The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 310 - Three Times

"Yes, he can" Charlie answered his son.

"Dad, three people failed till now in killing Rachel. Can't we just hire some mafia gang or an expert assassin. They are much cheaper and expert at killing people" Brent was frustrated as they failed in killing Rachel so many times.

"Brent, don't be stupid. Didn't I already explain why we can't hire experts? Harry Morris is not a simple man and he made a strong position for himself in Italy and they have contacts in Italian Mafia. If we hire anyone from the mafia, then the Morris' will know we are behind the attacks."

"What about assassins then?"

"Brent, they are all dangerous people, after doing the task, they will be gone. We have to kill the person, whoever kills Rachel so that no one can trace us back. Our involvement should not come out or else we would end up losing our hold on this Morgan corporation. Don't forget that old man is still alive and once he dies, his lawyers will search for Rachel as everything would be inherited by her. When they will know she already died, they will doubt us and if that happens, we will lose everything. So, we need someone to take the fall for us and therefore we can't hire any experts. Also, we are not actually be giving away Hundred Million pounds to that loser, Bill. After he kills Rachel, we will get him killed too." Charlie explained it again, so that his stubborn son doesn't do anything to ruin his plans.

He had been wishing to take over the Morgan Industries since he was young. He did a lot of dirty things, to get his hold on this money.

He killed his cousin, the true heir of the MN Corporation, who was Elizabeth's father. Charlie also killed Liz's mother and few years later, after knowing of her existence, he killed her whole family but her daughter escaped. Since then, they tried to kill Rachel three times and they were not able to.

When she left for US, they did try to kill her but the security around her was very powerful, and they couldn't do anything.

They therefore, decided to wait for her arrival and see her capabilities as she might turn out to be a dumb girl, who is not capable enough to run the Morgan Industries but unfortunately for them she turned out to be a smart business woman. Which meant, she can successfully run their corporation if she inherits it.

Nathan would happily giveaway everything to his great grandchild, so they were looking for an opportunity to kill her but suddenly they got to know she ran away from her home, they tried to find her but they were not able to track her as she took precautions to not be found by her grandpa and even, they failed at finding her.

After three months, they got to know where she was as they had someone working for them in James' security team, who informed them where she was and that she is on her way back to London.

This was a perfect opportunity as she didn't have her security around her. 

Charlie and Brent were sure, this time she will be definitely killed but suddenly Harry Morris' son, Daniel showed up protecting her.

Then James increased security around her and fired a few people from the security, whose background they didn't find impressive. In this way, Charlie and Brent's man, who was working secretly in Rachel's security team was fired, losing his chance of killing her.

Then they decided to be discreet for a few days, as James Richardson was very cautious and protective of his granddaughter.

Also, unfortunately for Charlie and Brent, Harry Morris suddenly showed up in London, a few weeks before Rachel ran away from her home making it even more difficult for them to approach her.

Once when Rachel went for a reunion, one of their men was present at the same club, ready to attack on her but then they saw Patrick there, her friend who saved her in high school and not just Patrick but Matt and Nick too, who worked together when they were kids to save Rachel from the school watchman, they hired to kill her.

If these three men could protect her as teenagers, then they were capable enough to protect her now as they were all grown men. Also, two doctors were present with her, who could have saved her in case she was attacked.

Therefore, they sent a message to scare her and didn't attempt to kill her.

Later, the security around her kept tightening and she got involved with Daniel Morris, which became another headache for the Morgans.

This time, they didn't hire a cheap man like Bill and that watchman but they hired a good security person, Frank to kill Rachel.

But unfortunately, he and the driver, who were supposed to kill Rachel were caught and the worst news was, they both were alive and under Richardson's hold.

Charlie and Brent always give these men a medicine to eat in case they are caught. They lie about this medicine to them. In truth, this medicine is a poison which would immediately kill the person, who would eat it.

They do this for their own safety but that driver, who was supposed to eat it, didn't do so. Frank was not caught, so he too didn't eat it and later he ended up being caught but it was too late as he didn't have the medicine on him.

They were sure by now, the Richardsons know that someone from MN Corporation was behind these attacks as Frank must have revealed it.

Charlie and Brent were not worried about it, as Frank himself doesn't know Charlie and Brent's information.

He only knows someone from MN Corp, hired him to kill Rachel.

Therefore, these two men were sure Morris' or Richardsons won't be able to find out the relationship they share with Elizabeth as they always believed she was an orphan.

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