The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1019: No one is looking at the world

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Upon seeing this, Berissa was dizzy. She was originally to let the red tank attract firepower, so that she and Nanlian could sneak into the inner palace of the temple. Unexpectedly, this guy suddenly became addicted.

And so arrogant and arrogant, he learned from Wang Yan.

Pharaoh's guy, where did he really go, where did the pit go, even the tank learned from him badly. For a time, Bai Lisha also stared at Wang Yan with a pretty eye. As a fox friend, you can't be more conscious?

Seeing the guards of the temple and Berissa, they seemed to complain about themselves. Wang Yan couldn't help but rolled his eyes, very helpless. Obviously, the guy in the tank played very hilariously and was so explosive that he ended up wiping his **** by himself.

What makes Wang Yan speechless is that the guy in the red tank is completely unconscious. He continues to be very high and waves, and he keeps beckoning there, shouting loudly, Lao Wang Lao Wang, hurry up Come here to play, so hi I can't stop.

With a drop of cold sweat, Wang Yan, with your posture and tone, makes Wang Yan unable to resist the imagination, who is the real fox friend?

As a friend of the Red Tank, Wang Yan felt very stressed at this moment.

"Son of flames, you are too deceiving."

"Son of Flame, but here on the site of our Winter Island Temple, you can't tolerate you."

"Come here, son of flames, let's fight for three hundred rounds."

There was a loud clamor inside, and one after another. As guards of the temple, they are stationed on the East Island all year round, and they should not have heard of Wang Yan ’s nickname and name.

Obviously, the brother of the Red Tank gave a good publicity.

Wang Yan's innocent face, he has always been low-key. But don't want to go anywhere, will provoke some right and wrong. Either the second player in the opponent will jump out of provocation, or his teammate inadvertently dug a hole and buried him.

But when this happened, Wang Yan could not help but shrink back. He chuckled and strode forward. A pure and vast flame power lingered around his body like fire dragons.

The scorching breath burst out at once, pushing the cold air of the Temple of Winter Island back.

"Come here, which brother was going to fight me for 300 rounds just now?" Wang Yan's brows flicked lightly and swept the audience. "Aren't you going to fight, is it a group fight or a heads-up, I Someone listened to Zunbian. "

Originally, what Wang Yan meant was that he was not going to make waves on Dongdao. But reality forced him to wave, and Wang Yan didn't mind completely wave. Since there is a wave, then simply wave to the end.

His domineering momentum suddenly shocked the audience. The S-class strongman at the high end of the food chain was overwhelmed by the vast majority of people, even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

They are like a terrifying wild monster, terrified.

"Hahaha, you really are swell enough, Pharaoh, but I like it." The red tank is also energetic, full of light, and praised Wang Yan fiercely, "Come, let our brothers fight together."

Wang Yan secretly rolled his eyes, my wave, not forced by you?

"Son of Flame, you are too arrogant."

Someone couldn't help but jump out to maintain the dignity of the Temple of Winter Island. Unfortunately, it's just courage. This person is just A-level strength, Wang Yan's succubus can single out several at a time.

There is a big difference between S-level and A-level, which is not a person in the same world.

Wang Yan just flew him out in two or three strokes, not even warming up.

Subsequently, it was another half-step S-level, and even S-level strong shot.

Such a lively scene can last more than two hours. Wang Yan fought more and more bravely, and successively took the two S-class strongmen out of the guard of the Winter Island Temple.

In Wang Yan's view, the Winter Island Shrine is too closed. Although the strength of those guarding the realm is good, it still has many levels of combat experience. They are not like Wang Yan. Since their debut, large and small battles, I do n’t know how many times they have experienced. Many times, they even survived.

This battle, although all waves. But at the end of the fight, Wang Yan also benefited greatly, and his combat experience increased dramatically. It was inevitable in my heart, although some waves went too far. But I have to admit that a lot of fighting is really good for improving my strength.

At the same time, the two leaders of the guards of the two temples, the guys with the strength of S class, also don't know Wang Yan and the red tank. Dragging the injured residual body, with a swollen nose and bruised face, he urged Wang Yan to drink with the red tank.

Drinking a wine from the afternoon to the next day, without using super energy to drive away the wine, the four men drank darkly and their friendship increased greatly. This is the case for men. In the case of similar temperament, a wine can often become a fox and a friend.

Poor Berissa, originally wanted to look after the red tank, so as to avoid him getting worse and worse by Wang Yan's bad friend. When the four men were drunk, she had to carry the four pig heads back to the room one by one.

