The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1036: egg! broken!

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This, this ...

What happened?

Not far away, the two commanders of the ice king Oro, who was lying on the ground pretending to be unwilling to die, were so startled that even his eyes were staring out. There was a turbulent wave in my heart. This, this, this seems to have happened something extraordinary.

The screams of Black Death Demon Venerable made the entire complex battlefield stagnate, as if it had fallen into a standstill.

Cole and the high priest, the gods of the Winter God clan fighting fiercely, looked back at each other. Everyone stopped their hands in unison, their expressions were horrified, and they couldn't believe it.

And Berissa and some Winter Gods are hunting only those ghastly ghouls and gargoyles. They suddenly saw their eyes widened, and they looked terrified.

There are also red tanks and ghosts of the nether, they had fought their lives to death, and were fierce and hearty. But such anomalous changes also made them glance involuntarily.

It was this glance that caused them to stop their movements, and they were all stunned on the spot.

Let ’s look back at what happened.

Words of Wang Yan ’s various mouth and cannon attacks made the mood of the Black Death Demon Lord up and down like a roller coaster. While he was unprepared, he secretly sent the Succubus to harass and try to attack the Black Death Demon Lord with charm.

Wang Yan's succubus was only half-step S-level strength. Even with the recent breakthroughs, the benefits have been numerous and the strength has improved. But the half-step S-level is always just the half-step S-level.

With the strength and pride of the Black Death Demon Lord, she will naturally not put her in the eyes, and her attitude is very contemptuous.

It is a pity that the Black Death Demon Venerable is countless, and Wang Yan's mouth guns and succubus are not counted, but they are just tricks to distract him. The real killer is the hairy crab that was ignored by everyone.

According to the strength, the hairy crab is dead, which is A level, which is worse than the succubus. For the super powerhouse like the Black Death Demon King, it is just a ants that can strangle to death.

But such a ant has its own uniqueness. First, hairy crabs are ambush creatures. Its predatory method is to hide itself, disguise itself as a stone or sludge, and then strangle its prey while it is not in use.

Moreover, it has now become an ice crab, and the body also has a little bluish ice. On this icy and snowy winter island, it has a natural camouflage color.

What's even more strange is that this hairless crab has a magical skill that can be big or small, and can stretch and shrink. Just like this, it disguised as a light blue ice stone everywhere, slowly and silently moved behind the Black Demon Venerable, and sent a fatal and sinful blow like a thunderbolt.

If there are people who have their fingers caught by hairy crabs, they can imagine the huge and painful feeling. Fingers are so painful, not to mention eggs!

"Kaka Kaka ~"

The hairy crab intestine has made a contribution, and its mighty pair of pliers clamped the two eggs of the Black Death Demon King.

Even the demigod-level strongman, after being clamped in such a sensitive and fragile place, is suddenly in despair and screaming. What's more, the demigod level of the Black Death Demon Venerable is at most a pseudo demigod level.

Because he is just occupying the body of the Tiger of the North, in a short period of time, even if he can improve his physical quality by a large amount, it is temporarily impossible to compare with the semi-god level that is truly tempered step by step.


Under the eyes of everyone, the face of the Black Death Demon King roared and pained, "Dare, you dare! Also, not yet, quickly, quickly release the book, the deity." The huge pain is only part of his suffering. And, more, he was shocked by a huge sense of shame.

He is a magnificent black demon deity. He destroyed almost half of Europe hundreds of years ago. Ye Wang is a man preparing to unify the earth. Those big coffees and emperors in human history are far from comparable to his dignity.

Severe pain, shame, like the most fierce tide, bombarded the soul of the Black Death Demon King.

"His ~"

The **** of ice and snow, as Wang Yan ’s mother-in-law, is naturally looking forward to Wang Yan, and also hopes that he can create miracles and solve this difficult task at present.

But she never expected that Wang Yan would break the game in this way.

The brutal, terrible, and ashamed of them are all drastic. Although the Black Death Demon Venerable is her extremely disgusting enemy, while feeling dark, she couldn't help but have a sympathy towards the Black Death Demon Venerable.

Poor Black Death Demon Venerable, it was so miserable to meet Wang Yan.

"Son of Flame, the deity is going to kill you!"

Under the eyes of both the enemy and us, and the searing glare, the Black Death Demon Pain was more and more embarrassing. The abominable hairy crab is the petty pet of the child of flames.

Angrily angry, the Black Demon Zun looked back suddenly, staring fiercely at the abominable hairy crab.

The hairy crab intestines stared at the bulb-like eyes, blinking innocently at the Black Demon Venerable, a little scared. That feeling seemed to be frightened by the eyes of the Black Death Demon King.

The pliers clamped tighter.

Black Death Demon King's eyes were black, so he was not transported by air. The deity is already staring at you. Do you dare to relax and continue to clamp tighter? For a time, the Black Death Demon Vener was even more furious, and he poked hard at the hairy crab with Dian Yi Staff. It must be smashed into ice chips to make it dead.

Everyone was shocked and secretly said that the hairy crab was too stupid. At this time, he hadn't hurried away. This time, I am afraid it will be finished. It is a pity that it is a pity.

The hairy crab intestine felt a life-and-death crisis, its light bulb-like eyes glared violently, and the double pliers exploded tremendously. Although it is not high, as a hairy crab, the most proud of it is its big pair of pliers.

And it clamps the most sensitive and vulnerable place of any man.

In the last one, the hairy crab seemed to use the power of the wilderness, and used all the power on the double pliers.

Under everyone's attention, only two sounds were heard.

"Pap!" "Pap!"

It sounded like a cracking egg.

Time seems to be still at this moment.

It wasn't loud, but it fell into everyone's ears, especially those of men, but it was trembling and could not help shaking.

Even Wang Yan turned his head away after being excited, and couldn't bear to see it.

This time, even Wang Yan felt so painful to watch.


The winter goddess trapped in the staff of Dianyi naturally also noticed the occurrence of this scene, and she laughed without ladylike style, "Well, your shrimp and soldier crab will do well. This goddess has a big prize !! ! "


The Black Death Demon King howled like a pig.


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