The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1110: You killed Emperor Shi Tiankeng

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Sure enough, An An, who was holding Barabara's little magic fairy staff, smiled softly: "Emperor Shi Tian, ​​it looks like you look like a dog. Unfortunately, it's just a bait with silver teeth. Just the gun head. "

Silver-like pewter tip?

Wang Yan on the rostrum dripped cold sweat, and now the little girl, from where do you hear these messy words? Should that vocabulary be spoken by a schoolgirl?

Alas, it can only be said that the information dissemination in the world is too fast now, and the vocabulary of elementary school students is stronger than he did not know many times.

"You ..." Emperor Shi Tian just wanted to sneer, but his face changed suddenly, and he stepped back a few steps, covering his chest, staring at An An in disbelief and said, "You, you poison?"

His face became extremely ugly, and he stared at An An extremely angrily, "How is it possible! These iron armored puppets, even if they contain corpse poison, how could they hurt me!"

Think about it indeed, Emperor Shitian is also a B-level superpower. A physique is very outstanding, how can the idle corpse poison get him? Not to mention the iron armor corpse, even the bronze armor corpse, it is impossible for the silver armor corpse poison to hurt him.

However, at this time, his face was turning black at a rate visible to the naked eye. Obviously, the poison that he has is not trivial.


Outside the court and in the live broadcast room, there are shocks all over, poisoning? When did An An get poisoned? This, this corner also turns too fast, right? This, what's going on.

Even many old drivers were stunned by the scene before them. I still regretted An'an's tactical mistakes, but in a blink of an eye, the little girl hit her face. What makes them speechless even more is that, until now, they haven't been able to see when An'an poisoned, what kind of poison was it?


"An An did a great job, poisoning the arrogant emperor Shi Tian."

"An An really is still clever and clever, this corner is turning well and turning wonderfully."


"Giggle ~" An An covered her mouth and smiled clearly. "Knowing that your Emperor Shi Tian is powerful, how dare I use ordinary corpse poison to deal with you? Since you want to listen, I will tell you Okay. An An recently recognized an aunt. She used to have a nickname called "Poisonous Widow". Of course, people have now found happiness again, so they are not called Poisonous Widows. She pity An'an is young and specially refined some poisons It ’s just for others. ”


Emperor Shitian took a step back again and couldn't help but spit out a blood. The blood was black and smelly, obviously it was not poisoned. He was furious and startled, but he didn't expect that An An even had the poison that the highly toxic widow personally prepared.

The name of the highly toxic widow was also heard by Emperor Shi Tian. It is said that she is already an A-level strongman now, and she has an abnormal poison. Someone once commented on her like this. If this girl reaches the legendary level, if she wants to harm the world, it will definitely be a horrible devil.

How easy is it to deploy such a poisonous character?

"Aunt Rou, thank you for your poison, it really is very useful." An An waved the little magic fairy staff and waved his hand in one direction.

Everyone looked around, but saw a voluptuous young woman standing behind the crowd. She smiled and waved her hand with a smile: "An An, little girl, you do n’t have to thank any small things. Wait until you grow up, if you still like the son of flame, soft Auntie will dispense some poison for him to eat, and after taking care of him, obediently listen to you. If you let him east, he will never dare to go west. "

As soon as this remark came out, a gigantic bear next to her shuddered, and looked at the delicate and tender beauty beside her. Obviously, the kind of highly toxic she said must have tasted.

On the rostrum, Wang Yan heard a word of cold sweat and glared at Yuan Rourou angrily. I said Sister Yuan, the current situation is already awkward. Can you stop messing up?

But for An'an, Wang Yan didn't care too much about it. The little girl, it was usually three days fresh and four days tired. After two years, she would grow better.

"Thank you, Auntie Rou, I will work hard to grow up." An An waved his hands happily and responded.

This little interaction has caused Di Shitian's chest to suffocate and stagnate blood to form a chest. He spurted another poisonous blood and his face was gray, and he laughed angrily: "Okay, good . I did n’t expect that my emperor Shi Tian would be counted by you. "His expression was extremely fierce,

"Oh, don't scare me." Ann installed a look of fear. "They are still elementary school students." That look is pitiful. But before waiting for half a second, she made a grimace with a smiling face, "How can you take me even if you want to scare me? Emperor Shitian, please go back to your old nest and act like a force."

As soon as her words fell, the superpowered students burst into laughter.

Shuang, An An really could kill her with her girl. But angry, Emperor Shitian's guy is too pretended, isn't he a B-level superpower? Actually pretend to be comparable to the legendary strong.

"Hehe ~ hehe ~" Emperor Shitian's eyes were stern, his sneer continued, and his voice seemed to be squeezed out of his teeth. "Okay, okay, I admit that you are a powerful opponent. However, these areas Very toxic, I also want my emperor to lose the heavens, I am afraid you are still too naive. "

As soon as the words fell, he took out a pill and stuffed it in his mouth. Suddenly, a violent breath was released on him, and the whole body was crackling with thunder and lightning.

His pale face turned to ruddy again, and his eyes were filled with endless tyranny: "Ji Jie, I will let you taste the pain ..." The momentum of his body was better than before.

It's just that all the green muscles on his body and face rose up, like a twisted earthworm.

"Damn, he actually eats Rage Pill." Shiva's face changed, "Is this dying?"

"I surrender!"

Before Emperor Shi Tian rushed past, I saw An An flying down the ring lightly and said with a grin, "Congratulations, Emperor Shi Tian, ​​you won this game." Surrendering this kind of thing, it is easy to do Loose, without the slightest psychological burden.


Emperor Shitian was stunned for three seconds, the blue muscles on his face twisted uncontrollably, and his body was full of stagnation. After a long while, he spurted blood again, almost fainting. It's been a while, you don't surrender early, and you don't surrender late. You just have to wait for me to surrender after taking Rage Pill!

Hang, you killed my Emperor Shi Tiankeng!

The goddess Shiva also took a sigh of relief: "His ~ child of flames, are you really sure that the little girl has nothing to do with you?"


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