During this period, it was natural to complain to Wang Yan, a fox and a friend.

Eating, drinking, and playing like this, life is easy.

On the third day, it was the big day to worship and meet the goddess.

In front of the steps leading to the statue of the goddess of the temple, a pair of fully guarded temple guards were lined up one by one, leading all the way to the altar of the winter goddess. They have a meteorological condition and are immobile, full of awe of the goddess.

In this sacrifice, the ice and snow envoy presided over the overall situation personally, wearing an ice crown, and her gorgeously dressed leader led the team on foot to the statue of the goddess.

The statue is completely constructed of ice crystal jade and is more than tens of meters high. The overall image is lifelike, like a real goddess coming to the world. Especially she exudes a mysterious energy fluctuation. The energy fluctuates in people's minds and back and forth in the body, and people can't help but feel awe of the goddess.

As guests, Wang Yan and Red Tank were also allowed to participate in the honor of seeing the goddess, but they were both low-key and stayed in the crowd honestly. At this time, Wang Yan and the red tank were still pale.

Over the past few days, I have drunk too much wine, and the massive amount of wine is going down. Even the physiques of these two monster-like guys are somewhat overwhelming and unbearable.

The gang of guys in the Winter Temple started to retaliate by drinking wine when they were unable to fight. Taking turns one by one, the flattering flattery of all kinds of dead skins and lame faces, Wang Yan and the Red Tank, two hard brothers and brothers, had to drink one by one.

After drinking for three days in a row, Wang Yan felt that if he stayed on Dongdao again, he was afraid that he would drink alcohol and die. If that's the case, he will be someone who has a long history in history, the only legendary strongman who drinks and dies.

In these three days, Wang Yan did not see sister Nan Lian. It was only notified once by the maid that she and her mother reunited after thirty years of separation, so they should get together.

At this time, Nan Lian, a black-colored dress, followed her mother. Because the atmosphere was so solemn and solemn, she could only communicate with Wang Yan's eyes.

However, Nan Lian apparently learned from certain "channels" what Wang Yan did in the past few days, and it turned out that Wang Yan was in a poor spirit and could not help staring at him slightly.

There is a legendary strongman who can drink to such a weak state, and there is no one looking at the world.

Wang Yan touched his chin. Although embarrassed, he was quite speechless.

This winter island is freezing cold, and those temple guards usually have nothing to do on the winter island. It is estimated that drinking every day will increase the amount of wine. Of course, even so, Wang Yan is not afraid of one-on-one.

But in such a turn, I am afraid that I can't withstand the physique of the semi-god level.

Wang Yan and the red tank, the brothers and brothers, were all groggy along the way. As for the process of sacrifice, they knew nothing about it. They just hoped to end early and go back to sleep.

Just as Wang Yan was confused, a cold voice rang in Wang Yan's ear: "Son of Flame, you are a core member of the China National African Affairs Bureau. What do you think of this proposal?"


Wang Yan was slightly stunned, opened his slightly confused eyes, and just looked awake at a loss: "Proposal? What is the proposal?" Suddenly, after he was full of excitement, he discovered that Wang Yan's future mother-in-law was asking , Ice and Snow God makes adults.

The ice god's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was obviously dissatisfied with Wang Yan's wandering at the sacred sacrificial ceremony. In fact, in the past few days, the ice and snow envoy has passed Nanlian and some outsiders have a deep understanding of Wang Yan.

I also know that he is the only apprentice of Yan Zun, the strongest person on earth, and the core member of the China National African Affairs Bureau. His status and strength are very prominent. From these perspectives, Nan Lian, who was worthy of her daughter, did not necessarily insult her.

Only at this critical moment, did this stinky kid dare to wander? It's too much to ignore the winter goddess.

It is a pity that no one dared to tell the ice and snow **** that Wang Yan had done anything to the winter goddess in the lake of elemental ice. Otherwise, the Ice and Snow Envoy might be thundering again.

Wang Yan is also smart, seeing that the situation is wrong, and is busy: "The proposal made by Lord God is very good and very in line with the expectations in my heart. I have no opinion at all."

The red tank on the side slapped his forehead helplessly, and looked at Wang Yan with a wry smile. Pharaoh, did you hear the proposal of the emissary? You are just fine.

The ice and snow envoy nodded with satisfaction: "Everyone heard that the son of flame also endorsed the proposal of the **** envoy on behalf of the National African Affairs Bureau. This winter goddess blood inheritance, regardless of the presence of men, women and children, must participate in the selection. Otherwise, it is disrespect to the winter goddess. "


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