The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1014: You are my heart

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Under the persuasion of the two maids and Si Bing in white clothes, Bingguan's face gradually calmed down, her grievances gradually disappeared, and the look of Wang Yan also softened.

Yeah, anyway, this kid is a piece of meat falling from himself. In order to give birth to her at that time, it was risking the relationship and danger. Despite the current scene, she was reluctant to see it.

But with the child, he grew up after all. You look at "her" eyes, full of self-gratification, pitifully like a stray puppy finally met her mother.

Woo ~

The ice crown woman's heart was sour, and her eyes were filled with tears. At this moment, her heart seemed to be melted.

After all, a child is her own child. Even if she becomes worse and stranger, she is also her own child. The feeling that blood is thicker than water cannot be erased anyway.

When looking at Wang Yan's eyes again, it is no longer fierce, but more soft, warm and throbbing ~

Wang Yan's eyes that suddenly changed her style of painting made her feel aroused, with some hair on her back. But thinking about it for a while, it was not just that the mother-in-law's thinking changed, and she began to accept herself.

As for her warm eyes, it was easy to explain. As the so-called mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, that's the more joy she sees. Besides, Wang Yan is also quite confident in himself.

Young and handsome, he needs money and money, he needs combat effectiveness and combat effectiveness. His status in the national unit is also very high. No matter where you go in the world, there will be a lot of fans.

The son-in-law of the world that is comparable to him is really rare, and naturally he will be seen more and more happy.

Thinking of this, Wang Yan grinned and smiled at her again, showing cordiality and friendliness. It seems that getting closer to the task of seeing the mother-in-law is getting closer. If Sister Nan Lian knew this process, she would definitely be very happy and gratified.

Bingguan woman can see his smile that keeps pleasing her, and her heart is sore. This child must have suffered a lot and suffered a lot of grievances over the years.

Blame yourself, everything blames yourself.

It is because he has no ability to look at her and grow up with her.

She became like this today, and it was her mother who failed to fulfill her responsibilities. Although there are countless reasons to shirk, but negligence is negligence.

"Child, child." The ice-blue eyes of the ice crown woman were filled with tears. The situation was urgent at that time, and I did not want to have contact with Huangfu Mingjie again. Naturally, I don't know what name the child was given.

Her heart was throbbing, and her voice jittered a lot. "Just, I was just a mom, not right, no, you shouldn't be so fierce." The word "mom" seemed to touch the deepest one The string made her feel soft all over, her soul throbbed, and her tears were gushing out, blurring her vision.

Wang Yan was very happy. This mother-in-law was really good. She would apologize to herself after the murder. It seemed to be similar to Sister Nan Lian's seemingly cold, but in fact her gentle personality.

Worthy of being Nan Lian's mother, I like this temperament.

Wang Yan's temper has always been a person respecting me, I respect people. Especially this ice crown woman is also the mother of sister Nan Lian. As a result, Wang Yan said calmly and calmly: "It doesn't matter, this thing was originally what I did wrong, and I should be the one who is aggressive."

When this remark came out, it made everyone present at him. Secretly, the young lady did a exaggerated thing from girl to boy. But the nature of the lady is still very kind and very good. This point, but with the ice and snow **** lord.

Even Si Bing in white clothes is much kinder to Wang Yan's eyes.

"Okay, good boy." The ice crown woman's eyes became softer. When she looked at Wang Yan, there was a lot of love in her tenderness, and she said softly with concern, "Yes, how is your father?" The tears in the were a little trembling.


Wang Yan froze for a moment, wondering if this was the mother-in-law who started to question her family? Having said that, this is not the first time I have encountered such a thing. Both parents are ordinary people and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

From this, he said calmly and confidently: "My father is very good. Although he has worked hard for many years and looks a bit old, he has worked hard to raise me up. By the way, he is just an ordinary person and has no special ability."

"I know, I know he is an ordinary person." The ice crown woman's eyes flickered a bit, as if she had returned to the past, and murmured, "It's really hard for him to raise you alone."


Mother Madam, where are you from?

"Uh ..." Wang Yan explained weakly, "Mom. I still have a mother, but she is just an ordinary person. Although my parents are ordinary, I am also proud of them."


The ice crown woman's body shook heavily.

The two maids began to be dissatisfied again, and Han Ju whispered in the local dialect in an anxious way: "It's such a guilty man, our God made adults miss him all his life. He turned out to be a good wife and married a wife again. No wonder, Miss Will you dislike your daughter and become a man after surgery. A man is good, whatever he wants, merciless and unjust! "

Although Dongsun was also buried, he still said: "Although I despise him, it is not easy for people to raise their children alone. Alas, this is really fate, if it was not the same time ..."

The ice crown woman seemed a little excited, her **** were up and down. After a long time, she returned to calm and smiled bitterly: "This is good, too. Superpowers and ordinary people are not in the world after all. To be honest, if there are choices, I am willing to be an ordinary person. Xiangfu teaches children, grows up slowly with the children, and slowly grows old with the family. "

Wang Yan also agrees with this statement. Although his parents are ordinary people, they are very happy to support each other for a lifetime. The word happiness is not directly proportional to ability, mentality is very important.


At the same time that Wang Yan and Nan Lian's mother launched a "pro-confessional meeting".

Nan Lian, who was waiting in the hall, was inexplicably uneasy. When she was pacing back and forth, she said to Berissa with some uneasiness: "Belissa, can we take a look quietly?"

Berissa was shocked and looked around and whispered, "Nan Lian, don't you come here, this is the shrine of the winter goddess. If we run around, we will offend the gods."

Nan Lian frowned slightly and said: "To be honest, I'm a little worried about Xiao Yan. Alas, the previous decision was a bit reckless. I should deal directly with my own affairs."

It is a pity that if she really knew that Wang Yan was talking to her mother, would she faint directly.


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