The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1188: What to use for detoxification?

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Gao Mingyue couldn't believe his ears. Although the famous name of Pharaoh's romantic son had already become famous all over the world. But no matter how shameless, you have to have a degree after all?

"Hello, don't think about it." Wang Yan saw her expression change. In order to avoid causing misunderstandings like this, he hurriedly added a few words and explained the cause and effect quickly.

"Huh ~" So it turned out.

Gao Mingyue exhaled a sigh of breath. The old king turned out not to be crazy, but to secretly execute the plan. It's just that after learning what she really wanted, she felt some disappointment in her heart somehow.

"Hurry up, our time and opportunity are too urgent." Wang Yan said quickly. "Once the eye of destruction is refined by An Pei Zongxiu, we will be completely over. Come, hurry to me Come in my arms, there is still a place on the right. "

Gao Mingyue's expression was sluggish, and he almost couldn't help kicking him on his face. Pharaoh, do you still have a little brain? In this world, how can there be a woman who just throws a love affair in your arms?

Pharaoh, do you really think of yourself as a saint?

Hold on, do you understand what hold on is?

To take a step back 10,000, even if I am so ashamed and not ashamed to go in your arms, are n’t you afraid that Yuanzhi kimono will be suspicious? put a spoke in wheel?

In Gao Mingyue's heart, a spitting content appeared rapidly, and his pretty eyes turned white.

But it was at this time.

A beautiful woman with blond hair and flames burst into Wang Yan's right arm, blinking the bright eyes and saying, "Son of flames, you are right. We are almost dead, and we care What are the messy scruples? "

The female figure is charming, almost perfect. Undoubtedly, she is an alien from the M78 nebula-Vera. On the earth, she broke into a huge name and was respected as the female superhero.

In fact, after this incident, Vera also tried to use the communicator brought by the mother star to contact his younger boy super. Nowadays, the men's super team has experienced a lot of hard work to reach the level of demigods.

This kind of strength, even when placed on the mother star of the heyday, is definitely one of the top masters. If he could appear here, he would not be afraid of the ancestor Zongxiu who was promoted to a demigod by a strange method.


The Shiva shrine of the Shiva religion in India was originally in an independent space. And this tower of destruction is in the subspace of independent space. If only two levels apart, Vera could barely contact his cousin.

It's just a pity that An Pei Zongxiu even presented the eighth artifact of Dongying's Zhenguo sub-artifact, sealing off the entire sub-space.

In this situation, unless we can defeat Ampei Zongxiu and others, we can only break through the space. Otherwise, everyone will be the turtle in the urn.

What makes Vera desperate is that not only has he been poisoned, but the strength gap between the two sides is still very large. From this, she could see that all the beautiful women flew into Wang Yan's arms, and naturally she was welcome. Mao Sui rushed into his arms like a recommendation.

"Uh ..." This time, Wang Yan was dumbfounded. He hadn't started to lift Vera, why did she pounce directly?

"Son of Flame ~" Supergirl Vera blinked like a star, with a little regret, "It's quite comfortable to be in your arms, the smell of you is really good. Unfortunately, I don't Ways to have a baby with you, otherwise, it will definitely be a shining star of our Superman family. "

Wang Yan is also speechless, you girl, do n’t move and have a baby with me, OK? Besides, as the strength is stronger, the genes are also stronger, how can it be so simple to have children?

How many times do I have to work to get pregnant? And when two people of different races are together, the chance of getting pregnant is even smaller. Uncle Cannon and the maid of honor are an example.

Of course, having a genetically powerful child and having a low chance of getting pregnant are not without benefits. The stronger the genes, the better the children born. As a result, Wang Yan has not yet considered giving birth to children.

and many more?

Wang Yan was stunned. Why was her rhythm suddenly taken off by her? Now is this time to discuss the matter of having a baby?

It was an emergency. Wang Yan also quickly transmitted the sound to Vera, who explained it to her very quickly, and then invaded the real fire in her meridian. The female super hero was even more excited when she heard the words. She thought that she was going to die, but now she finally has a solution.

As long as they can live, everything is possible, even if they have children with Wang Yan. It seems that there is no end to the Superman family, and there is hope for reproduction in the future. Mindful of the female superhero who was thinking of having a baby with Wang Yan, he drilled deeper into Wang Yan's arms, and also winked unwittingly with the bright saint **** the opposite side.

Gao Mingyue over there was also drunk. Was n’t he just holding back? The position Wang Yan provided was suddenly robbed by the female super. This year, I really have my hands, but my hands are slow.

Gao Mingyue's teeth bit her lip, and she didn't know if she should continue to hold her back, or when she was learning to go out. But Wang Yan dragged her past and took her hand, "Mingyue, what time is this, are you still here? Anyway, we can't live anymore, it's better to go crazy before death." "

He said so in his mouth, but secretly, the real fire above the sun quietly drilled into her meridians to help him disperse toxins. Because he is so finely controlled, no energy dissipates outward.

Fortunately, Wang Yan's practice of pure Yang's flame avatar ~ avatar technique can multiply consciousness, which is a model of multi-tasking. Otherwise, there is really no way to deal with so many women at once.

"嘤 ~" A violent sensation rose in Gao Mingyue's body. Fortunately, she was prepared to press the shameful voice deep into her throat.

Today, Wang Yan, holding a woman in each hand, is lying with two in her arms, but it is like the faint monarchs in ancient times.

Of the six women on the scene, four were in his arms.

But he is still not satisfied. The more combat units he can liberate, the stronger the combat power he can finally exert, and the more chance he can make a comeback. As a result, he aimed his eyes at the bitter monk Nini and Shiva.

It's just that his head is big, these two are not easy to get rid of. One is to worship the younger sister and the other is the girlfriend of a good brother.

However, because of the urgent situation, Wang Yan couldn't take care of that much. Separate voices to Lord Shiva and Nini, explain things clearly and let them choose.

Suddenly, the goddess Shiva was dumbfounded.

So there is such an operation?

The farce just now turned out to be the sons of flame helping everyone disperse toxins.

This instantly sparked hope in the mind of Lord Shiva, not only life-saving hope, but also the loss of the Eye of Destruction. She gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, this goddess is fighting. But what part are you going to use to help me detox?"


Wang Yan was stunned, right? I have sisters in my arms and hands, what parts can I use to help Shiva detox?


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