The expression on Long Aotian's face was as cold as a killer.

Sun Hu had never seen such a look in his life.

People from martial arts families have seen all kinds of ruthless, ferocious, violent, angry...

However, Long Aotian's eyes looked like the god of death coming to seize his life.

Looking at Sima Jiannan again, he also came towards him.

No... Oh? You two are wrong! Shouldn't you... win me over and try to cooperate with me? Why are you still beating me?

Sima Jiannan said, Hey, you're a nuisance. Either surrender immediately and die, or I'll beat you until you surrender.

Long Aotian also said, Don't waste my time, quickly admit defeat.

Sun Hu was so angry that he almost cried.

No... according to common sense... no, a normal person would... ugh!?

Sun Hu was extremely anxious, I managed to advance to this round yesterday. I've already called my parents and my mother. You have to give me some experience, right?

Sima Jiannan smiled, Brother Chen, he wants to experience it.

Long Aotian said, Let's just let him experience it.

The two of them took a step forward together.

Stop! Sun Hu gritted his teeth. I surrender! I surrender, okay? A pair of bastards!

Huh? The two of them raised their eyebrows together, with fierce eyes. What did you just say?

I said……

Sun Hu worshiped the Buddha with both hands, I'm convinced! I'm convinced, two eldest brothers! You guys are great! I'm going down the mountain!

Sun Hu turned around and cried aggrievedly, It's so humiliating, wuwuwu... How can there be a normal person...wuwuwu...

The host said excitedly, What an surprise! What was originally a three-person brawl has now become a duel between two heroes! Is the heir apparent of the Jinlin family better, or is one of the three dark horse brothers of the Chen family continuing to ride the waves!? Let us wait and see. Bar!

The whole place was quiet as if someone had pressed the mute button.

Sima Jiannan took a deep breath, Finally, I can be one-on-one with you.

Long Aotian didn't speak, just looked at him.

Sima Jiannan smiled, When I was thirteen years old, I defeated my first master. I used to worship him, admire him, and even fear him. But... when I discovered to my horror that my talent was enough When my faith was completely defeated in a crushing way, I felt deep fear.

Sima Jiannan's voice was so peaceful and calm.

After that, I started to cross mountains one after another. However, talent, like a magic spell, gave me a steady stream of strength, but it also made me lose happiness.

Long Aotian still looked at him and said nothing.

You know, being a genius is very lonely.

Sima Jiannan looked at his hand and slowly clenched his fist, The Zhang family's Tianmen Pill is a good thing. If I advance to the Four Heavenly Gates, I will be that kind of invincible existence. However, when I come to the arena here, hehe……

Sima Jiannan smiled, so sadly and painfully.

But I found that there is not even a single person here who deserves my serious treatment!

Do you know the feeling of standing at the top and never being able to have a hearty fight with your peers?

Long Aotian had a straight face and his eyes became colder.

That's a deep loneliness! You won't understand. At least, you and them can still fight, and they can respond to your fists. And what about me?

Sima Jiannan raised his fists and roared, I have never been defeated! Never! Not once! Who can understand my pain!?

Who can!?


Long Aotian suppressed his anger, lowered his head, and rubbed his Jingming point.

Sima Jiannan pointed at Long Aotian domineeringly, Until I saw you!

Sima Jiannan wiped away his tears, his eyes showing a kind of crazy excitement

Your rage! Your domineering! Your indifference! Your arrogance...

“Totally piqued my interest!”

Your mediocre Qi, the fists and kicks of a three-legged cat, and the virtue of showing off whenever you can! Yet in a place like this where a bunch of rookies are pecking each other, you can enjoy the admiration of thousands of people and get undeserved praise!


So I'm sure! Defeat you with my own hands! Tear you to pieces! Trample you to pieces! Trampling you under my feet is the happiest thing I can think of right now!

Chen Sanjin! Do you know how lonely I was before I met you? Come on, show off all your skills!

Promise me not to fall down too early, and let me enjoy it once, and enjoy a hearty battle!

Even just a little bit, it makes me feel that you are an opponent who can at least retaliate a few times!

Falling under my fist will be your lifelong honor!


The referee was anxious, Are you going to fight or not?

Long Aotian nodded.

The referee said irritably, Everyone takes three steps back.

Both men took three steps back.

The referee walked up to Long Aotian and said, Come on, kill him.

Long Aotian looked at the referee indifferently and just nodded slightly.

Sima Jiannan laughed loudly, You have to listen to this useless referee, come on! Kill me! Little brother! Hahaha! Ahhahaha!

The referee gritted his teeth, looked back at the judges' box, and nodded.


Sima Jiannan took up his posture and looked sharply, Come on! Chen Sanjin, let me see your...


At that moment, Sima Jiannan's entire face was deformed.

His eyes bulged.

The whole person spun directly, flying sideways like a badminton that was knocked away.

