"Daoyou, what kind of meat are

you?" "Three-eyed demon wolf meat, this head was almost a fourth-order strength when it was alive, and the meat quality was very good, would you like to come for a few catties

?" "How much is a catty?" Zhang Chongyang asked.

"Five taels of gold.

"It's so expensive, but I see that the size of your demon wolf is clearly immature, and an immature three-eyed demon wolf is also a first-order and second-order strength, Daoyou, I suspect that you are cheating customers." "

Well, that's the advantage of living long.

"Ahem, the old-timers are as wise as a torch, but I am clumsy and wrong...... Do you still want this meat? I'll sell you three taels of gold a pound. "

2.5 taels of gold ......

" "Sorry senior, I can't sell it at this price."

Zhang Chongyang looked at the demon wolf meat on the stall again, there was still half of it left, about thirty catties, and he estimated in his heart that the money on his body was almost enough.

So he looked up at the butcher and said

, "2.5 taels of gold a catty, I want the remaining half, how about

it?" "Senior, why don't you add more?"



"Everyone take a step back, 2.7.".

"Okay, okay, I suffered a little loss on this order, which can be regarded as making amends to my seniors.

"Hehe, fellow Daoist, don't complain, you don't lose money at all in this order, you just make more and earn less." "

No more, no less, exactly thirty catties of demon beast meat, Zhang Chongyang paid seven lower-grade spirit stones plus eleven taels of gold.

Counting the five lower-grade spirit stones for the purchase of the spirit rice and the five lower-grade spirit stones for the purchase of the magic circle, he spent a total of seventeen spirit stones.

There are still two spirit stones left on his body, and Zhang Chongyang keeps them for next month's rent.

As for the remaining dozen taels of gold, Zhang Chongyang used it to buy animal skins and some seasonings for cooking meat.

Taking advantage of the fact that it was still early, Zhang Chongyang embarked on the return journey with his hands on his shoulder.

Fifty catties of spiritual rice and thirty catties of demon beast meat add up, a total of eighty catties of weight, which is not light.

Although it was a bearable burden for Zhang Chongyang, a fifth-level Qi refining monk, he still longed for him to have a Qiankun bag.

As for the high-end goods like Sumeru mustard seeds, if he builds the foundation one day, he may be able to consider it.

On the way back, he would encounter some loose cultivation from time to time, and Zhang Chongyang would try his best to keep a safe distance from them.

Especially when passing by, he will be vigilant.

A middle-aged monk walked towards him, and Zhang Chongyang met his gaze, faintly feeling a little familiar.

He adjusted his breathing rate, and naturally slowed his pace, but inevitably, the distance between the two was getting closer.

Three meters, two meters, one meter...... Just when they were about to pass by, Zhang Chongyang's heart tightened, and then, he saw that the other party suddenly attacked him, such a short distance, it seemed that he didn't have time to light the talisman for Zhang Chongyang, but fortunately, he had already put his hand on the hilt of the sword.

"Don't move, I'll only hit ......"

Between the lightning and flint, I saw a cold light flash between the two of them.

As soon as the middle-aged male cultivator's voice was halfway through, a look of horror was already attached to his pupils.

Immediately, he raised his hands, and the dagger in his hand naturally fell off ...... ground

At this moment, a tiny line of blood appeared on his neck, and the blood line expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon, a striking and hideous wound appeared, from which a large drum of blood overflowed, although the man covered it with both hands, it was to no avail.

The man glanced down at the blood on his hands, and then looked at Zhang Chongyang, who was standing in front of him with regret, unwillingness, shock, and fear, as if he was also scared silly, his lips closed up and down slightly, and he said with difficulty:

"Only...... Beat...... Disaster...... Old...... True...... Match...... Combine...... Only...... No...... Kill...... Person. This

is what he didn't have time to say just now, but he didn't expect to spit it out as his last words before he died.

It's a pity that it's a little vague, and Zhang Chongyang didn't hear it clearly at all.

Because, his brain is a little confused now......

After all, this was the first time he had killed someone.


The sound of heavy objects hitting the ground woke up Zhang Chongyang.

He came to his senses, looked at the dead appearance of the man on the ground, was stunned for a moment, then raised his left hand and slapped himself twice.


hot pain on his face made Zhang Chongyang quickly calm down.

