The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1097: Will you be pregnant if you say something?

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The sharp arrow of the speeding, the firework-like tail flame bloomed, and the arrow and the air rubbed out a sharp howling. This shows how much anger and emotion Shiva Rui contains in this arrow. Even, in order to attract Zhang Wei, a wretched male, to reveal her whereabouts, she did not hesitate to cut her leather armor skirt.

"it is good!"

Wang Yan couldn't help but his eyes lit up and gave a compliment. At this moment, he looked at the little beauty shooter with a bad look. In such a terrible battle situation, it is possible to set a trap to counterattack against the characteristics of the enemy in an instant. That is to have considerable wisdom and ability to make decisions on the spot.

Compared to her big-headed sister, it's more than a strong one. It seems that this little beauty is likely to surpass her sister in the future.

Perhaps it was Zhang Wei's fellow who acted so far that many people were in the position of the little beauty shooter. Whether it was in the live room or on the spot, cheers broke out instantly.

It seems that Zhang Wei of our Super Academy is the real villain.

Say it sooner or later.

Although Zhang Wei is frivolous, his strength is still good. Faced with an arrow that could not hide, he instantly emerged from the gap in space, and the dagger sharply cut in his hand, when he was on the arrow.


The air wave exploded, and Zhang Wei's mouth was sprayed with blood and flew back.

He hadn't had time to land yet, and he heard the sound of continuous bow strings. One arrow after another, like the rain of arrows, lingers to Zhang Wei. Each of these arrows, although not as powerful as the first arrow, is also like a rainbow, revealing a terrible murderous opportunity.

It can be seen how much resentment the little beauty shooter had accumulated in the previous battle? Now all the resentment has turned into attack power.


Zhang Wei couldn't avoid it, so he had to carry it stubbornly. Even carrying five or six arrows, each arrow shook his arm numbness, and the impact shocked his internal organs, making him sad and miserable.

He is a superpower who specializes in stealth assassin skills. He is **** the front, which is not his strength. After a few clicks, it could not resist, the dagger was fluttered out, and the whole body was in a paralyzed and stiff state.


The beautiful girl archer slammed the bow string, and started the attack like a full moon. An extremely complicated arrow of the rune exuded the faint moonlight. It can be vaguely seen that the air continues to rush into the arrow.

"His ~"

Zhang Wei took a breath of air when he saw it. Was the little beauty shooter going to kill himself with a single arrow? Look at the momentum of that arrow, is it going to smash him into pieces? In the next moment, Zhang Wei's sweat pores were erected, and under the circumstance that he could not hide, he screamed hurriedly: "Give defeat, I admit defeat!"

"Huh ~"

At the same time as his last lost word shouted out, the arrow whizzed out like an air-to-ground missile, making Zhang Wei's whole body blown up.

I haven't had time to save the world, Zhang Wei, when countless crushes are crazy for me, will I die here?

Despair, enveloped Zhang Wei at once.

Just when he thought he was going to die, "Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the arrows filled with destruction and explosiveness suddenly turned a corner and blasted more than two meters in front of him.

The power of terror suddenly blows the ring out of a big pit.

The exploding air wave slammed Zhang Wei out and hit the ring fiercely. Although abnormally embarrassed, but there is no obstacle to life. His eyes were blank, and he shouted ecstatically, "I am still alive, great, I am alive."

"Hurry up and carry this boy down for good treatment, especially to get him some water out of his head." Wang Yan couldn't help it any more, waved his hand, and a spiritual force hooped his mouth, so that he wouldn't make noise , Wasting everyone's mood.

Shameful, it is really shameful. In any case, this kid is also a key student he recruited himself. The good situation is not only lost, it is also so embarrassing.

It seems that talent is one aspect, but combat experience is indeed very important. Wang Yan thought to himself, it was time to give the boys a good time. As the so-called Bao Jianfeng self-sharpened, plum blossom fragrance came from bitter cold.

No matter how good the jade is, it is just a stubborn stone.

Several druids guarding the ring were also hurriedly carrying Zhang Wei down.

"Ha ha!"

The Lord Shiva smiled happily, "Son of Flame, although you are very strong. But it seems that the ability to teach students is not the same." For a time, Lord Shiva was in a good mood.

Cool. That Zhang Wei didn't like how she looked, but she was worried that the identity gap was too big and there was no way to teach him personally. Shiva Rui used this trick well, and scared him so much.

It seems that after going back, I'll have a big reward.

The more Shiva the goddess looked at Shiva Rui, the more pleasing to the eye, not only was she young, she was strong, but she was also quite intelligent, and she was able to get out. In addition to winning one before, now she has won two games by herself, turning her disadvantages into advantages. Moreover, that Zhang Wei is not a sure threat. Once he succeeds, ordinary B-class strongmen are likely to overturn in the ditch.

"Uh ..." Wang Yan touched his nose and said rather helplessly, "Indira, you shouldn't be too premature, now it's just the beginning."

"Really?" Indira, the goddess of Shiva, sneered. "Just know that you will be hard-mouthed, then I will wait and see. See if it is your superb student, or the rising star of our gods' descendants."

Wang Yan couldn't succeed, but looked at Shivara kindly and said, "Your brain is responding well, how did you think of this trick?" This game, although lost. But losers do not lose, and in his current identity, he naturally has to show more generosity.

"I also learned from you." At this time, the beautiful girl shooter has blinked innocent eyes and looked at Wang Yan. "I have seen your video at the youth conference before, as long as it involves fighting, Will do everything. The guy is so lascivious and shameless, and certainly not welcomed by the girls. I targeted him and it was really fooled. "


Wang Yan was drinking tea, almost spitting out. Rolling your eyes in private, what is your name, girl? What does it mean to learn from me? But okay, okay, it seems that when Wang Yan was fighting, he did have undressed bridges.

"Sylvaree." Her sister was very angry in the field and said angrily, "I have warned you for a long time not to talk to the son of flame. Also, what are you usually watching? Look."

"Yes, elder sister." The little beauty accepted her grievances, but blinked her eyes and looked at Wang Yan pitifully.

As a result, Wang Yan was dizzy. What is this called? Seems to say something to his son of flame, will it be the same? Also, what happened to watching his video? Are they all healthy?


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