The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1138: Are you teasing me?

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Wang Yan's words actually played a role.

At least, the goddess Shiva did not hang up the phone directly, but said in a cold and angry voice, "Something to say, I'm still having dinner with Boom."

"Curry potato rice?"

Wang Yan chuckled and said, "It's very delicious. India is also a country with a long history and rich cultural heritage." In this way, Wang Yan himself felt a little disobedient. Speaking of food, which country in the world is comparable to China?

However, in order to alleviate the bad feelings of Lord Shiva, Wang Yan can only hold her nose and say something wrong.

"Go! Do you think we only have curry rice when we print Chinese food?" The goddess Shiva scolded Wang Yan fiercely, and then she said badly. "What did the goddess tell you? What's your importance?" Thing, hurry up, don't say I hung up. "

"What I said just now is very important." Wang Yan said seriously, "I need to study Indian cuisine, because I have to come to India to trouble you in these two days."

"**?" The goddess Shiva at the other end burst out a rude word, followed by a rapid and disordered breathing sound. After a long while, she came back from the shock and roared angrily, "Son of Flame, Are you teasing me with TMD? Are you not playing with me in Huaxia country, and want to chase Indian country to play with me? "

The sound was sharp and harsh, and the decibels were extremely high.

Wang Yan moved his phone off his ear, and even after tens of kilometers, Wang Yan could feel her monstrous anger and shock. However, although the Chinese language of Lord Shiva is very slippery, the semantics are very ambiguous.

What does it mean to have fun? What does it mean to want to come to India to play with her?

What this said makes Wang Yan feel embarrassed.

Naturally, the violent Shiva goddess bombed on the phone. Wang Yan also knew her temperament very well, so she went bombing with her. After a few minutes, the goddess Shiva calmed down a little, and her tone became a little cold and annoying: "I represent the Indian State, and I do n’t express very much to you. Welcome. In short, refuse you to take half a step into India. "

Refuse to step in?

Wang Yan was helpless. If he could not even go to India, how could he convince the goddess Shiva to help her train? Doesn't that piece of his own artifact have no chance to appear?

Fortunately, in addition to being unwilling to suffer losses, Wang Yan also had one account. He said that it was a bit of a perseverance, and said that it was a thick-skinned talent, and he was very comfortable with the words: "His Goddess is not right. You just formed a group on your front foot. Come to our East China Branch to rub and eat, uh, no, it was a visit and study. We at the East China Branch of the China National African Affairs Bureau, did you not neglect you? It tastes good, drinks and entertains you once. The result is good, your front foot is just When you leave, you turn your back and do n’t recognize anyone. "

Wang Yan can't care too much now. In any case, rub the past and say it first, then act on the occasion and slowly smooth out the disgust of Shiva.

Wang Yan did n’t mention the hospitality. Fortunately, Shiva ’s goddess was even more angry: “Son of Flame, you are less thick-skinned with me. I ’m here in Huaxia, is that your hospitality? Not all Linghu The Secretary is busy? What did you entertain me? You asked me to learn dog barking and beat me! Ha ha, this is how your Chinese country treats guests. "

The more she thinks, the more she is, the dignified and glorious Shiva goddess in the entire superpower of the Indian nation. However, Wang Yan was so tempted to learn dog barking that many people are now dissatisfied with her and her reputation has fallen sharply.

If it weren't for her strong strength, she would have reached the legendary level at a young age, and she also realized the power of the law of the Eye of Destruction. Maybe this alone can make her roll down on the goddess seat.

Now that this hasn't happened yet, your son of flame still wants to chase the Indian country to make trouble? Damn, shit, are you ready to toss this goddess to death?

"Hey, your highness, don't talk conscience. Learn to bark, that's what we bet on." Wang Yan said helplessly, "And that was originally the condition you mentioned. .Besides, my condition is very forgiving, okay? If you let Shiva perform a striptease dance in front of the whole world, are you still alive? "

The goddess Shiva on the other side of the Asian continent was suddenly full of excitement, and she couldn't help but scolded. I'll do it, the son of flames really comes down to what you think, it's not counted as a striptease, you have to use the ritual dance.

This is not just humiliating her Shiva, but blasphemous.

If you really jump, then you can only thoroughly wash the shame with the blood of the enemy. Moreover, the superpowers between the two countries will inevitably have wars, and when the time comes, the spirits will be covered, and there will be countless deaths and injuries.

It is even more likely that a world-class superpower war will take place, spurred by ulterior motives.

Such a bad result, the goddess Shiva thought it was terrible.

Fortunately, Wang Yan did not stun his head to that extent, and put forward that terrible condition. If this is the case, she does not know whether she should agree or not. After fearing, she said fiercely: "Son of Flame, I didn't expect that you are really full of bad water, how can you have so many bad ideas."

"Oh, so, what happened to learning two dog barks?" Wang Yan smiled lightly. "If you are happy, I can bark a hundred times, a thousand times. It doesn't matter. Wangwang ~"

"It's all right, don't call it, don't call it, it's awful to death." The goddess Shiva was impatient on the phone. Learning to bark was a fatal blow for her.

But for Wang Yan's cheeky face, what's the matter? Learning dog barking, cat barking, donkey barking will not lose one or two meat.

This made the Shiva goddess sighed with emotion, and this person's thick skin was also an advantage.

"Also, I didn't hit you that way. You are a goddess of Shiva, with terrible strength, and the law of destruction is extremely powerful. Who dares to hit you in this world?" The two are to learn from each other, oh, oh, speaking of it, I still have a pain in my chest. Is there any more vicious backstroke for you to destroy the flames? "

"There's a fart afterwards." The goddess Shiva confronted Wang Yan, and she was no longer a lady. I rolled my eyes directly, "My flame of destruction, if you can't resist it, it will turn into gray. It's nothing evil, it's not a magic flame of purgatory. I tell you, I didn't practice home Otherwise, you will be gray now. "But honestly, Wang Yan praised her fire of destruction, she was still a little proud.


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