The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1123: Sorry just now!

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If her heart was heard by Wang Yan, it would probably cause him to laugh a few times. When it comes to the degree of rogue, his son of flame can't catch up with Uncle Gun.

Said Uncle Gun is majestic, it is because he has never seen his true face.

Perhaps it was because Indira's posture was low enough, and he was facing the Uncle Gun in awe of the seniors everywhere. This made Uncle Pao feel a bit more sympathetic towards her, coughing twice, carrying his hands to pose for Wang Yan, "Xiao Yanna, people from Indira are far away guests, and in all things you should let her order."

"Yes, Master." Although there were 10,000 heads running wildly in Wang Yan's heart, in front of outsiders, he still gave face to Uncle Cannon, and showed a respectful attitude.

As for whether or not to let it, then only he knows.

Indira is like a child fighting and losing money. After complaining to the adult, let the adult take the triumphant face and wince, and stare at Wang Yanze violently. That expression looks like a provocation. See how dare you fight with my aunt and grandma now?


Wang Yan ignored her face directly and threw a look at Lei Hong, saying, "Brother, it's not me who said you. This woman, you have to manage it well. As the saying goes, don't hit the house for three days. . "

Before waiting for someone to respond, he quickly said to Uncle Cannon, "Master, I suddenly remembered that there are still some things to deal with in the unit, and I will go first." Power gushed out of the feet, and the whole person stood up and flew in the direction of Huahai City.

The speed is so fast that people are caught off guard. In a blink of an eye, the whole person becomes a small black spot and disappears in front of everyone.

Shiva Goddess Indira suddenly looked awkward, this and this, this guy is also shameless, right? I finally suppressed the son of flame through Yan Zun's power, and I was just preparing to be cool, but the kid flew away.

It's really a little bit unwilling to eat.

She recalled what happened today, from beginning to end, it was her Indira who kept losing. Especially in the end, I was forced to be a dog barking for the whole world.

But now it ’s his turn to lose, but he ran, ran ...

Moreover, what are you talking about before you leave? What does it mean to not lay tiles in three days? Hey, hell, you, you come back to me! We will fight again for 300 rounds.

The thunder on the side is also a little dizzy, is it really good for you to do this? You made my girlfriend look like this, like a tigress who was blown up and wanted to eat.

Then, you run away.

Why do you make me feel so bad? Lei Hong, who had no experience in dealing with this kind of thing, looked at Uncle Cannon with his eyes. He heard that Master Yan Zun had a good time in picking up girls, and he wanted to ask for advice.

This pitiful look left Uncle Gun full of excitement, although he was full of sympathy for Lei Hong's experience. But I have to admit that I haven't gotten my wife, how can I teach people?

Immediately, he said haha, "Two little friends, my good wife is still waiting for me to go home for dinner. You two, play slowly. By the way, Lei Bang, you are the landlord, you have to entertain Goddess. What other conditions do people have to try to satisfy others? Without delaying your young people to play, the deity takes a step first. "

With that said, Uncle Cannon flew away, flying away like Chang Hong.

He also knows that this is now a place of right and wrong, so apprentices leave as early as possible. At the same time, he expressed sympathy for Lei Hong from the bottom of his heart. With the temperament and character of the goddess Indira today, it is definitely more fierce than Linghu Yaofei. Later, some of Lei Hong's boy suffered.

What's more, the barrier between the two of them is greater than that between him and Linghu Yaofei ~ demon love, a lot of trouble in the future. Forget it, he can't help this kind of thing.

However, if Lei Bang is really in trouble, the old fellow of Pope Bright will definitely help out, who called him ... hehe ...

At this time, Lei Hong was dumbfounded.

Yan Zun, Master and Apprentice, right?

One runs faster than the other, as for this? Poor Lei Hong had to blink to Shiva Indira.

"Boom ~" Indira grabbed his arm and said coquettishly, "Are you okay these two days? I can't find you, I am worried that everyone will die."

These words made Lei Hong's heart warm. Although Yingying was fierce on the surface, he was still very gentle inside.

When he was about to speak.

The goddess Indira of Shiva suddenly changed her face and gritted her teeth: "However, you will have to stay away from the son of flames and stay with those fox friends. Otherwise, I would never ... er ... I mean, If that were the case, people would feel uncomfortable. "

She also knew that her tone was too fierce, for fear of terrifying Lei Hong, she hurriedly lowered her voice a few more times, her eyes blinking and blinking, just like a dumb girl.

Ke Leibo was terrified. He looked around and found no one to help. Just a straight heart, took out a bottle of Erguotou and grumbling, then gulped a few sips

"Boom ~ What are you doing?"

"Boom ~ you, you, don't scare me."

Lord Shiva was anxious.

"What are you arguing about?" Lei Hong, who was drunk with wine, had two flushes on his cheeks, and his eyes were full of small circles. "What about men drinking, what are women arguing about?"

A domineering and awe-inspiring feeling emerged spontaneously.

The Shiva goddess was suddenly vacant, and her face was a little bad.

"Little Beauty, come here and let your family swell your pet." Lei Bang's voice and tone are more rogue than the old rogues who have been on the street for many years.

The goddess of Shiva's flirted face turned red, but she couldn't stop her mood. She had to grind her teeth in her heart, and the heart was full of broken thoughts. To what extent did the **** fox-dog friends like the **** flame son?

Her mouth was sullen, but her body was very honest.


"Ah, ah!" Wang Yan fluttered his wings, soaring flexibly in the stratosphere. Looking at the pure and flawless sky, and the sea of ​​clouds like a cloud below, I feel uncomfortable.

It's just that the nose itched and sneezed a few times.

At this level, it is impossible to catch a cold. Scientifically speaking, someone should be missing him again. I thought with my toes, and knew that it must have been Lord Shiva whispering him in the back.

However, if Wang Yan knew the content of her thoughts, she might be planted in the sky. Just kidding, how could the roaring rogue's stinky rogue degree be comparable to his Wang Yan?

At this moment, an Airbus A320 was trembling downwards in the distance, and the passengers were shocked. Flight attendants are explaining that it should be a mirage caused by a strong magnetic field, which is a natural phenomenon.

But when the flight attendant was still appeasing the explanation, a person suddenly appeared outside the window. He knocked on the glass window and said, "Hey, guys, are you all right? I was sorry."


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