The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1057: Pharaoh, you sacrifice it

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The winter goddess' proposal is to make Wang Yan collapse. Under the large public, within the bounds of the world, as a goddess, can you give some reliable suggestions? Staying still is like Yin and Yang Hetai.

What's more, the primary school student An An riding on the head of the ancient Yan Mo is still playing a live broadcast while holding a mobile phone.

Not to mention, it ’s not good to bring down elementary school students?

Just as Wang Yan was about to spur blood.

Because of An'an's live content, the Dongdao incident quickly spread to all major organizations in the world. In particular, those units that have a good relationship with the National African Bureau have directly requested authorization and directly linked into the live broadcast room to watch this scene.

In faraway Egypt, in a gorgeous and ancient palace.

A bald man with bronze skin leaned on the couch diagonally and watched the scene. Beside him, a number of women exposed, but wearing a veil, served him carefully.

Yes, this person is the famous desert emperor.

In the youth competition, although he failed to get the first place, he is still one of the most popular players. And his overall strength is not necessarily worse than the son of flame. Losing in the end is just a half move.

If another battle is played elsewhere, it is really hard to say who wins and who loses.

At this time, the desert emperor was more restrained and calm. Between Meiyu, the emperor's breath is more majestic. He was eating the grapes peeled off by the beautiful jade hand, and said to himself with a faint expression: "Pharaoh's guy broke through the legendary level, but it didn't matter. Unexpectedly, even the red tank broke through the legend. Haha, interesting, really interesting. You have to take some time to see them and make an appointment to see who is the one who has made the most progress. "

Between the speeches, a strong sense of self-confidence suddenly broke out.

As for whether Wang Yan and others can win the Black Demon Venerable, that is by no means within his worries.

If Wang Yan couldn't even get the Black Demon Venerable, then it would not be worthy of him taking the Desert Emperor's attention so seriously and begging his confidant and opponent.

At the same time, units such as the Dark Council, the Light Holy See, the Polar Bear Secret Service, and the Midi Super Shield Bureau also launched video conferences internally, expressing their views on the Black Devil's respect for the advent of the world. The masters in each of them also went to Dongdao in their own way.

Maybe I can't make it. But no one is willing to take risks. If Wang Yan fails, once the Black Demon Venerable escapes, it will be in trouble.

All over the world, the various changes caused by this will not be mentioned for the time being.

Dong Yan, the main battlefield where Wang Yan and others are located, was caught in a huge crisis. After a little delay, the advantage of the Black Death Demon King expanded again. It grabbed a large piece of blood from the red tank with one claw and retreated him for more than ten steps, swallowing it with a strange smile.

The huge body of the ancient flame demon has been infected with a kind of extremely heat-resistant plague virus. Its diabolical body is rotted everywhere, and the red rocks are rotting down and roaring down. .

The whole huge body moved slowly, staggering a little.

The anxious little girl An An screamed: "Big man, are you okay? Be careful!" Although she was anxious, she was young and weak, and could not help much at all.

At this time, the barrage also exploded.

"Principal Wang, what are you doing? Why are you temporarily lost during the battle?"

"Principal Wang, you are a teammate in the pit."

Although many people regard Wang Yan as an idol, Wang Yan's performance is indeed unsatisfactory. Some guys who secretly had opinions on Wang Yan quickly brought up a wave of rhythm and scolded Wang Yankeng's teammates.

Of course, Wang Yan has more fans and is more fanatical.

Quickly launched a counterattack, constantly swiping the screen and scolding in the barrage: "YOUCANYOUUP, NOBB." And a series of counter-attacks.

The battle outside was fierce, and the battle on the barrage was fierce.

The honest and honest red tank suddenly roared and said: "Lao Wang, what are you stunned? Isn't it a yin and yang comrade, a big move? You haven't had it, when is it, how shameful? How beautiful is the Queen of Ice? "

In the view of the Red Tank, if the so-called Yin-Yang Jiao-Tai can successfully release the big move, then it is simply a matter of ease. What is hesitant about it? Not to mention the stunning beauty of the Queen of Ice, even if it is an ugly girl, he does not matter.

These words made Wang Yan faint, Lao Tan, what are you talking about? Is this a ugly and pretty question? This is all a question of shame, okay?

Wang Yan thought that he had a thick skin, but when he was so thick that when he was fighting, he felt humiliated in public. In fact, Nan Lian on the side was also very dizzy. The first time he lost himself in the ice cocoon before, it was already extremely shameful.

Now she can't fight Black Demon Venerable, but she still needs to use that trick, which makes her feel a little broken.

At the same time, An An's live-streaming picture burst instantly after a few seconds.

What, use Yin and Yang Jiaotai to make big moves? Uh, what is that terrier?

Also, has it happened once before? Everyone seems to have missed something.

The response was quick, and the barrage immediately began to burst: "Beg before the video."

"This can be there, Principal Wang, don't you hurry up to reverse the situation?"

"666, the battle of the gods is really explosive. It can still be played like this ..."

"An An, you're going to take a shot and give you a reward. You can have as many as you want."

In Dian Yi Staff, the winter goddess urged even more: "Wang Yan, Nan Lian, what are you still hesitating? Everyone can't hold on for long, and then drag on, not only that we all have to die in Winter Island. Everyone in the world."

This time she didn't pass the message through Shen Nian, but in a hurry, she directly conveyed her meaning by shaking the air.

Naturally, the sound was captured in the live broadcast.

The broadcast room burst again.

"Principal Wang, tutor Nan Lian. To save the world, you sacrifice."

"Ooooo, why haven't I encountered such a good thing?"

The messy words filled the barrage.

"Pharaoh, Nan Lian, for the peace of the world, you fight together." In the distance, beside the half-collapsed statue of the goddess, the two brothers who pretended to be dead also began to jump up, inflaming the wind shamelessly.

Fight, fight your sister.

Wang Yan glared at the two pretending to be dead, but now he jumped up, what kind of two of you are in public once?

"Small, Xiaoyan, yes, or ..." Nan Lian edged the move, dragging the Black Death Demon Venerable with extreme speed ice, and edged shame to the polar voice and said, "I, let's sacrifice it."

Even Sister Nanlian said so, really, without words, Wang Yan had to tear the clothes, revealing a very strong, streamlined upper body.

"Wow ~"

Numerous bullets broke out in the live room.


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