The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1164: Anything can

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Besides, if it is true democracy, please share your information with everyone. Now it's okay, I lost one of the most critical opportunities.

"GOGOGO." Zhao Chengtian punched his red hair and dared to the sky, "How can I miss this kind of good thing. In fact, from the beginning, I never thought of going back."

"Yes, yes, isn't it a 20% mortality rate?" Zhang Wei said with a look of excitement, "My Zhang Wei, but the man who is working hard for President Wang."

"I think you want to be as attractive as President Wang?" Zhao Chengtian said contemptuously, "Poor you are not as good as President Wang."

"It's not necessarily that men's charm comes from strength." Zhang Wei said with a look of pride, "If I become a demigod-level strongman, the girls under the sky will definitely line up and send them to the door. What witch, saint Ah, no one can escape ... "

Before he finished speaking, he was hit by a ray of light and flew out for more than ten meters.

Everyone saw the bright Saint Girl's pretty face, staring at Zhang Wei fiercely. Before, everyone only thought that Zhang Wei said it was fun, but he didn't expect that. What he said, but he ridiculed the Light Lady and the Dark Lady fiercely.


Wang Yan also patted his forehead speechlessly, quite helpless. It's also because today only Lulu is here. If the Dark Saint Nana is here, Zhang Wei, if your little life can be kept, my last name.

But after this laughter, it made the tension of the young people dissipate a lot. Moreover, since they came in for twenty minutes, the intention of destruction that had allowed them to stand upright has adapted a lot.

This also gave them hope.

Everyone in the National African Affairs Bureau and Wang Yan's students have expressed their willingness to participate and will never retire. In this regard, Wang Yan did not say much. Although they are all his students, the road is to go by yourself, no one can help you for life.

At the same time, among the younger generation of the Bright Holy See, they are all expressing their passionately and will surely pass the trial. As for the young people of the descendants of the gods, it is impossible to retreat, and it is not easy for them to win this opportunity.

As a result, only Mi Di suffered the most and eight people could not participate.

"Everybody be careful, the death rate is not a joke." Although Wang Yan did not prevent it, it did not mean that he did not care about these students. He immediately said with concern. Sacrifice your life. "

In fact, Wang Yan also very much agrees with what Si Kongzhi said. As a superpower, there is no positive mentality, no perseverance to grow up in adversity, no first-line vigor without passing the test of life and death, there can be no great achievements.

Others looked at him as Wang Yan seemed to have gone smoothly all the way, and reached the legendary level easily, becoming the top master of the younger generation on earth. However, it was only he who knew how much suffering he had suffered and how much he had suffered in life and death.

"Principal Wang, don't worry, we all understand what you say." Zhao Chengtian, a middle-aged and young man, was the protagonist and I was afraid of someone's expression. "We also play games, knowing that the insignificant development is the kingly way. 'S ability can't be used. "

Wang Yan glared at him angrily, although it made sense, but is it really good to use the game analogy? But Wang Yan also knows that nowadays young people playing games are already the norm.

At this moment, Shiva Goddess glared at Wang Yan from afar, and said, "Son of Flame, I was hosted by you in China last time. Now that you have come to India, I am a goddess and I will naturally entertain you."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's attention fell on Wang Yan and Shiva.

The eyes of the good deeds finally started. Obviously, the Shiva goddess could not have eaten nothing before, and she would definitely want to earn it back. Next, I am afraid that there will be a good show.

Not far away, the Bright Lady frowned slightly, and her expression was a little angry and worried. What is worrying is that on the site of Goddess Shiva, Wang Yan might be upset this time.

Annoyingly, all this was made by Wang Yan's guy himself. When you were in China, what did you always do to provoke Shiva? She was also forced to bark at the middle school in the live broadcast.

Those hateful things are done as soon as they are done, but you are still in India now?

Is it strange that the Shiva goddess is willing to let go of this kind of face-to-face opportunity?

At this moment, Wang Yan touched his nose and shrugged bitterly. In fact, he also understands that it is impossible for this hatred not to be reported to the extent that he offends Shiva and the character of the other party.

However, this terrier Wang Yan really didn't want to pick it up.

No matter whether you win or lose, you won't get any benefits. Win it, just offend Shiva Goddess a little more, lose it, and feel depressed yourself.

"Oh, Your Highness, Goddess." Wang Yan smiled kindly, "Actually, this time you entertained quite well, so you don't have to go on the show anymore."

"How do you do that?" Goddess Shiva snorted, "If you are a guest from afar, wouldn't I lose our Indian country's face if I don't give it my heart? Son of Flame, you don't have to push it away."

"Uh ..." Wang Yan saw her resolutely and had no choice but to say, "Your Highness Goddess can talk first, how are you going to entertain this time?"

Seeing the goddess, Shiva ’s eyes suddenly lighted up: “The last time we compared the project was to see how the next generation of young people are capable? This time, we naturally have to inherit the principles of the last time. Then Bibi, look at our two countries’ Young people, who has more potential. The project to be tested is simple. It depends on the strongest among young people, who can get closer to the Tower of Destruction. "

For a time, all the young people in India were excited, and their expressions were full of desire for revenge. Hua Xiaguo and his party, they lost terribly and were pitted.

But let's be honest, when it comes to overall strength, these young people of the descendants of the gods should still be above the young gangs of China. The last defeat was purely a tactical loss.

Especially the new emperor Shi Tian, ​​who suffered a great deal.

He stared at Si Kongzhi of Hua Xiaguo from afar, blazing fire in his eyes, Si Kongzhi, that **** turned him into a monkey. Now this trial of the meaning of destruction is fighting for personal willpower and fighting for the true ability. He did not believe in Emperor Shitian and would lose to Si Kongzhi again.

"Son of flame, I know what you are thinking." Shiva goddess smiled coldly, "I know you must be trying to shirk everything. But I can give you another chance, as long as you can win, I will continue Promise you one thing. "

"Promise one thing?" As the goddess Shiva thought, Wang Yan who just wanted to blame her eyes suddenly brightened, looking at the goddess Shiva excitedly, "Is it true that the words of His Royal Highness? Do I say that I raised that matter , Are you willing? "

Shiva Goddess twitched her lips, sneered and said, "Anything is fine."

The conversation between the two sounded normal, but it was different in the ears of others. Isn't it? The Son of Flame stared so excitedly at Goddess Shiva. Isn't he playing a rogue idea?


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