The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1023: Son of Flame! you are lying!

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"He is lying!"

A loud voice resounded through the sky, "I can guarantee that the Son of Flame is lying! He is a liar!"

The sound was magnificent, like thunder.

A person who can make such a voice is definitely a strong player.

Everyone's attention, including the host Han Ju, and the twenty-four ice element elves, were all attracted to the past.

Of course, there is also Wang Yan.

The man, wearing a gorgeous ice crystal armor, had an ice sword with a strong sense of fantasy, and a shield with a very complicated pattern on his right hand. The shape of the whole person is extremely exaggerated and gorgeous, just like the saint in the anime saint.

His whole body exudes a strong sense of ice, which seems to reflect the authenticity of his speech.

Seeing this person, Wang Yan fainted, and felt a little sulky.

Ice King Oro!

This man is a deputy commander in the guard of the Winter Island Temple, but he is only more than sixty years old and looks like he is only thirty years old. An extremely deep-cold kung fu is perfect, reaching the level of legendary.

In the process of discussing with Wang Yan before, Wang Yan also spent a lot of energy before defeating him with a slight advantage of half a chip.

Of course, these are not the reasons for Wang Yan's frustration.

It was mainly during these few days that they were still playing with each other very much. They called each other brothers and brothers, and they were intertwined. Even Wang Yan thought that the ice king Oro was very good and worth being a friend.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the ice king Oro would jump out and accuse Wang Yan, saying he was lying. On such a "serious" occasion, lying is naturally a very serious matter, and may even be eliminated immediately.

Wang Yan stared at him. Although he didn't value the election, he was still very uncomfortable when he was sold on the spot by a guy who was also called brother. I really regret it. I had "learned" with him before, and after gaining the upper hand, I didn't beat these two goods to death.

"Ice King Oro, it's not your turn to play now." Han Ju is also a person from Winter Island. He is very familiar with Ice King Oro and annoyed by his troubles. Then he gave him a fierce glance. "

To be honest, after spending the initial embarrassment of misunderstanding, Han Ju actually felt quite good about Wang Yan.

Ice King Oro stooped slightly and said piously and generously: "Miss Han Ju, Oro is the guardian of the goddess, focusing on the qualities of faith, loyalty, honesty and so on. Although I am a friend of Flame Child, I definitely don't want to see him lying in public. As the goddess' most loyal guardian, I must stand up to expose him. Son of flame, please forgive me! "The last sentence was said to Wang Yan.

Wang Yan glared at him angrily: "Auror, if you have anything to say, my son of flames is upright, there is nothing worth hiding."


Some ice elves are very dissatisfied with the ice king Oro. They are talking with the son of flames and their feelings are heating up rapidly. The stinky and shameless guy jumped out and made trouble.

And even dare to say that the Son of Flame is lying.

A son of flames who is so handsome and has such a good temperament, it is impossible to lie at all.

The rest of the people had complicated thoughts, with emotions about Oro's integrity, and secretly mocking Oro. Judging from the reactions of the snow elves, even if the ice king Oro debunked the lies of the child of flames and let the child of flames be eliminated, it would definitely not please. Next, the snow elves will be angry with him, making him unable to advance.

"Hahaha!" Anatoli, the tiger of the North, was even more ecstatic. He didn't expect that the child of flames was about to advance, but the ice king Oro jumped out and snipered.

Ice King Oro, good job!

What makes Anatoly even more happy is that the ice king Oro is not only the child of flames, but also brought him into the piggyback. You should know that the ice king Oro is very powerful, and he is extremely superb in the accomplishment of the ice rule, which is one of the "seed enemies" that Anatoly attaches great importance to.

Everyone has their own ideas.

Ice King Auror adjusted his armor, ignoring the ice elves who looked down angrily, and said with a loud voice: "I, Ice Auror, officially announce that every word I say is true. Otherwise, It is blasphemy. "

As soon as this remark came out, there was another uproar around.

Is this ice king Oro, ready to die with the son of flames?

But it is exactly the same, but it also increases the authenticity of the ice king Oro. As a guardian of the temple, blasphemy is a huge thing.

In full view, the ice king Auror stared at Wang Yan: "You lied! You said that you have no special experience. In fact, your life is very rich in special experiences. Those in China will not say for the time being. You are in On the Liuli Island of Southeast Asia, with its own strength, it turned around and killed the extremely powerful legendary monster Abyss Demon Lord! At that time, you were only twenty-three years old. "


There was an uproar in the field, and the son of flame was so good, he killed an abyss demon lord at the age of twenty-three? Oh my god, that's a legendary monster that's so serious.

Wang Yan fainted, and a drop of cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

Is this lying? Is the ice king Oro pitting himself or helping himself?

"After that, you showed great potential in the Sanctuary of Light, breaking the trial record of the Sanctuary of Light for thousands of years." The ice king Oro said sharply, "Up to now, your record Still hanging in the sanctuary of light, even you have received the attention of the **** of light. "

Hiss ~

Countless people took a breath of air, this experience is too awesome, right? If this is not a special experience, then none of the people on the scene had a special experience.

People who did not understand the Son of Flame before, all looked at him with admiring eyes.

"Uh ..." Wang Yan touched his nose helplessly and smiled bitterly, "Brother Oro, these are trivial things, don't you need to come up and say?"

"You are lying!"

Ice King Auror roared loudly again: "You are the youngest champion in the world under the age of fifty."

"Okay." Wang Yan looked helplessly with countless admiring eyes.

I originally wanted to be low-key, but unexpectedly, I was shaken by the ice king Oro. However, Wang Yan is also a little puzzled. She is simply not accustomed to being low-key and wants to help herself become famous? No, it's impossible. The ice king Oro's face has a ferocious appearance, and he is very cunning and shameless when drinking.

As the so-called liquor is character, Wang Yan does not believe his purpose is so simple.

All the snow and ice element elves were stunned. Unexpectedly, the son of Flame, who made them feel so full of love, had such a great experience. And if the ice king Oro "speaks of justice", wouldn't they miss a lot of gossip news about the son of flame?

For a time, they looked at the ice king Auror's eyes and instantly became much friendly. Ruzi is teachable and gives him more points when he turns around.


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