The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1012: One word, "Mom!"

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It's no wonder.

Before Wang Yan was in front of everyone, he even dared to hug the thigh of the winter goddess. As the patriarch of the Winter God clan, he didn't beat the people on the spot, and he already gave face to the son of flame.

Imagine that someone dares to hug even the goddess' legs, what else can't be done?

Even if something is really done to the ice and snow messenger, it seems that it is not a rare thing. The Winter God patriarch Kerr would naturally guard him if he was worried.

Wang Yan looked at his strange eyes, took a deep breath, and didn't have a good breath: "The patriarch is at ease, but that is Sister Nanlian and her mother. If I dare not be inferior, I am really afraid that Sister Nanlian will be killed. "

Patriarch Kohl, only half-trusted and led Wang Yan to the inner palace.

After going round and round, he took Wang Yan to an inner court, where the ice porch was beautifully carved. The walls and corridor beams were also covered with various plants of ice crystal jade. Some plants were still The pendant hung like white jade bead-like fruits, which exude a tantalizing and sweet taste, which is obviously not something ordinary.

In front of a cluster of trees like ice crystal corals, a white priestess stood standing, her black hair, and her pretty face as smooth and delicate as sheep fat and white jade. This female is impressively the heir of the next generation of ice and snow god-Si Bing.

Patriarch Cole stepped forward and politely said, "Miss Si Bing, the guest who has been looking for relatives has been brought."

Si Bing looked at Wang Yan, his face suddenly stunned, full of doubts. Although she did not experience the events of the year, as a disciple of the contemporary Ice and Snow Envoy, she is also one of those who know the secrets of her inner affair.

I heard that God had given birth to a daughter?

How could it be a masculine, handsome young man?

It was just a secret that year, although Si Bing was full of doubts, he could only put the doubts in his mind for a moment, and said lightly to the patriarch Cole: "The elders of hard labor."

Cole was also a wise man, and he quickly said: "I'm still busy there, so I'll say goodbye, and say hello to the Lord God for me." To be honest, Cole's heart was quite turbulent this time.

A few decades ago, he was also a young talent in the family. After struggling to worship the goddess on Dongdao after some hard work, he met the ice and snow **** of that year, and his thoughts and feelings felt good.

It's just that the ice **** must not marry for life, and Dongdao has its own system. This can only put that share of goodwill into the depths of my heart, and occasionally take it out to recall it, which is also full of sweetness.

But now Nan Lian came to search for relatives, but it had long made him feel bad in his heart. Could it be that the ice queen Nan Lian, who is in the world of superpowers, really has something to do with the ice god?

The thought in his heart sometimes boiled and sometimes suppressed. As he was leaving, he glanced at Wang Yan meaningfully and warned him again.

Wang Yan touched his nose, very speechless.

It seems that holding the goddess thigh is quite beneficial, but it is not without harm. The advantage is that I found a big backer at once. The disadvantage is that it left a very bad reputation.

"Hello, my name is ..." Wang Yan is handsome, smiling and greeting the priestess named Si Bing.

But before finishing the speech, Si Bing interrupted slightly: "Don't talk, come with me." Then, she turned and walked towards the inner court.

Wang Yan was slightly stunned, so he had to keep up. Since the other party is not willing to take care of himself, he naturally does not want to ask for boring.

Along the way, it is beautiful scenery, do not have a taste. Especially in terms of plants, Wang Yan really opened his eyes. Previously, it was always believed that plants were difficult to survive in extreme cold and lack of sunlight.

But I didn't expect that in this ice-and-snow-like palace, there shouldn't be a hole in the sky. All kinds of translucent or ice crystal plants are dazzling.

In this regard, Wang Yan can only lament the great and mysterious life.

Not much time, through the inner court.

Si Bing stooped at the door to report: "Qi Di's envoy Master, guests brought."

There was silence for two seconds, and a faint voice came out: "Please come in."

Si Bing gave Wang Yan a complicated look and asked Wang Yan to go in together.

This time, Wang Yan was seen as inexplicable by her, and her back was chilling. This girl, would n’t she offend her?

With the sorrowful heart of seeing the mother-in-law, Wang Yan entered the inner hall.

I saw an ice crystal-clear Linglong Pavilion, standing gracefully with a slender and graceful woman wearing an ice crown and wearing a white palace dress. She had white hair shawls and a pair of blue eyes There are five or six points similar to Nanlian.

Especially her temperament is very similar to Nan Lian.


Wang Yan's heart burst out, and he instinctively told him that the matter had not gone. In order to avoid misunderstandings, Wang Yan took out the magnificent ice crystal necklace from his pocket, and a flattering smile was drawn from the corner of his mouth.

The Bingguan woman was originally worried, and her heart was very nervous. When the person just entered the door, she almost blurted out her daughter. But unexpectedly, a young and handsome man appeared in front of her.

Let the word of her daughter swallow her belly abruptly, and the beautiful blue eyes looked at Wang Yan suspiciously, not knowing for a moment what was wrong? Could it be that she had the illusion that she was born not a daughter but a son?

"Huh? Isn't it a lady?"

The two servant maids, Dong Sun and Han Ju, behind her, also covered their mouths and whispered in the local dialect. They were inexplicably curious about Wang Yan. "How could they become a son?"

"Dongsun, don't you understand?" Han Ju whispered her face in an unknown Aboriginal phrase, "You forgot, did we pick up the programs that satellite TV saw? Now people outside, play But it ’s open, and my thoughts are extravagant. What makes a man become a woman, a woman becomes a man, and some are not men ...

"Ah? You mean Miss, she doesn't like to be a woman, so she has surgery to become a man?" Dong Sun's pair of "Hua Rong dying", inexplicably scared, "Will it be wrong? This person is not a lady at all."

The Bingguan woman naturally understood the local dialect, and her heart was ups and downs like a roller coaster, her face was red and white, and she just heard that it might not be her daughter, so she just calmed down.

That's right, definitely not my daughter, she, she won't do this kind of thing.

Her eyes looked at Wang Yan questioningly.

Could it be that she knew about her and Nanlian? Wang Yan was a little embarrassed by her burning and scrutinized gaze, and really answered the sentence. The mother-in-law saw her son-in-law, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she was. Recalling Sister Nan Lian's words, you have to perform well. Wang Yan hurriedly stepped forward, her face full of pleasing smiles, her voice shouted excitedly: "Mom! "

One word, "Mom!"

It was like hitting a heavy hammer on the ice crown woman's heart. She looked back in a panic and stepped back a few steps, her body fluttered and almost fainted.


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