The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1222: Just kill

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In any world, weak flesh and strong food, or attachment to the strong are instincts of the soul. However, if the strength is not much different, and it is far from being crushed, it is much more difficult to suppress and defeat the other party.

However, if you don't surrender, you can't surrender. The flame python is also a spirit. Eating it can also bring great benefits to hairy crabs.

As hairy crabs use giant forceps to tear the flame python into pieces, they gobble up and eat at the same time. The red giant crocodile and elemental life surrendered by Meier and the three-legged Jinwu are all chilling, and even more afraid.

These creatures are strictly a group of wild monsters, and have not formed their own civilization. It does not mean that their wisdom is very low.

That's fine. If you are more afraid, you will be more fettered. If you want to betray, you have to think more.

The whole thing is complicated to say, but it is actually just a few minutes. Moreover, Wang Yan didn't even move, and still set up a four-dimensional space node communication system, all of which were completed independently by his own hands.

It can also be seen from this that it is still useful to collect a few more powerful men.

It is a pity that the node of the four-dimensional space that can be opened now is too small, and the legendary ancient flame demon that Wang Yan has conquered is too large to come over.

Otherwise, it is absolutely like a fish in this world. More importantly, Wang Yan has cured its toxin, and its strength is gradually recovering. If it can regain the semi-god level strength, Wang Yan's safety in this different space is much guaranteed. And in this world, the flame element is so abundant, the ancient flame demon will recover faster here.

Of course, these wild monsters that were temporarily recovered by force value, Wang Yan did not have much hope for them at all, just used them to guard this space node.

At the worst, they cannot be allowed to destroy space communicators.

Under the lesson of Meier, these wild monsters understood their responsibilities, that is, to guard the strange "instrument", but they were also a little bit less struggling.

A little bit of time passed, Wang Yan finally set up a four-dimensional space node communicator, and the communication between the two sides has reached a point where it is barely smooth.

"Chief Yun." Wang Yan said across from him, "Please strengthen the bombardment of the space nodes as soon as possible, and send the teammates and my ancient flame demon as early as possible."

Exploring a powerful eccentric plane must not rely on Wang Yan alone. He is an organized person, not a lonely person who must fight alone. Since there is power, why not use it?

After a while, Yunzhi sent back the message: "I will advance this matter as soon as possible. The transmission array is in a cooling state. Please be patient. And this time, we collected a lot of data, and I will improve it as soon as possible. More powerful teleportation array. The second generation teleportation array is expected to take about a month. "

One month, it was very fast.

Wang Yan replied: "Since this is the case, I will first explore and collect more information and information." For the world of hell, the information that humans understand is relatively tiring and not too systematic.

Just like Wang Yan, you know that the world of **** is roughly divided into three areas, namely the Purgatory Demon Realm, the Dark Demon Realm, and the Fallen Demon Realm. The three major demons belong to the rule of three demons.

The boss of the dark demon domain is called the demon **** Mamen, one of the seven hells of hell. The ancient demon **** controls the power of death and darkness.

The Mamen guy likes to play with people's hearts and lure the holy to fall. Now, the dark sage Nana of the Dark Council, with its help, plunged into the arms of darkness.

As for the Fallen Demon Realm, it is the most mysterious demon realm, rarely connected with the human world. Their boss is called the fallen demon Samel, one of the seven creation angels, and then somehow betrayed the **** of light.

Obviously, according to various information, it is very likely that Samuel is the father of Sister An Ge, and this is Wang Yan's main goal this time.

As for Satan, the **** demon god, the place of control is called Purgatory Demon Realm. Its strength is unmatched, and it once fought against the God of Light.

However, Wang Yan and Satan, the **** of hell, have deep grievances. At first, Satan, the **** demon god, made a avatar and descended on the earth. As a result, he was beaten to death by three uncles.

The sub-artifact purgatory armor on Wang Yan's body was forged from the material of the demon **** Satan.

One can imagine what kind of expression Satan will have when he sees Wang Yan.

What makes Wang Yan even more speechless is that the surrounding purgatory-level environment is most likely the purgatory demon in the three demon domains, which is the site of Satan the devil.

The only thing to be thankful for is that it is a purgatory domain, which is many times larger than the surface area of ​​the earth. As long as Wang Yan does not die, the probability of meeting Satan, the devil, is very low.

At this time, Meier interrupted Wang Yan's thinking: "Master, Meier just got some information. This area, called Chilian Huze, belongs to the uncultivated wilderness in the purgatory demon domain. From the perspective of the slaves , It belongs to one of the domains of Chilian Demon King. "

Chilian Demon King?

Wang Yan frowned slightly, and there were countless powerhouses in hell, but once he could be called a devil, he didn't think he was a semi-godly powerhouse.

Even in the **** world of the strong like clouds, the demigod is not a cat and a dog that can be seen everywhere. Each of them is a famous generation, and they are each subordinate to the three devil gods and are the big brothers who sit on the side of the town.

The Red Refining Demon King is obviously a demigod-level existence.

Wang Yan is now relying on his greatly increased strength, and has a second artifact armor bodyguard, but when he is in the upper half of the **** level, he can only support himself.

"Be careful, and try not to cause Chilian's idea as much as possible." Wang Yan said with a slight fear.

"Yes, Master." Meier said again, "Master, this Chilian Lake Zeguang trade is unmatched, at least millions of square kilometers. There are only legendary existence, there are about thirteen. Distance from this place A hundred miles away, there was a legendary flaming python. The guys we just subdued were also the leaders who surrendered to the flaming python. "

"A legendary flame python, kill it, kill it." Wang Yanfeng lightly said, "Charm, you cooperate with the three-legged Jinwu action. It looks like it is from the flame demon. Use it. To replace the status of the flame python, it will not attract the attention of others. "

Today's Wang Yan is no longer the hairy kid.

With his powerful strength and power, even if he is dealing with a legendary existence, he will kill it without saying anything, and he does not need to shoot it himself.


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