He glanced at the dagger at his feet and hypnotized himself: "Those who kill will always kill...... The sin is not with me.

While carrying out self-hypnosis, Zhang Chongyang hurriedly picked up his things, he didn't want to dispose of the corpse or clean up the battlefield, he wanted to leave here quickly.

However, before running away, he still tore away a bulging cloth bag from the man's waist.

On the way back, Zhang Chongyang finally remembered why the man gave him a sense of familiarity.

He is a stall owner in the fang market, who sets up a stall opposite him, and he also sells talismans.

The reason why Zhang Chongyang didn't recognize it at the first time was because the man changed his face.

It's just that this disguise technique is not clever, that is, it is equivalent to putting two mustaches on the face and a few black moles.

In fact, Zhang Chongyang suspected that the other party was a killer sent by Ma Sanye at first, but now that he is clear, his peers are red-eyed, and he feels a lot more relaxed inexplicably.

After that, there was no more turmoil on the road, Zhang Chongyang returned home, closed the door, he did not choose to enter the house, his legs were weak, he sat on the ground directly, and his hands began to tremble uncontrollably.

In particular, his right hand, which was holding a sword and killing, was now shaking very badly.

But he couldn't take care of it at all.

He didn't know how the others felt after the first killing, but he was very uncomfortable right now.

A feeling of nausea and dizziness hit, and not only that, but he felt a tightness in his chest and his stomach turned upside down.


I want to vomit, but I can't vomit anything, just retching.

In his memory, he drew his sword to kill, and the image of the man covering his neck and blood splashing kept coming to his mind, and he wanted to forget, but it was like a curse, and the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't forget it.

"You did it first, I'm just defending myself, I'm not guilty.

"Yes, I don't have a ...... guilt"

Zhang Chongyang continued to use autosuggestion to wash away the guilt after the killing.

As time passed, his negative emotions faded away until they disappeared completely.


he let out a long breath.

His eyes fell on his right hand, which was still a little trembling, and he joked to himself, if he put a cigarette between his index finger and middle finger, he shouldn't be shaking,


Having just come out of the negative emotions of the first killing, Zhang Chongyang is actually unwilling to recall this incident now.

But he had to do it again.

Because he had to review in his mind the hidden dangers that this accident might leave behind and the worst consequences it would bring.

First of all, he had to thank the other party for deliberately choosing a section of road with few pedestrians to do something to him, because on the other hand, in fact, Zhang Chongyang didn't want a third person to be present at the time, seeing that he drew his sword and killed someone.

Secondly, the law enforcement team of Changchun Gate should not track down the real culprit behind the murder of him for the sake of a corpse, because he only died on the side of the road, not at home.

There is one last threat, and that is that it is not excluded that the family or friends of the deceased will avenge him.

There are immortals, spirits, demons and demons in this world, and Zhang Chongyang has no doubt that 'the dead can speak' is not a false proposition here.

Thinking about it like this, Zhang Chongyang suddenly felt that he should destroy the corpse.

And it's definitely too late to go back and do it now.

Now, he could only pray in his heart that the middle-aged monk of the sixth level of qi refining that he had killed was a lonely man.

Yes, the middle-aged monk's cultivation is the sixth level of qi refining, if he doesn't do it, Zhang Chongyang can't see it, but the moment he makes a move, Zhang Chongyang clearly feels that the other party's cultivation is a small realm higher than his own.

And if he didn't choose to sneak attack, and after opening the fight, he would fight with Zhang Chongyang, although it was not necessarily who won and who lost, but the other party had a sixth-level cultivation of qi refining, and he would definitely not die so aggrieved.

After reviewing the total, Zhang Chongyang got up from the ground.

In fact, he felt that even if the other party had family members, and the family members were willing to avenge him, they did not have the ability to let the 'dead man speak'.

Otherwise, the middle-aged monk would not have done such a bottomless thing as blocking the road and robbing him as an old man.

Of course, this is not to say that this matter is risk-free.

What if there was a third person present, but he didn't notice it.

What if someone knew about this action in middle age and guessed that his target was himself?

What if ,......

Zhang Chongyang felt that no matter whether there were potential risks in this matter for him, he would not go anywhere recently, and it was definitely the most correct choice to cultivate at home honestly.

Wait, as if he had overlooked something?

Oh, a cloth bag he had brought from the corpse......

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