The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1081: The maid came out, a top two

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My sister cut a little bit of skin, Xiao Yan, you care about it, take care, even it takes five minutes to bandage a wound. The wound that Linghu Yaojue cut was obviously deeper than that of her sister.

The result is good. I haven't broken my finger yet. What is it?

Those words were like thunder and thunder, bombarding her back and forth unscrupulously in her heart, and she was scorched and messy inside. The crystal tears were about to slip off his cheeks.

"Sir Secretary, wouldn't you want to cry?" Wang Yan hesitated, his eyes a little surprised.

"Yes, people just want to cry." Linghu Yaojue thinks that he's not good enough to show off his coquettish performance. Immediately, he is also a petite, weak, and pitiful look.

At this moment, Linghu Yaojue felt that her acting skills had sublimated. She believed that even if she looked at herself while holding a mirror, she would feel hurt for herself.

"Aggrieved, want to cry?" Wang Yan sighed deeply and melancholy.

"Well, people just feel wronged, they just want to cry." Ling Hu Yao Jue's pair of scary eyes, a touch of water moistened. Seeing Wang Yan's face was melancholy, he was irritated slightly.

Wang Yan, Wang Yan, are you defeated this time?

Sure enough, what men fear most is the tears of women. In the hard steel, it also has to be turned into softness in tears. Huh, what should be the comfort and coax next?

Should I follow suit, or should I pick it up? No, you can't just follow it easily. If a man gets too easy, he will often not cherish it enough.

At least, he had to squeeze him two or three times.

Just when Linghu Yaojue's heart was YY, Wang Yan's eyelids rolled over, pointing at the kitchen door and saying, "Linghu Director, you are so full of food, you have nothing to do and want to cry, so you cry in the bathroom I have to make noodles and chop dumplings. Do n’t bother me here. The lady is hungry and waiting to eat dumplings. "


Linghu Yaojue suddenly felt dozens of days of thunder, and slammed into her heart. Don't get in the way here? The maid is hungry and waiting to eat dumplings ...

Those words, every sentence is like the power of an atomic bomb, and the explosion of Linghu Yaojue is desperate.

Is the gap between yourself and your sister really that big? No no no, it must be that this guy is a familiar ~ female control, human ~ wife control. Not that he is not good enough, but that guy is the good one.

Linghu Yaojue thinks more and more that way, the more he thinks, the more he finds a direction. Suddenly, she stomped her face with a white face and scolded, "Wang Yan, you pervert." Then she ran away with tears.


Wang Yan looked baffled and asked her to cry outside. Where is this abnormal?

Woman, it's really troublesome.

A bureaucrat, how can he lead a group of heroes to fight against the bad guys? Regardless of her, the maid seems to have not eaten supper. If you want to eat dumplings at this point, you must be hungry.

"DuangDuangDuang ~" Wang Yan raised and lowered his hand, and the shadow of the knife became a piece. He easily chopped the dumplings. Afterwards, he started to meet again. This dough is a hard work, you have to live alive, otherwise the dumpling skin will not be flexible.

Just when Wang Yan was busy.

In the living room, Linghu Yaojue was crying with tears to her sister: "Sister, people don't play anymore, it hurts self-esteem too. The guy Wang Yan doesn't like me at all, he likes you."

"Don't talk nonsense." Linghu Yaofei squinted, "Sister is his sister-in-law, he only respects the sister."

"Then, how could he be like this?" Linghu Yaojue was depressed and utterly depressed. "Obviously, I played well, but how could he be so great for us?" Dead pervert, I think it is a mature lady. "

"Yo yo yo, you are a typical butt, but the stool is slanted." Linghu Yaofei glanced at her angrily. "The sisters you just saw are all in the eyes. The performance is too exaggerated. Excessive anger. The skills of our Nine-tailed Sky Fox family, who are particular about being natural, show no traces of artificial artifacts. You are still tender. "

"What should I do? In short, people don't want to play anymore." Linghu Yaojue was sulking a little bit angrily. Today's all sorts of things have really hurt her. She had already begun to make her doubt her life.

"Yao Jue, our family of nine-tailed foxes all seem to be weak, but in fact they are full of persistent races in their hearts." Linghu Yaofei encouraged, "The more difficult things, the more difficult it is to meet the difficulties. Let's go. So, my sister will show you again, you can learn a little for me. "

"Well, I'll try again." Linghu Yaojue's face was not confident, and some doubted it.

"You have taken care of your sister." Linghu Yaofei swayed Liu Yao and walked to the kitchen, full of confidence. "Thinking that, your brother-in-law Cao Jingluo was defeated by this trick."


Linghu Yaojue was shocked and hurriedly followed.

I saw that Linghu Yaofei leaned against the kitchen door in a variety of styles and said softly, "Xiao Yan, have you made the dumplings? The ladies and mothers are starving to death."

Wang Yan glanced back, suddenly stunned, turned his head hurriedly, and said dryly, "Master, Madam. Quickly, almost ready. I've reconciled this side, and the dumpling stuffing is finished. If you have a stomach, I ’m hungry, I ’ll wrap you up and make dumplings. "

With that, Wang Yan quickly wrapped up the dumplings. With his current strength, his ability to control himself has long been at his will. Making dumplings everywhere is of course nothing wrong.

When you squeeze your hand, a dumpling comes out.

In just a few seconds, three or five dumplings are wrapped.

"Oh, your personal bag is too slow, the lady is here to help you." Linghu Yaofei wrapped in a scent of flamboyant fragrance, and almost stuck to Wang Yan, picking up the dough drop by drop, and the onion and the slenderness began Kneaded.

Behind her, Linghu Yaojue, who probed her brain with a probe, heard a sweaty face. Not to mention, my sister's ability to talk nonsense with her eyes open is first-rate. What does it mean that a person packs too slowly?

Seeing Wang Yan's hand speed, he can produce dozens of dumplings in a minute, which is also called slow?

"Ouch, Xiao Yan. The mother-in-law won't make dumplings, you come to teach the mother-in-law." Linghu Yaofei said with a shy expression, pinching the dough.

"Uh ... okay." The mother-in-law is destined, why dare Wang Yan not follow. I did it in slow motion on the spot and said, "Sister-in-law, it's that simple."

"Is that true?"

"No, this action should be like this."

"Oh, I'm so stupid."

Unconsciously, Linghu Yaofei has got into Wang Yan's arms, guiding him to hug her with her hands, teaching her how to make dumplings. That action, that posture, really ...

But one teaches seriously, and the other has ulterior motives.

Linghu Yaojue at the door of the kitchen, seeing their actions, felt a bit sour in his heart. This posture really seemed to be the scene where the hero and heroine were playing clay in the movie.

It is also romantic.


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