The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 323 - Realize Her True Feelings

"You will know that. First, answer my question. What dish you love and hate the most?" he asked.

Lisa thought deeply and answered, "I hate anything that is made from eggplant and I love lasagne the most"

"I love pizza the most and I don't like turkey" Steve informed her.

"Okay? So, what?" Lisa still didn't get what he is trying to say.

"Lisa, I am sure there are people who love eggplants and turkey and who hate lasagne and pizza. Only because something is loved by one person immensely doesn't mean that same thing is liked by others too. It is that person's choice not the dish's fault." 

"It is not Eggplant's fault that you don't like it and neither turkey's that I don't like it. Only because I have never been interested in you doesn't mean you are not amazing. It is my problem not yours" Steve explained.

"Wow" Lisa looked at him speechlessly as he just explained his point using an amazing analogy.

"You are smarter than I thought" Lisa praised him as his words made her feel better.

"Lisa, what was your favourite dish when you were a child?" he asked her.

"I am expecting some another amazing analogy" She laughed

"Yes" He didn't deny.

"Bread and butter" she answered curious to see what he would say now.

"You like bread and butter when you were a kid but now you love lasagne. This clearly shows how our choices change while we grow up. Similarly, you like one person before but eventually as you grow up you fall for someone else. One-sided love always has an expiry date." Steve concluded.

"Steve, you think I like Matt?" Lisa asked him as that what he was implying to her.

"Lisa, it is not about what I think. It is all about what you feel. I don't want to influence you by making you believe you like Matt, even if you don't. I am just saying in general that people move on. I am sure, eventually I'll completely move on from Emily too as now, I am not that bothered about Patrick like I used to be. Although, I do think about her at times, it is not as serious as it was before"

"You think I moved on from you?" Lisa asked him.

"Well, you imagined having sex with me and you saw the result" Steve teased her but he also made her realize her true feelings.

"Let me try again"

Lisa closed her eyes for a minute and suddenly opened her eyes laughing about something.

"What did you imagine now?" Steve curiously asked her.

"I imagined Matt went on a business trip and we were hooking up but just before we could have sex, Matt called me to inform he reached his destination and interrupted us"

The two people laughed a lot.

Even when Lisa imagined by pushing Matt away from the picture, he still keeps popping up. This meant she wants him to interrupt them.

"We know that even if we try to build scenarios we don't like in our mind, our mind again builds situations which we truly want when we imagine such future events" Steve explained to which Lisa agreed.

"I can't deny that I felt attracted to Matt a few times but I always controlled myself as he is Emily's best friend and I thought I feel attracted only because he is always there for me." Lisa confessed something to Steve which she never even dared admit to herself.

"Wait, why is he being Emily's friend a problem?" Steve didn't get the logic.

"Well, I don't know. What if it gets weird and we break up some day? It might ruin their friendship" Lisa shared her concern.

"Lisa, stop overthinking. I suggest, you should first go out on a lot of dates with Matt, spend some time with him. Eventually everything will fall into place. Give it some time."

Lisa actually loved the idea of dating Matt and in that moment, she realized, she already started liking this guy.

"Thank you, Steve. This was a much-needed talk" She exclaimed.

"Hmmm, do let me know Matt's response" Steve stood up from his seat.

"Wait, what response?" Lisa looked confused so Steve again sat next to her.

"Today after you ask Matt out on a date, let me know how it went" He explained.

"Why will I ask him out?" 

"Lisa, you were not planning to ask him out?" Steve glared at her in anger.

"It might get awkward" Lisa hesitated at the thought of asking Matt out on a date.

"Lisa, please don't make the mistake you made with me in the past. If you would have asked me out years ago, maybe our situation would have been different now. There is nothing wrong in taking initiatives. I would suggest tell Matt that you like him and you would like to go out on dates with him so that you can figure out more about your feelings"

Lisa liked this idea and the thought of she going out on dates with Matthew, made her feel butterflies in her stomach and her heart started pounding at a faster rate.

It has been years since she felt like this.

Initially when she started developing feelings for Steve, this is exactly how she felt. After that she only felt pain and this feeling was gone somewhere.

Now all these years later, that feeling was back and she kept realizing how much she already likes Matt with every passing second.

"Fuck, why did I realize this so late?" Lisa complained suddenly.

Steve understood what she is going through.

"Honestly, the way you kept spending time with him. The way you looked, happy and excited, when you are with him made me realize this long ago. That's why I guess I felt insecure and wanted to have you for myself." He too shared his true thoughts.

"Steve, even if I date Matt, you will always be my special best friend. You should never feel insecure about our friendship" Lisa assured him.


Author's Important Note (Please Read):

Dear all this novel would be ending in last week of August for last tier of privilege readers, for others it will end in September, so please think before you purchase privilege subscription next month.

Also, if you would like please check out my other two books:

1)    My wife is a secret assassin (This book too will be completed soon): It is a love story of a woman, who is an assassin and a man suffering from fear of murderers. Is there love story as simple as it looks or there is more to it? You can find out by giving it a chance.

2)    Sister, Back-off from MY MAN (It is my new book, ongoing): It is a dramatic love story, mixed with some revenge drama and siblings' rivalry.

Both these books won Gold Tier in WPC contests. I'll be grateful if you can try these two books and show them as much love as you have shown to my book – 'The Doctor and the CEO'

If you people can leave your reviews on my books, it would be great, so that I can know what my readers think about them.

Thank you all and love you so much for the love and support you have shown towards me and my books. I have an amazing reader base and I would love to continue this relationship with you all. I hope you people stick around to support me.

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