The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1093: 13 more than Wang Yan

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This guy is too arrogant and too insulting. This reminded the students that when the Eastern and Western people were so bully and provocative of the Chinese people in the late Qing and early Ming dynasties.

For a time, each was filled with righteous indignation and fists.

Teens are the most blood-stricken, so insulted, how can they be suppressed again? Immediately clamoring to go up and fight against that Emperor Shi Tianjue. Even death is the glory of death.

In fact, even Wang Yan looked frowning straight, and said to the goddess Shiva: "Hey, are you the emperor of the Indian kingdom, Shi Tian, ​​who inherited the same vein, are you so obsessed with force and hung up?" The kid, but only the B-level strength, this force is so beautifully pretended. Those who don't know, really think that a semi-god-level strongman has arrived. "

To be honest, Shiva also blushed somewhat.

Emperor Shi Tian's kid, so pretending to be 13 does not matter on occasion. So many S-class strongmen are all sitting on the rostrum. What are you doing with a B-class, so prettier?

Only, anyway. Emperor Shitian was still his family, and he could not be infighted at this time. Shiva Goddess whitened Wang Yan and said at a glance: "Why, you are allowed to pretend in this world, and no one else is allowed to be honest? To tell the truth, where do you get your son of flames?" Although I understand your feelings, but this time we are an exchange meeting, aiming to communicate and increase the fighting experience of young people. If you are all inclusive, it will be unfair to others. "

What's more, this time she is in the spirit of Yang Guowei, to cheer on the morale of the descendants of the gods. In case Emperor Shi Tian was defeated with one enemy and five, wouldn't he give up his achievements?

"Yes, yes, Emperor Shitian, don't go too far. It's an interesting thing to play with these chicks from China." Akbar, a double-knife, licked the knife with a cruel expression, his eyes were very cruel ferocious.

"Humph!" The apprentice eagle of Darrow's eagle also snorted dissatisfiedly. Obviously, he was also indifferent to Emperor Shitian's pretending perpetrator. But because of the strength of the other party, he can't take him.

"Okay, okay, everyone should have installed 13 and they are all finished." Wang Yan yawned and said, "Let's hurry up and take time, there are other activities at night. So, in order to reflect the limit of everyone's combat effectiveness I suggest that anyone who falls will leave the ring. The game is similar to the game of King of Fighters 97. "

Shiva Goddess's eyes lit up, but she doubled her confidence: "This game is fair enough to fully reflect everyone's limits and strength." In her view, there is Emperor Shitian. Even if it is a wheel battle, if he picks five of them, the win is great.

This is much better than any five games and three wins.

She sneered secretly in her heart, son of flame, son of flame, this is what you asked for. It ’s too embarrassing to lose, do n’t blame me. According to this rule, perhaps even Emperor Shitian can win all the contests without dispatching.

After agreeing on the way of fighting.

People on the Indian side were afraid that Emperor Shi Tian would jump out and take the lead. The eagle rushed to the center of the ring and said loudly: "My eagle is the first to represent the Indian national team." The huge eagle was summoned.

One person and one eagle stand in the middle of the ring, but they are also impressive.

"Isn't it? Do you still love the battle?"

There was a lot of talk around.

"You don't understand this. To simulate a formal battle, whether it is using any weapon or carrying pets connected with gods and spirits, it is allowed." An experienced person explained, "Some people Fighting power, all added to the pet, you can't let people not take it? For example, you can make the Necromancer not recruit skeletons? This is an international practice. "

After the Eagles played, our personnel temporarily fell into silence.

Facing the eagle, I am afraid that I will lose money. Not only did the guy bring a pet to the game, he also brought a pet that could only fly. This is a unique advantage when no one can fly.

"Hahaha, the little fledglings of the country of China." The eagle flew on his darling, provocatively provocatively, "Aren't you going to counsel? Come, come quickly and roll on the ring, let your eagles Lord learned lessons one by one. "


Zhao Chengtian, a second-year teenager, couldn't hold back, and he rushed to the center of the ring with one arrow step. He flicked his red hair and said, "Don't think that if you ride a bird, you're cowhide. Which man doesn't take a bird this year? Ha ha, you wo n’t be riding a big bird all day to show off your strength because your bird is too small. ”

"Hahahaha ~"

There was laughter all around. Zhao Chengtian's guy has always been a teenager in secondary school with his own sarcasm. This mocking technique is naturally not bad.

"Hee hee, Brother Tian Tian is really necrotic." The little girl An An also rolled her eyes and smiled.

Unexpectedly, Wang Bing and others looked at her together with surprise in their eyes. Why is this little girl so precocious?

The little girl An An hurriedly blushed, stomped her feet, and said with a dumb face: "What is Brother Tiancheng talking about? People can't understand how to listen." Her expression really seemed to listen. I don't understand.

When the audience was in a chaotic manner, the eagle was furious, turned over, and whistle, the eagle flew into the air, the wings flew sharply, and a hurricane suddenly formed, scraping towards Zhao Chengtian.

Zhao Chengtian ran around on the ground like a monkey, but because he couldn't fly, he had no choice but to take the giant eagle. The eagle was always ridiculed: "The idiot with red hair thought you were very powerful, but I didn't expect to beat even a bird, ha ha ha ha ~"

Such anti-sarcasm irritated everyone.

"Brother Tiancheng, come on ~" the little girl An An yelled and said, "Ignore the bird, its combat strength is not very strong, just go directly to the eagle."

An's reminder makes sense.

But Zhao Chengtian laughed: "Eagle, eagle, originally I used this trick to deal with Emperor Shitian. But I did not expect that your tactics are so mean and disgusting. I will let you know, I will A great trick learned from Master Blast Bear! "

After all, he put a touch on the storage bracelet.

A huge machine gun appeared on the ring. The machine gun had twelve barrels and it was as daunting as a venomous fang.

"Da Da Da ~"

In the roar of machine guns, a bullet like a rainstorm formed a barrage into the air.

"Wow, didn't expect Zhao Chengtian to keep this trick?"

"Zhao Chengtian, are you playing a plane?"


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