It hit the corner post with a bang and fell to the ground.

The whole audience was stunned.

Long Aotian walked slowly, I originally wanted to kill you as soon as possible, but you really know how to attract hatred. You are really... just... why are you so mouthy?

Long Aotian kicked Sima Jiannan in the head, who had just climbed up. This kick sent him spinning from the corner post on this side, grazing the ground and sliding to the corner post on the other side, where he hit his waist with a bang. Go up and spit out a mouthful of blood.

What can you pretend to do these days? Oh my God, you are still lonely, still lonely! You even dropped a few drops of cat urine. Why do you think so? What are you pretending to be in your head?

You should understand clearly that your master is rubbish. Just because you can defeat rubbish doesn't mean you are not rubbish. Oh my god, you made it so painful. Isn't that disgusting? ??

Sima Jiannan insisted on getting up. He could no longer distinguish between east, west, north and west, and he searched for the direction for a long time.

No, that's not

Long Aotian said, Don't you just want to have a hearty fight? Come on, come on, I'll accompany you! I'll fuck you!


One move overturned Sima Jiannan.

I will definitely make you happy this time. Haven't you never lost before? Don't you want me to respond to one or two? Now you can also respond to one or two, okay? Come on, come on, you respond!


You fucking respond!

Trying to get your talent with me?

Long Aotian turned back domineeringly and pointed at Lu Chengwen and Zhao Ritian, You haven't met those two idiots. Do you know what kind of life I lived before I met them?

Sima Jiannan grabbed the safety rope and climbed up, How... how is it possible...

Your weakness limits your imagination. Do you think you will be invincible after defeating a few third-rate guys? Do you think you have seen the strongest player in the world?

I really feel your pain. Have you ever felt my pain?

I don't even have an asshole... Then let's not mention it!

I was beaten so hard by that so-and-so... I won't even mention it!

Even my own know how to be a jerk!


A kick caused Sima Jiannan to float more than two meters on his back, and then fell to the ring.

Sima Jiannan was lying on the ground, gasping for air. When he saw Long Aotian, he seemed to have seen a ghost, but his body could no longer move.

Long Aotian knelt down and looked at him.

Are you no longer in pain? Are you awake? Have you recognized yourself?

Geniuses are very lonely, but it's really not your turn. This kind of pain has nothing to do with you!

When you have time, go outside more often.

How dare you go to Syracuse! There are many people who are better than you there who have been tortured to death by Chen Sanliang.

Long Aotian patted his face, You go to Xuecheng and try it out. If you can bring a pair of pants back home, I will consider you a hero!

The old man from the Zhang family over there turned around and asked Zhang Jiuzheng, Is the Chen family in Xuecheng?

Zhang Jiucheng shook his head and added, It's not far from Xuecheng. In fact, it's a suburb of the surrounding city and is closer to Xuecheng.

The old man said, Isn't that very close to the city where Shen'er works?


The old man nodded, It's not surprising why Shen'er knows the Chen brothers.

Zhang Jiucheng said, Chen he so domineering? It seems that he is the most amiable of the three brothers.

The old man smiled, People, you can't look at the surface. Chen Sanliang has almost never really made a move. Today, I hope to see his background.

Sima Jiannan looked at Long Aotian with confusion in his eyes,

Long Aotian looked at his expression, Oh, you are dead, just like those two guys I met in Xuecheng. No matter how you don't understand, it just happened! Are you enjoying yourself? Do you want it? Get up... and respond?

Sima Jiannan cried and shook his head, Since I gave birth to Yu, why did I give birth to...

Oh you bastard!

Long Aotian picked him up and continued to beat him, Brother, Yu and Liang are rivals and can fight with each other. You are being beaten by me. All your painful emotions are wrong. They don't belong to you!

Why are you so miserable? There are so many people in this world who can kill you! You should ask yourself why you are so weak, so stupid, so stupid, so stupid, so stupid, so brainless, and such a waste …”

Sima Jiannan finally collapsed to the ground.

At this time, the referee slowly said, Sima Jiannan, do you want to admit defeat? If not, let's continue.

Sima Jiannan looked at the referee and cried.

He was speechless and unable to surrender.

The referee sighed, Why are you pretending like this? Someone, take it away.

Sun Ze wiped the sweat from his forehead on his seat, feeling lingering fear.

I thought that Chen Sanjin might be very strong, but he could kill Sima Jiannan instantly and beat him like a child!

This is so shocking!

No, your second brother is too fierce!

Lu Chengwen nodded, Yes, my second brother is invincible in the world.

But from what I heard from him just now, it seems that you brothers are not on good terms with each other, right?

Sun Ze looked at Lu Chengwen and found that Lu Chengwen's expression was frighteningly solemn.

His eyes were staring straight at Chen Sanjin on the field.

His expression was determined, his brows were furrowed, and his eyes were cold.

Looking at his hands again, he clenched his fists.

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