The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1210: Indira, I'm sorry for you!

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"Nini's warfare is to stop the water in the service department. His loot is here and belongs to Nini." Wang Yan piled a pile of collected loot in front of Nini, two swords, and a storage Ring.

The storage ring has nearly thirty cubic meters, and there are many things piled in it. But all things add up, and the value is slightly inferior to that super soul crystal.

Moreover, humans and demon are different. Most of the demon rely on the power of blood to promote themselves, and the crystal core is the core of their blood energy. Although humans also imitate demon cultivation, they come up with a Nedan or something to store power. But once humans die, the energy in Neidan will quickly dissipate, without much effect. Unless the energy is collected like a vampire or some demon clan.

Moreover, humans are not allowed to strengthen themselves by killing other humans. Otherwise, once the mouth is opened, it is easy to cause humans to hunt each other. It is precisely because of this that the demon race and human beings, the dark council and the light church, will be hostile to each other and conquer each other.

Everyone has no opinion on the distribution of the nun, Nini.

Under this arrangement, it is natural that Linghu Yaojue was assigned to the relic of Zheng Yuanzhi, a monk in red clothes. Do n’t look at Yuan Zhi ’s own combat strength now, but he is also an old school master after all, the background is still good, the things on his body add up, it is more valuable than the soul crystal.

However, Linghu Yaojue played a great role in this battle, so the distribution was reasonable.

Gao Mingyue beheaded the monster snake with the face of a snake. The authentic snake is actually a first-class monster. Although this snake is very different from its ancestors, it is also a rare monster. The combination of flesh and blood materials is equally valuable. ’

Naturally, Vera was assigned to the big centipede, and the value was almost the same as everyone.

Next, Wang Yan and Shiva Goddess with the greatest credit. The loot that is not distributed is the treasure on the black turtle and Ampei Zongxiu.

"I want the artifact eight mirrors, and that black turtle." Wang Yan said, touching his chin. "How do the rest of An Pei Zongxiu's body belong to Her Royal Highness?"

"What?" The goddess Shiva froze. When was the son of flame so generous?

To be honest, when it comes to credit, there is no doubt that Wang Yan is the first. And his role is more than others add up. He wants to take a close look at that artifact, which is naturally a reasonable thing.

Even if he was brazen, he wanted all the relics from An Pei Zongxiu's body, and then gave the black turtle to the Shiva goddess.

"Hey, don't you look at me with such skeptical eyes?" Wang Yan shrugged. "The joke is a joke, but this time the Highness Goddess is also very desperate. Without her, she kept restraining Ampezong Xiu, we also I ca n’t win. Moreover, that Bajijing is a secondary artifact, and I earn a lot anyway. "

Reasonably speaking, the big guy looked at him a little, Gao Mingyue couldn't help but praise, "Lao Wang, as a friend, I appreciate your kindness, so arrange it."

"Wait!" Linghu Yaojue wrinkled his nose, as if he smelled a conspiracy. "Xiaoyan, wouldn't you be fooling again? Ampei Zongxiu's storage bracelet, but you Go clean it up. "

As soon as this statement came out, everyone's eyes were fixed on Wang Yan, as if it were indeed the case. It stands to reason that Wang Yan is not a guy willing to suffer a loss. Now he is willing to give the storage bracelet of Ampezong Xiu to Goddess Shiva. Is there really any idea?

"Lao Wang, the person who behaves is kind." The bright lady responded and gave Wang Yan a fierce look. "Although we are ourselves, the relationship is not bad. But this lady is not used to bullying Shiva like you. Goddess. Your goddess, do n’t be fooled by him. He must have checked the storage bracelet of An Pei Zongxiu in advance and found that there is nothing valuable in it. "

Now everyone understands. It turned out that Wang Yan had already checked the storage bracelets. It seems that An Pei Zongxiu spent all resources in order to impact the demigod in a short time. It became an empty shelf.

"Second brother, I feel so embarrassing." Nini was also ashamed of being with you, "Although the goddess had a festival with you before, after all, everyone has had the friendship of fighting side by side together, can't bully others like this Yo."

"Son of Flame, although you are very handsome, although I would like to reproduce with you." Super female Vera also cast a deep scorn on him. "But it is wrong to do so."

This is a life-and-death battle. With everyone working hard together, it is natural that friendship has greatly increased. And Shiva's performance in this battle is obvious to all. Everyone naturally does n’t like Wang Yan ’s bullying. He takes away all the good things and throws the garbage to the goddess Shiva. This is not a teammate ’s way.

The eyes of Goddess Shiva were a little red, not only because she was angry with Wang Yan, but also because her teammates were touched by her generosity, she despised Wang Yan deeply and said, "Thank you for making a statement for my righteousness. But this time it was indeed the Son of Flame who made the most credit, and he should take a little more. "

"No." Gao Mingyue also said seriously, "Since everyone is a team, it should naturally be distributed according to the principle of fairness, otherwise everyone will have a knot in the future when they cooperate. Pharaoh, you have taken the second artifact of the eighth mirror. Enough of the book, give the mysterious turtle to the goddess Shiva. Unless, you are willing to use that condition to let the goddess give up the mysterious turtle. "

"No, my condition has other effects." Wang Yan shook his head and refused. He looked at the goddess and said, "If you feel bad, take the black turtle and give me the rest."

"Humph!" Shiva was angry with him and said angrily, "It didn't matter if I had a loss, and the spoils belonged to you. However, this goddess just couldn't get used to your insatiable hate. I take the black turtle and leave it to you. "

Well done!

The women around them all expressed their support for the goddess Shiva. This wave of Pharaoh really did not play kind enough.

"Uh ... okay." Wang Yan touched his nose and reluctantly took the storage bracelet of An Pei Zongxiu. "Since everyone disagrees with me, I can only take the storage bracelet. . "

With that said, he put the storage bracelet in his pocket irrevocably.

"Wait a minute, Lao Wang, what is Ape Zongxiu's poor situation, let the big guys look at it?" Linghu Yaojue felt a little sorry for Wang Yan. I thought, if the storage bracelet was empty, I would mobilize everyone to compensate him with some loot.

"Isn't this good?" Wang Yan disagreed a little. "I'll lose a little if I lose."

"What's wrong?"

"Let's take a look."

At the strong request of all the women, the Bright Lady grabbed the storage bracelet, and her mental strength probed inwards. Suddenly, her petite body shook so well that she didn't faint, "This, this, this ... English Dila, I'm sorry for you. "


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