The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1075: Before going out of the tiger's den and into the wolf den

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In the evening, Wang Yan dragged his tired body and drove his Land Rover to the door of the unit. His face was a bit melancholy and extremely rare. After lighting a cigarette at the door, he slowly started to smoke.

At home for a long time, the war with Wen Ruhan was even more difficult than fighting against the Black Demon King.

After smoking, Wang Yan flew into the building, and took the elevator down.

With Wang Yan's current status, it was naturally recognized by colleagues. Despite all the miscellaneous colleagues, Wang Yan did not recognize it all. However, out of courtesy, Wang Yan would still greet each other actively.

Naturally, news of the return of the Son of Flame spread through the entire East China Branch through WeChat, the circle of friends, and the unit's APP. Some friends such as Wang Yan, brothers, rushed to meet Wang Yan.


Bear Burst, Scud, and Shen Tu Tianlu and others directly stopped Wang Yan in the aisle and gave him a warm hug.

"Yes, brother." Bong Xiong urgently patted Wang Yan's shoulder, and couldn't help but praised, "But you are fighting for our brothers, thinking what kind of character is the Black Death Demon Venerable. We must destroy the existence of the world. As a result, we simply asked our brothers to serve. Cool! "

"Lao Wang Lao Wang, can you explain to your brother what yin and yang are in Thai?" The hairy legs are languid, and the yin and yang laughed strangely. "They are still virgins, I don't understand!"

"Go away, Scud, and take our son of Flame to open the yellow cavity." Shen Tu Tianlu waved his metal tentacles excitedly. "Lao Wang, I saw there are many beautiful girls on Dongdao in the live broadcast. Otherwise, Introduce to the brothers and acquaintances? You can rest assured that brother and I are a man who lives at home and is honest, hahahaha ~ "

As his strangely shaped metal tentacles continue to wave, where is there a little bit of a good-looking woman? The whole one is the evil tentacle monster from the world of hell.

Facing this group of fox friends, Wang Yan also patted his forehead helplessly. With such brothers in the booth, sometimes it really feels disgraceful to take them out. However, brothers are always brothers, even shameful brothers are not?

Wang Yan talked about each one of Xiaofeng Fengsheng's greetings, especially to Shen Tutian Road: "Tianlu, are you here on a business trip to the East China Branch? Do you need any help?"

"What's the matter?" Shen Tu Tianlu patted his chest with metal tentacles, and said Yi Bo Yuntian, "As a brother of the child of flame, I have been thinking about Shen Tu Tianlu, which unit I am in, I am Is n’t it too selfish? So, I figured it out, for the sake of brothers, I should have dedication. So, I volunteered to be transferred to the East China branch to live and die with the brothers, and work hard to complete the party and the country, and The tasks given to us by the people. "

This one?

Wang Yan, a drop of cold sweat, Brother Shen Tu, are you still shameless? It is clear that our East China branch has good benefits and high welfare, and the dead skinned post came over. In the end, it was pretty good to support our East China branch?

Which one needs your support?

Are you here to come to the merits?

However, come and chant. Wang Yan didn't care, and immediately welcomed him. Said, "Brothers, you are busy first. I will report to the Director of Linghu, report my job, and then come back and invite the brothers to dinner."


Upon hearing this word, where can a group of fox friends go against it? Immediately afterwards, they rushed into the sky and patted their chests to say that as brothers, they should go back and forth with the troubles, indicating that they must wait for Pharaoh how many nights, and then get off work together.

For the group of guys who can be so shameless for ordering food, Wang Yan also expressed shame. After soothing them, they went to Linghu Yaojue's office.

at the same time.

In Linghu Yaojue's office, she was making a vocal call, blushing slightly and whispering, "Sister, people haven't been in love yet, can't such a thing be done?"

"You're like this, send it to your man." A cold voice came over the phone, "Sister tells you that nature is so full of competition. Your sister can't take care of you all her life, You have to find an excellent and huge potential to rely on. To tell the truth, do you like Xiao Yan? "

"This ..." Linghu Yaojue slightly hesitated and said, "Wang Yan is very good, I feel very satisfied. However, he, he has a girlfriend. I always feel that it is too shameful to seduce him actively Now. "

"Who's throwing you? Is that what you call seduce?" Linghu Yaofei at the other end of the phone said hatelessly, "Sister can tell you. With the vision of the sister living for thousands of years, the sister did not find Bi Xiaoyan Better men, including your brother-in-law. If you really miss this village, you really do n’t have this shop. The sister is distressed to yourself, thinking that the fat water will not fall outside the field. Besides, what is your name? Seduce? It's just a woman chasing a man, just a heavy sand. You don't want him to throw away his family or something, or just want to compete for a seat, what's so shy. "

"Okay." Linghu Yaojue was very excited about Wang Yan, but she never looked down on her sister. She had to say honestly, "I will work hard."

"What's so angry?" Linghu Yaofei at the other end of the phone said indignantly, "We as fox spirits, we all know ** men. These are all things that are imprinted in the bones and in the bloodline. Alas, all blame sister Since I was too young, I have pampered you, and everything has paved the way for you. I can tell you, if you can't get it started, wait for crying in this life, and don't want to grow an eighth tail again, sister I do n’t want to see you die older than me! So, this is a mission. Do you understand the mission? It can only succeed, not fail. You are not allowed to lose the face of our Jiuwei Tianhu family. "

Linghu Yaojue blushed a little, but said helplessly: "Well, my sister, I will not fail. Not much to say, he is here." After that, Linghu Yaojue hurriedly hung up the phone and sorted out After looking at the image, after wearing a pair of black tortoiseshell glasses, a mature and tall look appeared.

In fact, Linghu Yaojue is originally of extraordinary qualification and outstanding ability. Only in front of the elder sister who took care of her when she was a child, did she have a special mindset. There was a solemn look in his eyes, and he coughed twice and said, "Come in."

As soon as the words fell, Wang Yan pushed open the office door and entered. He immediately saw Linghu Yaojue's eyes on him, seemingly inexplicably fiery, and he laughed secretly in his heart, didn't he?

This is the only way out of the tiger's den and into the wolf den?


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