The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1161: What is the bottom line of the principles?

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At this time, the Bright Lady also looked at Nini with a big head. Obviously, the girl did some wonderful things in the kingdom of heaven. This alone is very similar to Wang Yan. They are all kind of heartbreaking guys.

Moreover, not only Wang Yan and Nini, but also Lei Bang is only a wonderful flower.

The three amazing flowers are gathered together and somehow become brothers and sisters. Speaking of which, I really answered that sentence, not that the whole family did not enter the house.

"I want to taste the wine given by the God of Light. Boom, will you take a sip?" Wang Yan looked at the wine gourd curiously. Now it seems that the wine gourd is really unusual.

Under the plain appearance, there is a pure power.

The bright saint on the side was dizzy, didn't you say that drinking in the morning was not good? It sounds like a principle, but this is the wine given by the God of Light, and the moment of principle is lost.

Lei Hong hesitated slightly, worried about the consequences, but pursed his lips, looking like he wanted to drink.

"Wang Yan, you can't do anything serious." Linghu Yaojue saw that Shiva's face was very bad and hurriedly dissuaded, "Your Highness Goddess finally won the opportunity to visit Shiva's temple. Sister, can you drink again slowly? "

She is also a little speechless, and this guy Wang Yan is really not worrying, and has to worry about whether he will make something messy.

"It's a pity." Wang Yan stuffed the gourd in his arms. "Then I will keep the wine first. We will be free and we will have a good drink."

"Second Brother ... This is my wine!" Nini saw tears in her eyes when she saw that her wine was gone, and looked at Wang Yan with a wink.

"Hah, I know I know. Will the second brother embezzle your wine?" Wang Yan smiled and said, "If you put it here, you will have ten thousand hearts. Your goddess, everyone is gathered. , Let's start our journey today. "

"Humph!" Shiva stared at him angrily and cleared her voice. "Since you are all here, please follow me into the temple." Then, she personally led the team and walked into the main entrance Inside the hall.

The crowd followed, and the main hall door was closed.

At the moment when the door of the temple was closed, a sense of destruction suddenly filled the entire space of the temple. Even the legendary powerhouses like Wang Yan couldn't help but tighten their backs, giving birth to a sense of trouble.

And those young people with low strength are pale, sweating all over, and trembling.

"You are calm." The goddess Shiva saw that among all the young people, some of the young people were afraid to run away, and could not help but whispered, "This is just a little breath of the destruction of the God's eyes. I ca n’t bear this bit of breath, so just go back early and avoid wasting opportunities. "

As soon as this remark came out, the emotions of the young people stabilized slightly.

"Don't be afraid," Wang Yan comforted his students calmly and calmly. "Despite the powerful eyes, Shiva's eyes are only dead, and they can't be hurt so much. It's more under this pressure to sharpen and improve the mood Quite beneficial. "

Wang Yan has a very high status in the hearts of the students, like a omnipotent god. As soon as he spoke, the students' emotions calmed down a lot.

The leaders of the rest of the world also used their own methods to appease the young people.

After the emotions were settled, the crowd discovered that the scene of the inner hall seemed to have completely changed. In the eyes, there is a large empty ancient playground with huge bluestones on the ground.

At the end of the playground, stands a nine-story pagoda, each of its buildings is extremely complex, embossed with countless legendary birds, beasts and monsters.

It was the top of the tower that continuously exuded a strong meaning of destruction.

Needless to say, the extremely gorgeous and mysterious giant tower is the core of this Shiva temple, where the eyes of Shiva are stored. And this piece of space is obviously a small piece of space.

"Wow ~"

The young people of Huaxia finally came into contact with the superpower world for a short time. When they saw something wrong, they all exclaimed. Especially the young man of the second middle school, Zhao Chengtian, said with a look of embarrassment: "The scene we just saw outside is completely different from what we see right now. It's amazing. Is this a fantasy?"


A young man in Dongying wearing Ninja sneer sneered and said, "It's really an ignorant idiot, this is subspace."

"What? You dare to dare scold me?" Zhao Chengtian was a hot-blooded young man, and he immediately burst into flames, and his red hair stood up. "Come here, let's compete."


The goddess Shiva snorted coldly and glanced at Wang Yan and An Pei Zongxiu. "The two young people restrain their own young people. In this sacred occasion, it is not their turn to scream."

After talking, she clapped her jade hands.

Soon, there were some members inside the shrine, which were set up on the spot, and arranged a few circles of table and chair seats, with some tea and exotic fruits on it. Under the arrangement, everyone sat down one after another.

The forces present were the China National Bureau of African Affairs, the Dongying Super Self-Defense Force, the descendants of the gods of the Indian Kingdom, the Super Shield Bureau of the Mi Di, and the veins of the Bright Church.

There are only a few tables and chairs, and there are only some powerful leaders who have places to sit. And young people from various countries can only stand behind them in rows. Now that the host family has arranged this, everyone naturally can only follow the host.

"You guys, let's enjoy tea and fruit first. These are special varieties that our descendants of the gods have cultivated over the years." Shiva said politely.

As she ate, drank, and drank, her wife was mediocre and did not cause any disturbance.

After more than ten minutes, the Golden Lion Sword of the Super Shield Bureau had eaten a fruit in three or two and said, "His Royal Highness, these fruits are indeed delicious and have some benefits for the superpowers. However, we have come here all the time, not to eat. Fruity. What is the schedule, although it is available. "

The goddess Shiva slowly put down the tea cup and said lightly: "The release of the meaning of destruction is almost the same."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was refreshed.

In fact, this time Wang Yan led the crowd, mainly wanting to brush up with Shiva Goddess. But I did not expect that there will be unexpected gains. However, it is natural to gain something.

"In my Shiva religion, young people with excellent qualifications are all eligible to enjoy a baptism of destruction." Shiva, the goddess, said, "Later, after the establishment of the descendants of the gods, the temple of Shiva will be established. Opening up to all the excellent young generations of the descendants of the gods. But after my hard work, it is now open to allies. So, please take the opportunity. "


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