance to reach the semi-god-level demon king, but ... but above me, my dad, and three brothers are there. As long as they are there, Want to replace my dad and inherit his territory? I guess it's not my turn in my next life. "

With that said, this huge, muscular, confusing lord has a bit more sorrowful face: "Ah ... Boss, it's not the younger brother who doesn't believe you, it's just that our **** plane has no background, it's hard to get ahead ... "

"Oh, that's what it is." Wang Yan still smiled lightly and easily. Despite the bewildered look of bitterness and hatred, a demigod-level demon is really not a big problem for him.

But precisely because of this confusing lord, Wang Yan learned that no matter what world it seems to be the same, there is no strong background, and it is really difficult to squeeze into the upper class.

Take this confusion, although he is a little lord, but in the big world of hell, he is just a small leader. If he wants to become a real demon, he will gain a territory, even further, and greater. Achievement is undoubtedly not difficult.

This is because he is a heir to the devil prince, born in a noble family, and started higher. Otherwise, it would be even harder to change into a lower-level **** resident. It is estimated that in hell, the fate of being squeezed will never escape.

This is enough to show that weak meat and strong food are the simplest and most ruthless rules in this universe. Under this rule, let's put it small and say that it is a personal destiny. If it goes further, it is the destiny of a race or even a plane.

Today's Wang Yan is the generation who is holding the hope of the future on the plane of the earth. Humans living on the earth will become slaves who are conquered and plundered in the future, or they will continue to grow strong. It depends on how their generation develops.

"Xiao Chi, it's not the boss, I said you, you are a pure blood purgatory demon, your courage is really not ordinary."

Knowing the thoughts of the other party, Wang Yan continued to play the training routine, and all eyes were lightly looked at the confusion, "And the vision is really not that bad."

"Yes, yes, the boss has learned." Chidu was seen as cold and sweaty, and under great pressure.

Although he didn't understand why this human despised him so much, he instinctively felt that the one hidden in this human background is called a deep, God knows what card is in his hands. After all, even his old man Chilian Demon King is not afraid, this is absolutely Don't underestimate.

It happened that the succubus on the side looked at it mockingly, and sneered in a charming way: "Giggle, Chilian, you really have no eyes, and even question my master's background? Giggle ... stupid."

The succubus pursed his lips and was glamorous, but the eyes full of playfulness and ridicule made the confusing cold sweat wild and frightened.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and his heart suddenly shook.

Yup! How could this human being be a risky traveler to hell?

Look at the superb succubus with him, a tremendous strength, and even the **** fire can be controlled by him in reverse, plus his terrible and cruel torture means, from these many characteristics, the human in front of me, which Do you look like an ordinary human traveler?

I just suspected that he had no background, and he was blind.

"Older, older brother, younger brother has no eyes, please ask most of you to forgive me!" Recognizing his mistakes, the confusion quickly nodded and bowed down to please, "The younger brother will definitely swear to follow the boss, and he dare not hesitate."

"It's good to understand, as long as you follow me with sincerity and sincerity, your father's seat will be yours sooner or later." Wang Yan smiled rather broadly, the calm calm, like the godfather of the black list, Conquer the confusion completely.

The eyeball turned round, and the body moved towards Wang Yan. He smiled shamelessly: "Hey, boss, since you can help me take my father's seat, it's better to be ..."

"Why not?" Wang Yan frowned slightly, "There's nothing to end with insatiable greed."

"Not greedy, not greedy, I can follow the boss, my little brother is already contented." Chi said with a cunning face insincerely, "Do not hide, the old undead prefers my three brothers, and arranges my territory in This kind of side is barbarous, if I am not strong enough, I have long wanted to replace him. "

"Now that there is a boss who helps me, we might as well do it endlessly, so as to prevent future troubles and put the old one to die ..."

With that, his hands were squeezed with confusion, and the corners of his mouth were gritty. The sinister appearance seemed to crush his father alive.

"Hiss." Wang Yan twitched his lips, secretly helling this **** demon, it is really not a general venom, this is not only weak meat and strong food, it is simply heartbroken, morally lost.

"Cough cough." Wang Yan coughed softly, deliberately quit, "This is not good? Chi Lian, but your dear."

In fact, not to mention hell, even on the earth, fighting for the kingship, or even just money and wealth, is not the same as the father and son fighting, endless? It's just that in hell, such things are even more naked and unrefined.

"Why don't you dad? I don't even know who my mom is, who cares about this dad?" Chi Dao's careless wave of a big hand immediately flattered again, "Boss, if you help me get on my dad's Seat, you are my dear! "

After all, Chiu Gong bowed and bowed.

"Hiss." Wang Yan's mouth suddenly flicked again.

Right now, this confusing lord is a typical father who recognizes "thieves"? Although in the world of hell, attachment to the strong is the survival instinct of almost all living beings, but now this transformation is too naked?

Right now this confusing lord who can't wait to stick his hot face to his cold **** makes him feel like a big devil.

Forget it, forget it, since **** is coming, just follow the rules of hell.

Wang Yan waved his hand, indicating specific things, and then he said that. Seeing Wang Yan's promise, Chi Zhuo walked beside him with joy and glance.

Of course, Wang Yan came to the plane of hell, but not to collect the younger brother. Improving his strength right now, saving Ange, and avoiding being discovered by the devil are the problems he urgently needs to solve.

It took another whole day of hard work, he almost studied the secret book of the starry sky god.

Then he asked Chidu to ask for a secret room, and walked into the secret room with the cheats that recorded the evolution of blood veins.


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