The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1205: Tsundere's Eye of Destruction

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"Brother, help me." Wang Yan's spirit fluctuates and the eyes of destruction dominate. "If you don't help me again, I will die."

But the eye of destruction was still indifferent.

That's right, the Eye of Destruction refused to help Wang Yan, but also passed a touch of pride. Although that kind of feeling is very weird, Wang Yan is still very clear, that is Jiao Jiao.

It ’s like saying, I do n’t help me, do n’t help me. See what you can do with me?

The communication, speed and efficiency of mental fluctuations are far more than language communication.

To put it simply, when humans speak, the normal speaking rate is two or three hundred words per minute. You can read text with your eyes and receive the same amount of information several times faster. That's because the human eye gets information much faster than sound.

But mental fluctuation communication is even more incredible. A spiritual wave can contain a lot of information. Those messages can include language sounds or even stereo images. And it will be instantly sensed and understood, as long as the brain can digest the speed of information digest, it is infinitely faster than the original communication method, and it is easy to achieve inter-ethnic communication.

This shows that when a civilization develops to a certain height, evolution to spiritual communication is inevitable.

Of course, this is temporarily gossip.

I just want to show that communication between Wang Yan and the Eye of Destruction seems to be a waste of time, but it is actually a matter between electro-optical flint.

And it seems strange to say that as an independent conscious individual, Wang Yan is communicating with one eye. It looks weird, but if you think about it, this eye is nothing ordinary.

Even a weapon will produce its own spiritual wisdom after a long time, not to mention that it is the core part of a real divine body?

Even if this destroying eye contains some memory and consciousness of Lord Shiva, it is completely understandable. Any deity has broken through the limits of mortals and has become a high-end life that mortals can't imagine.

Before Wang Yan just grabbed the Eye of Destruction, he also tried to communicate with the Eye of Destruction, and wanted to use it to fight with An Pei Zongxiu. Unexpectedly, the Eye of Destruction quickly refused.

In desperation, Wang Yan chose the plan to cut off his minions.

This is the second time Wang Yan has communicated with it, and it was also ruthlessly rejected.

"Hehe ~" Wang Yan did not give up, and continued to communicate, "How can I say that you are also your benefactor. If I hadn't done it, you would have been thoroughly refined by the monster of An Pei Zongxiu, and even your consciousness will be controlled by him. Become his servant. "

The Eye of Destruction continues to be arrogant, it feels like I did n’t ask you to save, you took the initiative to save.

Are you able? You can go!

"Hiss ~" Wang Yan gasped. Can you not be so arrogant as your eyes? No wonder, the goddess Shiva who has realized your destruction of the law of flames is also so proud.

"Okay." Wang Yan communicated in a tone of "giving up." "Since you are so useless, I will throw you into the vortex of space first. Next, the sect inherited by Lord Shiva is destroyed. Then, What kind of Shiva goddess, disciples and grandchildren in your family will be completely wiped out. Since you do n’t care, I am not ... "

Before Wang Yan finished his words, the Eye of Destruction shuddered.

A breath of vast destruction sprang up, and the horrible fire of destruction was ready to go. At the same time, he conveyed a reluctant mental wave to Wang Yan. That seems to be saying, isn't your flame quite powerful? Why are you asking me now?


This kind of expression of bitterness makes Wang Yan a little bit coerced. He can be sure that this is the first time he has seen the real eye of destruction, and he has never dealt with it before. And in the meaning it expresses, there is also a flame, a whimsical charm.

Then there is only one possibility.

The Lord Shiva and the God of Fire Zhurong are acquainted, and are likely to have some unpleasant experiences. But think about it, everyone is an ancient deity, and it is normal to have an intersection. The most important thing is that everyone is good at flames, and it is more normal to not accept each other.

Well, let ’s not mention the past.

Wang Yan hurriedly turned a spiritual force into reality, dragging a fist-size eye of destruction into the sky, almost at the same time, a flame far more than Shiva's goddess was sprayed out.

Wherever he passed, everything was destroyed.

What space debris, what free energy, and even dark matter presenting an endless void are burned cleanly, leaving a vacuum. That kind of ruinous feeling made Wang Yan feel terrified.

Flame of destruction, this is the true flame of destruction.

Although it is not large in scale, it is omnipresent and indelible.

As if it was really done, everything was completely destroyed wherever it looked.

As soon as Wang Yan's spiritual power turned slightly, the flame of destruction rolled towards the vortex of the black hole. The vortex of the black hole, which had a fatal threat to Wang Yan, was destroyed in an invisible shape for only a moment, and a true vacuum was displayed around it.

It's like leaving a huge scar in the space.

Everything is quiet.

Fortunately, the space has a strong self-healing property. At the boundary of the burned space, the space is slightly distorted and fluctuates, flowing into the blank space, and trying to repair itself. It's like taking a piece of water in a pool and the rest of the water will fill the hole soon.

"Hoo ~"

Wang Yan breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what, he finally retrieved a small life. Without the black hole vortex, the space stopped collapsing, and he would not be caught in the endless void by the suction of the collapse.

not far away.

After the thought of Wang Pei's dying An Pei Zong was stunned, he immediately roared again: "Son of flame, that is my eye of destruction." His heart was bleeding, and he spent a lot of effort to complete the destruction of the destruction Before the time to inject his own consciousness, Wang Yan was snatched away by Wang Yan.

This feeling made him depressed to vomit blood, as if he was struggling to pursue a goddess, and he was about to succeed, but he was stunned by a stupid head who didn't understand fart, and still holding the goddess in front of him. show off.

"Since it's yours, then you come and get it." Wang Yan's spirit moved, and the flame of destruction that was enough to destroy all materials went to Ampezong Xiu like a fire dragon, while joking, "Before that, you Let ’s taste the flames of destruction first. "

"Oh ~" An Pei Zongxiu roared angrily. "You don't even have the consciousness to refine it, how can it listen to you!"

Poor An Pei Zongxiu didn't even know that the "Goddess of Destruction Eye" was threatened and forced by Wang Yan.


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