The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1232: Stop, I'm going to be killed

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The poor confessed lord, who had been burned by the flames, was hit by the fire hammer, and immediately gave blood to the mouth, howling, and even the bones on the chest were broken into pieces.

Fortunately, this guy is a purgatory demon, and his physical fitness is notoriously powerful and terrifying. Even after being hurt, his vitality is still exuberant, and he still swears: "Damn human boy, you dare to be in my castle. Saye? Hurry up and let go of your lord, otherwise you will die without burial. "

Of course, these words were still translated by the help of Meier. The language of the Purgatory Demon Clan has its own unique grammatical rules and expressions. Meier just translated the meaning of the confusing guy into Chinese on Earth.

"Oh!" Wang Yan laughed. "Great confusing lords have reached this point, but they still dare to speak hard. I want to see, how can you let me die without burial?"

With that said, Wang Yan raised the Flame Warhammer again, slamming and slamming towards the Lord Chi Chi.

Such an astonishing scene made the subjects of the castle and the army all dumbfounded on the spot. They never imagined that the confusing lord would be beaten into a dog by a human being, and even the proud **** fire was turned back by the other party.

Everyone's heart is collapsed, it is difficult to accept this fact for a while. That is the Lord of Confusion, the son of the hallowed Demon King, who may achieve the level of Demon King in the future.

"Help me."

The deluded lord who was greeted by Wang Yan on the ground with a fire hammer, could no longer bear the blow, and screamed, "You are all stupid and do not give me a hurry!"

With the command of the deceived lord, the team of 100 barbarian soldiers suddenly began to recover, and rushed towards the ring one after another, because things were too sudden, resulting in a scattered formation, chaotic, chaotic, many barbarians are still at a loss Stay in place.

"Oh, Lord Lord, I am confused. If you said that you had a fair discussion, you even dare to call someone together?" In the face of this scene, Wang Yan didn't care, but only a mocking sneer in his mouth, "Look Come, the phrase "Until the Yellow River doesn't die," no matter where it is. "

With a wave of Wang Yan's hand, the overwhelming wave of **** fires, like the mountains and rivers, rolled towards the majestic barbarians. The leading barbarians were suddenly caught in the fire of hell. The whole body was burning, rolling and wailing all over the floor.

The rest of the barbarians saw their movements, and their expressions were slower, and their expressions showed a frightened look. That is the fear of the fire wave of hell, and even awe of that terrible human being. He is not only powerful and brutal, but also cruel. What did our Lord Lord be beaten to?

At the same time when Wang Yan shot, Meier was not idle. Since Lord Chew can call for help and broke the rules first, she naturally had the right to shoot. I saw her wings rising, and the wind appeared ghostly in front of the barbarians, holding a barbed bone whip, and issued a series of silver bells, a soul-stirring smile.

The charm wave instantly enveloped the twenty or so barbarians in the front row. They were stunned, their ears were red and their eyes were red, their breathing was fast, and the look of Meier was full of fanatical worship and admiration.

"Hehe ~" Meier smiled charmingly, and the instruction was transformed into a mental wave that spread into the minds of every fanatic.

Suddenly, the enchanted more than twenty barbarian soldiers, most of them roaring to command, wielding weapons such as warhammers, giant mace rods, or even simple thick iron rods, killed the original partners. .

There are a few higher-willed people who did not follow Meier ’s orders but fell into confusion and pain.

But that only seventeen or eight enchanted barbarians had caused great trouble to the entire hundred team. How can the barbarians who have not been charmed face their former teammates who have fallen into madness?

But the barbarians who were enchanted were unscrupulous, and the six relatives did not recognize them. They screamed in their mouths and tried to attack their former partners. Their expressions and expressions were full of terrible fanaticism.

This is the terrible thing about the powerful man of the charm, perhaps in the case of one-on-one strength, the effect of the charm is not too great. But if the enemy is one, and the opponent's strength level is generally inferior to the spellcaster, the wonderful power is reflected.

Such a weird and terrifying scene made the sober barbarians and onlookers all burst into chills from the bottom of their hearts. The most terrible thing in the world is not to be hacked to death on the battlefield, but to be chopped to death after being charmed, or chopped to death by brothers and friends with tears.

Even the weakest creatures are reluctant to be charmed by themselves and become a zombie who loses themselves, wielding their weapons and chopping towards their own people.

For a time, all the creatures present had a sense of fear towards Meier. Countless times more terrifying than the human being who can direct the wave of **** fire and beat the confusing lord wildly.

Those sober-minded barbarians no longer have fighting spirits, and flee in frustration. They are unwilling to hack to the dead brothers and are not willing to be hacked to death. They can only run away.

Rao is a bewitching lord who is being beaten, and he did not expect the situation to deteriorate to such a step. This barbarian brigade cultivated with its painstaking effort, even if it is against itself, is more defeated than others, but also pointed at them to save themselves and reverse the situation, but unexpectedly it will be defeated so fast.

At this moment, the sorrowful lord has a feeling of tears, clearly knowing that he is the winner, that is, bullying and bullying the two fat sheep, but he does not want the situation to evolve to this extent.

The fat sheep turned into a terrible demon, really making it cry without tears.

At this time it is not only heartbreaking, but also broken. Rao is a purgatory demon race with an extremely terrifying ability to fight, and it can't help the human kid being brutally beaten endlessly. What's more, its barbaric army was defeated, and there was no backhand.

The confessed lord spit blood while wailing and wailing screaming: "Brother Wang Yan, hurry up, hurry up. The old brother, no no no, the brother is just playing with you, oh, my brother wants you Killed. "


Wang Yan was a hammer again, smashing the confusing lord over a dozen meters, and fell to the ground. At the same time, Wang Yan's figure flickered and appeared in front of the Scarlet Lord, leaving behind him only a slight fluctuation in space.

With a playful expression, he grabbed the confusing lord and smiled: "So you are just playing with me, it seems that I misunderstood you."


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