The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1177: All the way up

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All the way up.

What I saw and heard, Wang Yan was also surprised.

Judging from the appearance of a normal pagoda or a tower of destruction, each space will become smaller and smaller. However, the interior of the Tower of Destruction is extremely special, and the inner space is more than doubled for each upper level.

And the interior is by no means empty. There are countless murals embossed on the walls. They have perfect lines, rich colors, and come to life. Those reliefs are some individual monsters, or groups of horrible demons, and their images are so vivid, as if they have to jump out of the wall and pounce on everyone at any time.

"Huh, isn't this an abyss demon? Well, it seems to be only the lord!" Wang Yan saw a familiar relief at the entrance of the fourth floor. He was a majestic abyss demon lord.

Wang Yan is very familiar with this monster. He once killed an abyss lord himself, and also designed and destroyed the power of an abyss demon. Today's high-end superpower organizations such as China and the Holy See, as well as the Dark Council, are also constantly studying those abyssal demon captives, trying to find out their weaknesses.

Of course, studying those abyss demons is beyond Wang Yan's jurisdiction.

"What's so strange?" The goddess Shiva, who was working as a guide, seized the opportunity, and mocked Wang Yan, "I teach the **** master to be the **** of the universe, and I don't know how many monsters and ghosts to die in my life. What is so strange about some of the abyss demons? "

Wang Yan didn't care about her sarcasm, but said with a weird face: "Goddess means that the monsters in the relief frescoes in front of each one exist in the universe?"

"Pharaoh, you still have to read more books." Auguste, the golden lion sword, also seized the opportunity to sneer. "The universe is huge, there are no exceptions. According to scientists' estimates, at least we have a galaxy. There are millions of planets with life. The evolution of living things has always been colorful. There are many murals here, but it is just a grain of sand in the vast life of the universe. "

After a pause, he said irritably: "This time our earth and the abyss world are about to overlap. For our earth, that is naturally a world-destroying event. But for the vast universe, it is just a daily set-off It ’s just an unremarkable little wave. ”During the speech, he also looked at Wang Yan with disgusting eyes, as if he were looking at an uncultured African native.

"Hehe ~" Wang Yan's mouth twitched slightly, and said with a smile, "Old Austrian, can you be less ridiculed in front of me? Wipe the sweat off your forehead first before talking. This is not on the fourth floor , You ca n’t take it anymore? Is it too much?

Wang Yan didn't argue with him. In fact, he also understood the infinite truth of the universe. Today's online novels of Chinese people are world-renowned, and their imagination is so colorful that they dumped hundreds of streets in Hollywood.

Even people who do n’t understand, can read a few online novels, and they can develop their infinite imagination.

August wiped his sweat, with a somewhat lonely expression, "Lao Wang, can we not use cultivation to talk about things? Besides, I'm just a half step slower. Forget it, my fourth floor is for now. I wo n’t go. I ’ll adapt to the third layer first, and then go to the fourth layer. Maybe I ’ll sharpen myself to a legend. "

With that, he just sat down and began to temper himself with a powerful sense of destruction.

Obviously, this third layer has caused a lot of pressure on the half-step S-class.

Wang Yan just smiled and didn't speak.

Our Auguste is just a half-step S-class. If you want to take the opportunity to break through the legend, I am afraid it is a long-term and arduous task. What's more, whether you can understand something from the meaning of destruction depends on chance.

If you come to a half-step S-level casually, you can break through to the S-level, and the tower of destruction of Shiva God is too unnatural. With this tower of destruction, Shivaism has long unified the earth, where there is room for others to develop.

Of course, after a bit of hardening and strengthening some foundations, there are still some insights of similar bypass. As a matter of fact, at Wang Yan's step, it would be difficult to take a half step forward. It is certainly not to be missed that there is such a sharpening opportunity.

As a result, Wang Yan did not take Leo Auguste any more, but went straight to the fourth floor. Upon reaching the fourth floor, a heavy pressure fell on Wang Yan. The manic destruction was like a tide, wave after wave, surging toward Wang Yan's consciousness.

The pressure on the fourth floor is much higher than that on the third floor.

This is also the first time that Wang Yan has felt the power and horror of destruction.

However, Wang Yan is an S-class powerhouse after all. Although these destructions are strong, he can't really help him. In a few breaths, he looked as usual, as if everything was gone.

Some other S-class strongmen followed up, except for the Shiva goddess who had been prepared for a long time, and Ampei Zongxiu. Especially the monk in red suit Zheng Yuanzhi, who had a broken arm and greatly reduced in strength, suddenly blushed red, like a **** pig head.

Compared with the mockery of Lord Shiva ’s mouth, Ann Zongxiu is much more relaxed and comfortable. His white garb automatically floats without wind, and the hand-turning folding fan moves smoothly, as if not affected by the intention of destruction.

Such subtle changes suddenly caused Wang Yan's glance, and he could not help frowning secretly. He was promoted to S-class for so long, and the realm of the three times in the middle was steadily advancing. At this time, he still won a half-chip compared to the ordinary S-class strong.

It stands to reason that An Pei Zongxiu was promoted later than himself, and his strength must be slightly lower.

But now it seems that this Ampei Zongxiu seems unfathomable?

It's no wonder that Wang Yan will pay attention to Ampei Zongxiu's reaction. That guy hates himself very much, and has always been a must-see guy, like a viper lurking in the dark, ready to treat others at any time.

To be honest, Wang Yan is ready to find a chance to kill him. Like such a dark guy, he was unwilling to sympathize with him.

In the same way, it is estimated that An Pei Zongxiu also tried his best to kill Wang Yan.

It can be seen from this that Wang Yan and An Pei Zongxiu are naturally incompatible.

By the fourth floor, Lei Hong's face had become very embarrassing, obviously this was already the limit he had to bear. The bottom is the half-step S-level, and there is still a big gap between the S-level.

Fortunately, Lei Hong had a girlfriend of Niu Break. With her bare hands, she was enveloped by a vast spiritual force, resisting the intention of destruction. The voice was soft and judo: "Brother, how are you? Do you want to go up?"


Lei Hong nodded his teeth, biting his teeth. He had to make a huge effort in order to make a big gain. The transformation from a half-step S-level to an S-level has never been easy.

"Huh ~" In the eyes of An Pei Zongxiu, there was a trace of sarcasm, and another trace of innocence.


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