The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1194: break out

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The power of a hammer actually beat Yuan Zhi directly.

Rao is Yuanzhi's hasty and inadequate defense, which is also a sign of Wang Yan's strength at this time. Even the armor that can resist missile bombardment on an aircraft carrier may not be able to stop him with a full blow.

Poor Yuanzhi, although his strength is not as good as before, he is still an S-level strongman with very old combat experience. In a head-to-head confrontation, even if it is not Wang Yan's opponent, it can withstand at least a quarter of a quarter of an hour, and even throw out a life-saving hole card, there are still some opportunities to escape.

But now, with the cooperation of Linghu Yaojue and Wang Yan, he was directly killed.

"Cool ~"

Rao, with Wang Yan ’s current strength, killed a legendary strongman in one blow, and was suffocated. This red-clad monk is righteous, but it is not a good thing. When the Japanese invaders invaded, he also had an active figure. Although Yuanzhi at that time was still far from legendary strength, there were quite a few anti-Japanese justices who died in his hands.

Wang Yan's hammer can also be regarded as revenge for the people and soldiers during the war of resistance against Japan.

What made him even more frostless was that after exploding Yuan Zhi, it was equivalent to severing one of the opponent's arms, achieving the purpose of balancing up and down, and making a good start.

Wang Yan's side is just a corner of the battlefield.

In fact, as the Bright Saint Maiden shot, the rest of the women also broke out and killed towards their intended goal.


The sound of the sword coming out of the sheath exploded like a dragon and tiger roaring. Jiao Baiyuyin's invitation to the Moon Sword exudes a cold awn like a moonlight, turning into a terrifying, straight cleavage of the demon named "Dragon Snake".

The demon man faced the body of the snake with a terrible breath of evil spirits. Although it is called Gou Chen, in fact, at most it is a little bloodline dipped in a trace of the mythical beast "Teng Snake", not a "Teng Snake" in the true sense.

But even if there is only a trace of the blood of the mythical beast, that snake is by no means an idle thing. In terms of combat effectiveness, I am afraid that it is much stronger than Yuanzhi.

"His ~"

Teng Snake's tongue spit out, a **** pouring mouth was opened on the ugly man's face, and a deafening and breathtaking shriek came out. The snake body twisted and swayed, avoiding the fatal blow of Feijian, and swooped toward Gao Mingyue like an ancient fierce beast.

"Huh ~" Gao Mingyue couldn't hit it, and was slightly dissatisfied. She pointed out a trick and invited Yuejian to fly back to her. In an instant, she stirred up a sword spirit and fought against the snake.

In addition, Super Girls Vera and Nini also shot at the same time.

"Hidden guy, eat a stick of Nini." Nini drank aloud, and the thick stick in her hand burst out with golden light. With one stick down, the air surged in all directions like mountains and seas.

The bitter monk has always sharpened his own strength and spirit, and his moves have been straight.

But the simpler moves are often full of terror and explosive power. She continued with this stick, but she had the posture of the legendary Chinese monkey Sun Wukong, which was also overbearing and destructive.


The stick hit the water in the clothing department, but it was like hitting the water surface reflection. The characters swelled up with ripples and disappeared without a trace. But the ground was actually smashed with a long gully, and the gravel was flying around.

You know, when the Tower of Destruction was built, it used extremely strong and rare stone. Under the erosion of the formation and the long-term intention of destruction, it has become sturdy. Even if a bomb explodes, even a hairline crack will not appear.

It can be seen how terrifying the power of Nini's stick is. Once hit, even if the enemy is not dead, half of his life must be removed.

But it was at this time.

A low-key ninja dressed in the clothing part stopped the water, and appeared ghostly behind Nini. I didn't know when there was a long matte-colored knife in his hand. The knife was cut like a knife through the hot oil, and the flowing clouds were silent.

Ninjas always pay attention to hiding dark places, pursuing a kill with one blow.

This knife seemed to be slow, but it was fast. Nearly at the moment of the shot, the blade of the knife had cut Nini's linen and hit her heart directly.


As a bitter monk, Nini pays most attention to the refinement of her body and soul. Instinctively aware of the extreme danger, screamed immediately, and the energy exploded from the capillary hole, forming a violent impact.

At the same time, her body swooped forward, throwing a stick and blocking it backwards.


A sound of symphony of fine iron spreads out in all directions.

The fatal blow from the service department was blocked, and he couldn't help frowning slightly. He thought with all his heart that although this young female ascetic was a legendary class, it should be immature in terms of combat experience and instinct.

Was the knife just blocked by her?

It can be seen that this bitter monk, Nini, is exceptional in fighting instinct.


Nini screamed again, turned around and held a stick to attack again, the service department was not slow or slow to fight with her, and pressed Nini with her experienced experience and fierce tricks. Ninjas are not good at fighting head-to-head, but even so, the service department still shows good combat effectiveness.

The fighting between the parties quickly started.

The female Super Vera's opponent is the huge centipede Gou Chen, who has reached the S level, and she has the power to destroy the world with every move. The giant centipede is also not to be outdone, and the female super-villa constantly tossing and twitching, biting and entangled, obviously no time to win.

If it is said that among the females, the most radical one is the Shiva goddess.

This tower of destruction was originally a sacred place where Shiva's religion could not be violated. An Pei Zongxiu and his colleagues in the sacred place conspired to destroy the eye and attempted to provoke the world war of the superpowers, which is really unbearable.

What made her even more furious was that in order to treat the toxins, she had to hold Wang Yan's feet, and she had to pretend to be happy and happy.

This anger has been suffocating in the mind of Shiva Goddess, making her heart almost explode.

At this moment, the Shiva goddess, who was finally released, was like a tiger out of the cage, wanting to burst this day.

The momentum of the legendary powerhouse is revealed in no time. In just a few breaths, just like the goddess of the Nine Heavens, it came to the sky above the eye of destruction, and the third eye opened abruptly, and a fierce flame of destruction spewed out on An Pei Zongxiu.

At this time, An Pei Zongxiu had reached the last moment in the eyes of refining and destruction. The huge eye of destruction is now only the size of a football. But even in the face of such a sudden change, he still calm and calm.

The left hand is blurred in the air, and the yin and yang are turned into black and white Pisces.

The power of destruction is superior to the true fire of the pure Yang. The flame of destruction is on it, and it is completely blocked.


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