The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1048: Team up to kill boss

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From beginning to end, the Son of Fire is a sign of the potential to eradicate the Black Demon Venerable, and all kinds of momentum are also extremely powerful. I never thought that the ultimate goal of the son of flame and the ice queen would be him.

He had just screamed before, and a cold chill was looming behind him. The hideout plague messenger was frozen into an ice sculpture. As his consciousness disappeared quickly, he could not help but make a swearing, he was pitted by the dogs and men.


Wang Yan took advantage of the situation, slamming the ice sculpture with a punch of flame power, which shattered it into pieces and turned into countless pieces of meat.


Wang Yan blew the frost on his fist, and then he replied lightly the words of the dead plague messenger: "Idiot, the simple blunders don't understand the plan. It's too much fuss. Hit the big boss and cut the obstacles The minions are just things in reason. "

If the plague messenger is still alive, he will surely be angry and die again after hearing this. He has lived for so many years, how could he not understand that kind of carving insect skills? It's just that the son of the flame, the acting is so superb, they all confuse him this old rivers and lakes.

Nan Lian, the ice queen, flicked her body slightly, and lifted up the shaky white ice. She had been able to resist the plague messenger for so long, and it was pure desperation. If she borrowed a lot of power, and the plague messenger still wanted to keep her alive, this can live to the present.

But even so, she was dying, almost dying. At the sight of the death of the plague messenger, she was fainted, and she fainted.

"Son of Flame!"

At the same time, Yan Zhen waited for the stunned God's Black Demon Vener to growl, "Dare you, how dare you!" He was also so angry that he was teased him several times. And while he was unprepared, he even cut a member of his general.

The plague messenger is one of his most loyal lovers. He has done a lot of things for him, and his status should be above the banshee. It's a pity that both effective players have died in Wang Yan's hands.

After confronting Wang Yan, he found himself repeatedly frustrated, and his good plans were stirred up into muddy waters.

"Hahaha ~ Pharaoh did a good job." In the distance, the passionate red tank roared. "Originally, I wanted to go to the first city and take the lead. But I didn't expect it to be a step ahead of you." Having said that, he took a step forward.

He was like a **** of war from a wild world. His muscles swelled to the extreme, and every muscle fiber exploded with a trickle-like force, and gathered into a world-destroying atmosphere. With a punch, even the space is showing signs of collapse.


The Ghost Scythe brandished a deadly sickle and blocked a blow, but unexpectedly even the horse was thrown back. In the ice and snow, a few deep ravines were plowed. The skull warhorse, a symbol of death and fear, exploded with a series of noises, the bones were cracked, and the knees fell to the ground.

The power of that punch was so horrible, as fierce as the legendary ancient Titan.

I really deserve to be the king of land warfare. There are very few strong men who can compete with him in strength on earth. After he reached the S level, even Wang Yan's strength and him had some gaps. One can't help but wonder if the man in the red tank is a purebred human?

And how can a human body explode with such devastating power?

"Hahaha ~" The red tank laughed heartily. "Nether Scythe, you're a bone-frame, you should have gone to hell. Let me red tank, give you a ride!" The momentum of the red tank skyrocketed again.

The elephant-like giant feet stomped forward, the sound of boom, the strength was strong, as if even the entire winter island trembled faintly.

With the momentum of running, his fist is even stronger, even if a mountain is placed in front of him, he can definitely punch into the slag. Power, this is absolute power. The red tank does not have any fancy, but simply punches.

But no one can stop his punches.

The Ghost Scythe is extraordinary in strength, but what it is best at is roaming and sneaking in the battlefield. When people are not prepared, it is a fatal blow. In terms of pure strength, it is more than a red tank.

At this time, its skeleton warhorse is in a semi-destructive state, and there is no way to hide, so it has to be hard-wired again.


The red tank made three powerful punches.

Like a storm, the power of a punch is fiercer than a punch. Poor Nether Scythe, because of the moment's carelessness, was caught by the Red Tank, and he was instantly in desperation. Was forced to fight hard three punches.

The Nether Scythe withdrew hundreds of meters in succession, and some nearby soldiers were killed by the shock wave formed by the battle.


It seems to have solidified.

The red tank maintained its punching posture and remained motionless. His whole body was covered with wounds cut from the ghost sickle. Although the injury was terrible, it was not fatal. His control over his own body has reached an unbelievable level.

To the extent that each muscle fiber can be manipulated, constricting blood vessels to control the injury is extremely easy.

The ghost sickle also maintained the posture of holding a hook sickle gun, but his ghost armor had burst, and there were bones and bones.

After a few seconds.

Suddenly the wind blew, and the Nether Scythe and the bones of the warhorse under its crotch exploded into a mass of powder and flew away. A generation of ill-fated death knights finally disappeared in this winter island, leaving no remains.

The red tank slowly stood upright, staring at the scene dignifiedly, and said in a low, hoarse voice: "The dust returns to the dust, go back. Hope your father and God can forgive everything you have done."


In the low, somewhat sad voice of the red tank, the ashes of the Ghost Scythe turned to the sky, and soon disappeared.

The scene in which the red tanks soared against the enemy naturally shocked the scene. The little girl An An opened her mouth far away, and the uncle of a foreigner like a giant was so powerful.

The college also has several classmates and teachers with outstanding strength, but compared with him, it is like a kindergarten child.

"Haha ~ Brother Tank, it's doing a good job." Even Wang Yan was shocked, and then he laughed happily, "Come, now we can team up to brush BOSS. We now have two DPS, You are so super frank. By the way, if you have another milk, your strength is almost okay. "


Such a terrible situation, coupled with Wang Yan's dialogue, finally let the blood in the chest of the Black Death Demon Venerable spur out. Excessive, it is too much!


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