The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1174: I will make you unhappy

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The son of flames in today's world, the most famous is not his flame skills, nor his powerful fighting power, but his unpredictable, unpredictable tactical thinking.

In layman's terms, it's tricky.

For Shiva, it would be better if the son of flame would let Shiva help refine equipment as she had thought before. After all, although uncomfortable, it only involves personal contributions.

But the guy suddenly changed his mind, and he kept saying that he wanted to think about it, and think about it again.

Miss you sister!

For a time, Shiva Goddess couldn't help violently speaking. For her, it was like having a sword of Damocles hanging on her head, which made her feel nervous all the time, because God knew that Wang Yan would let himself do something?

Although the goddess Shiva hated to strangle Wang Yan, what could he ask for? It was ultimately the freedom of others, and he had to stare at him fiercely to warn him not to play too hard.

On the side of August, August also thankfully patted his chest and said, "Fortunately, fortunately, I did not go to bet against Wang Yan. Otherwise, this time, I will lose my panties."

The female supergirl blinked her bright eyes and asked curiously: "Why say another word? Why? Did you even lose your underpants last time?"

Handsome and handsome, like Auguste, a symbol of Midi, with a big face on his face, he smiled a lot, "Metaphor, metaphor, Miss Vera don't get it wrong." It is extremely rare that his face was red and beaten. Make up my mind that I will never play any form of gambling with Wang Yan in this life.

"The son of flames is really handsome." The super girl Vera pushed her golden hair like a waterfall, and was more interested in Wang Yan. "He is powerful, smart and handsome, even gambling is invincible. But I can imagine how powerful his genes are ~ "

If combined with him, the children born will not be worse than the genes of the Superman family, and even to some extent, will improve the genes of the Superman family. Today, she is the only female of the Superman family. Whether it is emotional or mission, she has to consider the issue of lineage.

Young men who have traveled around the world, really no one can compete with the Son of Flame. Of course, the goddess An Pei Zongxiu is also not bad, but in the eyes of the female superhero who worships with power, it is too much girly.

"Everyone, the trial of the meaning of destruction ends here." Shiva Goddess was really in no mood to stay any longer, and she waved her hand unhappily, "Please delegations, come back to your place."

And she has another important thing to do next, that is to help Lei blast through the back door, to appreciate the real meaning of destruction, maybe help him to realize the true meaning of the destruction of Tianlei, and break through to the legendary level in one breath.

Although the guy Lei Hong is very stubborn and has a masculine tendency. But with her repeated insistence, he would still agree. What's more, Shiva Goddess is willing to open up the primary trial of destruction for the sake of thunder and bombing, and it is for the purpose of setting the stage for the back.

Otherwise, just opening the tower of destruction for thunder and bombardment will definitely attract fierce opposition from the Shiva Presbyterian Church.

It is now.

The red-robed monk from Dongying Tantra was standing up and stooping: "His Royal Highness, since the Tower of Destruction has opened, let me wait for a visit. Maybe some A-class strongmen have an epiphany and are promoted to legend What about some legendary powerhouses, maybe they have also realized Tongtian Avenue and paved the way of the future demi-god? "

Yuan Zhi said this.

Suddenly changed the face of Shiva Goddess slightly, originally she intended to sneak in with a thunder bomb. Unexpectedly, the people of Dongying even coveted the destruction tower trial.

But everyone else was shocked and interested.

Especially the golden lion sword August, with a loud voice: "My Highness, Goddess, I think this plan is feasible. Everyone is here, can't you let people go in vain?"

The previous trial of destruction meant that it was only an appetizer compared to the trial in the tower.

Anyway, it's a trial for low-level young people, and it has no effect on the strong of Auguste level.

It is different to be able to enter the Tower of Destruction. Augustus can also obtain many benefits. He may even be oppressed by the terrible sense of destruction, and realize and perfect his own rules of heaven and Taoism, and be promoted to S-level.

Looking at the former friends, all of them were promoted to the S level, he was anxious, no one was willing to fall into the person, right?

What's more, their Midi team suffocated. Because of a small mistake, the result was to act as an audience from beginning to end, and not even the slightest benefit.


Lord Shiva snorted dissatisfiedly, "The Tower of Destruction is the core of my teaching, that is, even if I teach the elders to enter cultivation, they have to go through layers of approval, how can they be opened to outsiders?"

"Your Highness Goddess." The red monk is full of wisdom, but he is full of perseverance. "The goddess said before, now that the Earth's catastrophe is approaching, when the world's superpowers are united. Although the secret of the Tower of Destruction is precious, if it can be used as an opportunity Cultivating more top experts will be of great benefit to guarding the earth. "

"Goddess." August also said, "We are entering the Tower of Destruction to visit and appreciate the rules of destruction. You will not destroy your Tower of Destruction. You should consider it for all mankind Let ’s open up. Auguste, on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D., can provide India with two nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and supporting aircraft carriers. "

"Does this really mean?" Shiva's goddess shook slightly, her eyes glowing.

Aircraft carrier is a good thing, not only can it greatly improve conventional military strength, but also get more life-saving cards in the future abyss war.

An aircraft carrier equipped with ordinary soldiers is already a terrible fortress of war. If equipped with some high-end ability army, it is enough to compete with the solidarity army.

"His Goddess, my Auguste's size is also a personal thing, this little Lord can still do." Auguste's face was proud. But he secretly snickered in his heart, this time he came, he was authorized to send two aircraft carriers in India. At this time, is it not a white profit to mention the conditions?

Of course, the Emperor Midi sent the Indian Aircraft Carrier out of multiple strategic considerations.

First of all, the superpowers ~ Although the Indians are backward in all aspects, the number and strength of superpowers are very strong, and the background is extremely rich, that is, second only to such super organizations as the Holy See and the Dark Council.

It can even be said that the overall strength of the Indian superpowers is no less than that of Midi and the China National Bureau of African Affairs.

This is a huge force in the future abyssal war, and it is also a loyal ally of Midi.

The second consideration is to strategically contain China.

Over the past few decades, China has been developing too fast in terms of economy, technology, military strength, and superpowers. Following this trend, sooner or later, they will replace them and become the world overlord.

Strengthening the strength of the Indian nation is the best way to contain China, and it is not necessary to directly confront China with China.

"Oh, Mi Di, these guys, it's time for this kind of thinking, still thinking this way?" Wang Yan sneered, thinking secretly, since you want to be cool, I will make you unhappy.


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